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Monday, May 23, 2011

Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011

Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • mcrain
    Apr 20, 08:54 AM
    Always makes me lol to see someone attribute slavery to the "right". The mysteries of 7th grade history class, revealed for you:

    "The Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln thought no price was too great for the abolition of slavery and the creation of a society in which a man was not judged by the color of his skin."

    "The Democratic Party Platform presented a plan of "Compromise with the South", which ... would be to agree to make permanent the institution of slavery in exchange for an end to the Civil War and restoration of the Union. In other words, the Democratic party was ready to "Sell Out" the enslaved, in order to stop further loss of white lives."


    "an exclusively partisan Democratic organization in the South" ... "the southern Klan remained Democratic, closely allied with Democratic police, sheriffs, and other functionaries of local government. With continuing disfranchisement of most African Americans and many poor whites, the only political activity took place within the Democratic Party."


    You are right, but there is a great big asterick. The republicans a long, long time ago were the party that opposed slavery, and the southern democrats were the party more representative of slave owners.

    What might have changed since the days of Abe Lincoln? Considering his museum is about 200 steps from where I'm sitting right now, I'll offer an answer. The positions of the two parties shifted when the Republicans adopted the southern strategy.

    I find it funny (LOL) whenever Republicans point to Honest Abe as a standard bearer for their party when they turned their backs on what he stood for. If he were alive today, he would be a Democrat, and he would be ashamed of the efforts of his party to divide the nation into those who have vs. those who do not.

    Southern Strategy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)

    (edit) So, depending on how you look at it, both arguments are correct. Yesterday's Democrats were responsible for slavery, but todays "right" sounds an awful lot like yesterday's southern Democrats. In other words, the "right" by today's standards would have been yesterday's Democrats.

    From a 5 second google search - a different view of the same issue...
    I find it extrememely hard to believe that Abe Lincoln would be a Republican today since the Republican Party of the 1860s was a completeley different animal than today's conservative GOP. Even though he was a moderate, his party's base of support was in the Northeast/New England and was made up of former Whigs, Free Soilers, Radical Republicans and abolitionists (i.e., America's first "bleeding-heart liberals"). The Democratic Party was the party of "states rights", wealthy plantation owners and slave-holders, and rather arch-conservative elements.

    Abe Lincoln first made a name of himself by speaking out against the Mexican-American War in the Illinois legistlature, as a war that was only meant to expand slavery westward (can you say "ANTI-WAR LIBERAL")

    Abe Lincoln was also hated in the South (he didn't recieve a SINGLE VOTE in the South!), was even accused to being half-black, even though he was not as radical as some other Republicans.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • gugy
    Sep 6, 12:08 AM
    Don't forget the 42" HD monitor Apple will drop at the event. What else did you think Apple would let you watch a movie on? (beside your iPod of course)

    Bring it on!

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2010 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2010 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • Mal67
    Apr 22, 08:44 PM
    C'mon Apple give us some new machines to actually talk about - like SB mini; like SB imac; like SB air.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta Tdi
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta Tdi

  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.

    Ehrrrm, a superdrive is what invariably fails first and gives your laptop almost an extra kilogram of weight you need to carry around. Because taking it off means losing warranty.

    A superdrive is not a trait of a "Pro" laptop. The speed and reliability are. Imagine a RAID array of SSDs packed together in a package the size of a superdrive. Imagine a pico projector in that slot � this is what Toshiba is going to do real soon now.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • howard
    Sep 19, 02:37 PM
    You can watch while downloading.

    I was able to begin about 5 minutes into download -- barely enough time to get the snacks.

    really? thats sweet! I'll have to tell my friends about that.

    I havn't downloaded a movie yet, I'm still kinda in limbo about which direction to go... download, or wait for hd... or what?

    we need a poll now for how many videos you have bought.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 VW Jetta TDI grille Ouch.
  • 2011 VW Jetta TDI grille Ouch.

  • Bomino
    Apr 25, 03:34 AM
    argue with his neighbors (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=978345&highlight=)
    plus parking in a handicapped spot. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=928429&highlight=)

    funny how in these two, hes asking for legal advice, when his uncle is apparantly a judge. yeeaaahh i'm calling BS.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI door
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI door

  • bleaknik
    Mar 22, 03:26 PM
    Better idea: add an ExpressCard slot so I can put eSATA or USB3 on my iMac. Or you know...put USB3 & eSATA on my iMac for me *hint hint Apple*

    Why? Thunderbolt is essentially an external PCI-E port.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 VW Jetta TDI SportsWagen
  • 2011 VW Jetta TDI SportsWagen

  • Repo
    Apr 30, 03:48 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    Apple did the same thing with USB.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 20, 01:13 PM
    everyone here is on facebook, exposing their real names, friends, user uploaded photos that are under the control of facebook under the new TOS agreement, where they live, phone numbers, what they like, what they dislike, their status updates, etc.

    facebook.com? lol, more like facebook.gov

    I've never used Facebook

    -signed, Not Everyone

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 28, 12:25 PM
    I predict Apple will update from Core 1 to Core 2 within eight days. The only changes beside the CPU is perhaps a doubling of video memory on the iMac and MBPs.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2010 Volkswagen Jetta TDI The
  • 2010 Volkswagen Jetta TDI The

  • pingin
    Sep 12, 05:56 PM
    I'm definitely going to buy one of these. Despite what it says in my profile (which I need to update really don't I?), I've been sans iPod for sometime now and was waiting for these updates. It was pretty much what I expected and I'm pretty pleased. I'm disappointed that the lower end model didn't get a little increase in capacity but it got a price drop instead so, it's not that bleak. I think the updates are quite nice though probably not worth it if you already have a 5G...
    I'm just hesitating between the 2 devices now. Then there'll be the black or white dilemna...life is good :)

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. volkswagen jetta tdi picture
  • volkswagen jetta tdi picture

  • Jovian9
    Aug 23, 07:21 PM
    What I find most interesting is that fact the Creative is joining the Made for iPod program and will be producing its own iPod accessories.

    Definitely interesting......now I'll just have to remember to never buy Creative products :) I like Apple not Creative........so why support a company I do not like that sued a company I do like and got $100 million in a lawsuit over a BS patent.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • iMacZealot
    Sep 17, 11:10 PM
    Agreed. The U.S. is pretty much behind everyone else as far as cell phone technology goes. Do I care? No. My cell phone takes and gives calls. Who cares if it can take 30MP photos and watch steaming TV and movies and play Crysis at 120fps and pay my bills and rob convenient stores and solve world hunger? When I get a new cell phone and the salesman starts running off at the mouth at how cool it is and all the groovy things it does, I stop him and ask, "can I call people on it?" If the answer is yes, then I'm happy. :D

    LOL I just need a phone that has decent service in my area, a decent camera phone, text messaging, and I'm set. It doesn't hurt if it looks cool, either. But I don't really care about 3G right now. Hardly anyone has a 3G network here in Denver.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 VW Jetta TDI Exterior
  • 2011 VW Jetta TDI Exterior

  • SBacklin
    Apr 22, 09:18 AM

    --Dependence on an internet connection. Deal breaker right there. Subways? Forget it.
    --Buffer times
    --Connection instability/loss
    --Already way overstrained data networks contributing to the above
    --Battery life will suffer if it's wifi
    --And if it's 3G, well there's another bill in the mail every month. A recurring bill in the form of data charges to listen to my music I already paid for? No thank you. No, no, no thank you.

    Since when did every device in the house need a monthly bill to go with it? AT&T provides a pretty crappy service as it is to begin with, why shuffle any more money right into their pockets?

    Dependence on an internet connection and a bill in the mail are enormous deal breakers.

    To the people saying "Oh, well Apple isn't taking your hard drive away", no, they aren't, but this is the first step. In 20 years hard drives will be obsolete, as everything will be cloud based, and you'll be forced into the cloud whether you want to be or not.

    This service is a completely stupid idea for anyone who has an iPod with a big enough hard drive to store their stuff. I can see the appeal for those with more than 160 GB of music, but other than those people, I see literally zero benefits to be had by this, and a slew of problems/frustrations to be gained.
    That is the problem I'm seeing too....the bandwidth. Everyone is screaming about HDDs. Hello, storage is cheap. I just see the carriers salivating at the idea of Apple wanting people to stream. I do see and understand that some people can find this new setup useful. However, a LOT of us see a major problem in terms of data charges. If Apple still gives the storage capacity in its devices as it does now, then I personally will NOT have a problem with this. I would prefer to have it stored locally. Cellular data connectivity is no where where it needs to be for me to happy with it as a replacement for local storage. Nah uh...no way. With my music, video and pictures, I have 3 running copies at any given time and this has worked out for me for many years. Why fix something that isn't broke?

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Vw Jetta Tdi Sportwagen
  • 2011 Vw Jetta Tdi Sportwagen

  • Tom B.
    Oct 12, 05:17 PM
    Nice! Still doesn't answer the mystery of the clickwheel color though
    I am 99% certain that it will have a white click wheel. I think white will look better than red for the clickwheel anyway.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • iMikeT
    Aug 28, 12:34 PM
    Quiet upgrade tomorrow?

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. VW Jetta TDI SportWagen is
  • VW Jetta TDI SportWagen is

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:11 AM
    EDIT: @ Rodimus - Had she hit me when I slammed on the brakes, she would have been at fault. All I have to do is tell the cop that I thought I saw an animal run across the road. She is supposed to keep enough distance to be able to stop if I slam on the brakes. Doesn't matter than I cut her off, she has to prove that I did, and she also has to prove that I slammed on the breaks with malice.

    umm good luck with that. My father has a ticket to prove other wise. He made the mistake and cut off a guy who was speeding by mistake. Cop handed him a ticket for illegal lane changed and the other guy a ticket for doing 20 over the limit.
    It was declared a no fault and both were on their own. Both cars totaled.

    You cut her off therefor made an unsafe lane changed. Legally you should of given her enough room to be able to adjust for you. Add to the fact you are 16 and chances are would be a witness or 2 saying you were speeding. Your word vs hers and your word is pretty worthless.
    And if you did if they can prove malice or road rage you just increased your charges and heck could be nailed for insurance fraud as well.

    You are proving to us all that you should not have a DL. You just are increasing the case that you should not be behind a wheel of a car.

    On and do not use the argument that the car can do 186 mph. Sorry that is for another country. Top it off I am pretty sure my car can out handle your car.

    I've seen people like the OP get pulled up and receive whopping great tickets from the cops. To say the least they look terrified about what their mum will say when she finds out. It makes me laugh.

    Funny story. One time when I was driving back to TTU some idiot in a purple VW blew past me like I was standing still a little north of Houston. At the time I was doing 5-10 over the limit (75-80 mph). Scared the crap out me as they wiped right around me.
    about 30-45 mins later I see the same purple VW pulled over and the driver was in hand cuffs. It was priceless.

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Vw Jetta Tdi Sportwagen
  • 2011 Vw Jetta Tdi Sportwagen

  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 08:39 AM
    You, sir, get it. The technologies create new capabilities that will adapt to the market. The luddites are only capable of seeing innovation as a loss.

    yup, things are just changing.

    why have 1,000 books on your shelf when you can toss it on a kindle? someone who wants 1,000 books on their shelf instead of on a kindle is just a hoarder ;)

    Volkswagen Jetta Tdi 2011. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
  • 2011 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

  • silverblue3
    Aug 28, 12:15 PM
    Assuming they release it tomorrow, would it be available at the apple store right away(not the online store)? :confused:

    Apr 19, 04:19 PM
    What about a hotshot stock trader making a killing working 80+ hours a week on salary. Should we be allowed to work this much without overtime?

    Probably not. If the bankers had worked sensible hours they'd have been better integrated with society as a whole which would almost certainly have made the financial crisis less likely.

    Oct 12, 05:26 PM
    yep...it's right there on the front page of www.chicagotribune.com (http://www.chicagotribune.com)

    none of these ipods on ebay yet, though. ;)

    Apr 30, 03:48 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    Apple did the same thing with USB.

    Doctor Q
    Oct 12, 01:07 PM
    I'm considering canceling an iPod order I placed yesterday and switching it to the red one. Not that I'd know the difference.

    Sep 13, 08:58 PM
    No way, it might actually happen...
