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Monday, May 23, 2011

2008 Opel Corsa Opc

2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Opel Corsa OPC Steinmetz-
  • Opel Corsa OPC Steinmetz-

  • superleccy
    Sep 20, 05:55 AM
    I know of at least one company (http://www.itv.com/) in the UK who won't be too happy if they keep that name.
    <UK>Indeed. EyeTV and ITV was confusing enough, but now we have iTV too. And I don't think I'll be watching Coronation street on iTV if Apple are going to charge �1.99 an episode. Think again Steve.</UK>

    <Everyone Else>ITV is the name of the UK's biggest terrestrial commercial TV network</Everyone Else>

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2007 Opel Corsa OPC/ Vauhxall
  • 2007 Opel Corsa OPC/ Vauhxall

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 20, 06:56 AM
    Yeah Ok, thats fine, but then I also need a machine to get content from my TV/tuner/satelite to my Mac.

    Nope. That's what ElGato's EyeTV does. If Apple and ElGato can come together and add EyeTV support into iTV and Front Row over the next few months then you can chuck away your TV tuner, Freeview and stick your sat box hidden away next to your computer.

    Then all you need under your TV is an iTV.

    As I understand it, iTV is only for wireless streaming in one direction. If I need a cable to get broadcast programmes into my Mac, then I may as well use that cable to get the content back onto my TV!

    Bingo. And that's why iTV doesn't include a TV tuner - you've already got one.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 October — Angels Mind
  • 2008 October — Angels Mind

  • arn
    Oct 25, 10:32 PM
    It would be the first for Apple. :cool:

    If the pricing is any indication, the (low end) Quad Core 2.33GHz Clovertown is the same price as the (high end) 3.0GHz Dual-core Xeon...

    so unless the bottom of the line Mac Pro is expected to start at $3298, the current Dual-Core Xeon Mac Pros will stick around.


    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 Opel Corsa OPC
  • 2008 Opel Corsa OPC

  • Peterkro
    Mar 12, 08:07 AM
    Nuclear energy is substantially better for the environment, countries like china however continue to use coal as they main source of energy because they have tons of it and it's cheaper than making the foray into building nuclear plants. Which inevitably results in poor air quality all over the country.

    Er,China leads the world in Nuclear generation design (not that I'm saying this is a good thing).

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Opel Corsa OPC by STEINMETZ
  • Opel Corsa OPC by STEINMETZ

  • fishmoose
    Apr 20, 05:33 PM
    Good to hear Jobs isn't planning to retire. The question about Android being like Windows was to the Mac to iOS was probably the dumbest question of the call.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Geneva: 2008 Opel Corsa OPC
  • Geneva: 2008 Opel Corsa OPC

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 26, 09:11 PM
    I could not agree more. Apple has got to be in final stages of deploying a sub $2k Kentsfield desktop for 2007 or they will be missing one hell of a sales opportunity.

    Did you know I'd be following this thread Multimedia? ;) Music to my ears I tell ya... :D

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. The Opel Corsa
  • The Opel Corsa

  • HyperX13
    Apr 15, 10:43 AM
    Many church groups are trying to take away your our rights. We're just trying to be ourselves. I'm sorry, but I have no respect for any group that wants to take the rights of others. We are not trying to take anything form religious groups that don;t like us, but they are trying to take something form us. Big difference.

    Exactly! I agree with you. I am a womanizer and I hate it when a church tells me I can't sleep with a different woman every night! I do plan on switching to polygamy and I hope the government gives me all the rights associated with my switch! Do you think Apple's womanizing employees will put out a video that it will be easier for me?

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Opel Corsa OPC “Nürburgring
  • Opel Corsa OPC “Nürburgring

  • shawnce
    Jul 12, 03:45 PM
    For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.

    ...but they are a lesser chip in some ways (more so if you also consider the chipset)...

    (not forgetting AMD in the following... just trying to keep it simple... also note when I say Conroe or Woodcrest I am also implying different class of chipsets)

    The simple fact is workstation class systems from most vendors (in recent history) are usually based on Xeon (now Woodcrest) CPUs with 2 sockets (if not more) while desktop class systems from most vendors are are based on Pentium 4/D (soon Conroe) CPUs with 1 socket.

    So the question is will Apple replace the PowerMac G5 with a true workstation class system, or will they split the PowerMac into a desktop tower and workstation with the former using Conroe and the later using Woodcrest, or will they use Conroe only (and for the moment not have a quad core system), etc.

    Historically I have stated that Apple will use Conroe in a PowerMac replacement and wait for Kentsfield to bring back the quad (doing that would give them great performance and price point)... but looking at the timing of things now (and Intel price drops) I am starting to believe either Apple will go all Woodcrest for the PowerMac (truly make it a workstation class system) or go all Woodcrest for a workstation Mac and bring out a lower end tower that uses Conroe.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Opel Corsa OPC
  • Opel Corsa OPC

  • ArcaneDevice
    Sep 12, 07:00 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    and the ideal candidate for this product would be someone who has a huge archive of DVD movies to stream to several rooms.

    That person would be an AV enthusiast. iTunes is not for an AV enthusiast.

    When iTunes steps up to offer decent visual content it might have a role but right now it's useless. Why are they going to buy all the episodes of Lost to stream to their 60 inch SXRD in one room, LCD panel in the others and the projector in the main room when it's presented in a substandard quality and not even widescreen.

    Alternatively they can just get a couple of HD boxes from the cable/sat provider and hook them directly with full HD widescreen broadcasts or just plug in an antenna.

    Until then this is going to be perfect for watching poorly encoded podcasts on a HDTV or movies that aren't even widescreen and have no extras for the same price as a DVD! :rolleyes:

    The Mini was already a perfect device for this role. Throw in a large hard drive, just AV outputs, ethernet and and wireless connectivity for a multimedia keyboard and it was a standalone media center ready to go in anyone's living room that you could rip your own DVDs to.

    In this case you have to have a main unit somewhere else humming away all day and stick this thing in the middle.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 Steinmetz Opel Corsa OPC
  • 2008 Steinmetz Opel Corsa OPC

  • justflie
    Mar 18, 07:29 AM
    What exactly about "unlimited" don't people understand? Without limits.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Topic: Opel Corsa OPC Recaros
  • Topic: Opel Corsa OPC Recaros

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 5, 06:01 PM
    Also, one has to get use to dragging icons from one place to another. I did not do this while using Windows. I am not saying it cannot be done, but I closed or deleted apps with the window. However, it is not necessary to drag icons etc.. One can right click an icon and select the "get info" term from the menu.
    Hmm? I'm not really sure what this means. Can you explain?

    When you close a window via the famous "X" to the top left of the window, technically it is not closed, as you must officially close the window from the dock or reopen the window and select "quit 'x' app." Underneath the dock there is a circular light informing you that the app is still open. This experience, while it is petty, has caused slight grief. I was use to the absolutism of closing the program the first time by clicking 'X.'
    Wow. I could see this being a pain in the butt when we're used to just clicking on 'Close Window' and we're done.

    Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"? (serious question)

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 Opel Corsa GSi 1.3 CDTI
  • 2008 Opel Corsa GSi 1.3 CDTI

  • chim9999
    Jul 10, 08:15 PM
    i'm in north central arkansas. town with a population of 12k. we just went 3g a couple of weeks ago. 2 dropped calls since then (one crossing from 2g back to 3g). can't remember last dropped call on 2g.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Opel+corsa+opc+white
  • Opel+corsa+opc+white

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:01 AM
    I don't agree. If those groups got organized, their message would eventually get picked up my the media. It's not like LGBT groups were started last weekend and, bam, the media picked up on it. It took decades for them to get to this point of media attention.

    And I agree with Heilage: the message from the video doesn't only apply to LGBT folk.

    Got organized? Like that sad attempt at a "Fat Acceptance" movement? News flash - nobody likes fat people because they are seen as ugly and gross. Find me a single obesity related story on the news that isn't accompanied by B-roll of headless fat bodies walking around the city holding ice cream cones.

    Imagine if every time a gay related story were on the news they showed B-roll of men in darkened gay theaters and closeups of prescription labels for antiretrovirals.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 meriva opc opel corsa
  • 2008 meriva opc opel corsa

  • hunkaburningluv
    Apr 9, 11:21 AM
    That's where things are going.

    I read that a new XBOX might not be released for another 5 years and that the PlayStation is on a 10 year schedule. If that's actually the schedule, then the consoles could face serious competition from iOS and Android games.

    The graphics difference from the first iPhone to the iPhone 4 or iPad 2 is a great comparison. That's just four years. What if that advancement continues for the next four years � which is very likely � the graphics could be amazing on iOS devices.

    There's a fair bit of misconception in the 10 year lifecycle of the PS3 - the PS2 had a ten year lifecycle too, but the PS3 was released well into that 10 years. The 10 year thing is taken out of context. There will most likely be a ps4 in a couple of years (well, if Japan recovers from the current happenings). I think the same thing can apply to the 360 - there's been a lot of talk about some thing similar - I do think that we won't see anything this year due to the runaway success of Kinect. We'll most likely get an announcement next year and a release the year after. I've a feeling that we'll see something different in the way compatibility works as there was talk of forward "compatible games" many have taken their own thoughts on what that has meant though.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 Steinmetz Opel Corsa OPC
  • 2008 Steinmetz Opel Corsa OPC

  • ksz
    Oct 25, 10:46 PM
    I am so there with the cash ready a willing to fly out the window to Apple's account sooner than Apple can say:

    "8-Core Mac Pro Available At the Apple Online Store For Ordering." :)
    If it has hardware RAID and eSATA I'll be ordering mine within seconds of the announcement...well, after checking the price of course.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. Opel Corsa OPC, 2008
  • Opel Corsa OPC, 2008

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 30, 04:22 AM
    Most classic geophysicists & geologists do not believe man is causing global warming.
    Absolute nonsense.
    Global warming is a natural process and has happened many times over the lifespan of the earth. Sometimes it precedes an ice age sometimes it is ralated to internal changes within the earth core. It has occured in our past and it appears to be occuring now. The real reason for cooling and warming of the Earth are not well understood.
    You are here talking about the natural oscillation of temperature (see my previuos post) geophysists often talk about which leads to an occasional ice age now then. There is a natural CO2 variation in the atmosphere which have been studied over extremely long periods by studying ice core samples from e.g. Greenland.
    Every single well-founded theoretical model over natural CO2 variation model predicts we are outside the natural variation.
    That is a fact.
    We also know that CO2 is very potent greenhouse effect.
    Thus we also know that the earth is getting warmer due to the increased CO2 level.
    The increased CO2 level coincides with the industrilization when man began to burn fossile fuel in a historically unprecedented manner.
    Mankind is causing the increased CO2 level. CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
    This can of course not the explain the natural variation of temperature, but the fact remains our activities here in earth is causing an increased temperature.
    Environmental scientists agree that man is causing global warming. All of their theories are based on models.
    All scientific models are just theoretical models and can not be prove themselves. (see G&#246;del 1931)
    But these models are designed trying to prove that man's production of greenhouse gas is the cause and they are way too simplified. We do not have enough information on all of the critical factors affecting climate change to build proper models.
    In consequense of your argument and G&#246;del, it follows that we never can say anything about science. This is the same argument tobacco lobbyists have been using in defence of cigarettes.
    Reality may be somewhere in between. However global warming has taken place on Venus and is currently taking place on Mars. Man obviously did not cause thes activities and it may or may not be related to the Earth's current episode of warming.
    Again, you are talking about natural variations. But again, not a single theretical model predicts the current CO2 level to be natural variation.
    I am not arguing with the idea of reducing greenhouse gas emissions if we can practically. Why contribute to a problem. I just don't think that we can effect climate change on a global scale and if the Earth choses to warm for whatever reason we will not be able to stop it.
    No one is claiming to have the final model explaining the temperature on earth. Nevertheless, the fact remains, we are outside the natural CO2 level. CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas. There is a significant lag between the level of CO2 and the temperature on earth. Hence, if we don't do something now it might be late tomorrow. I wrote might, because, as you said, noone knows for sure. But are we really interested in playing dice with our own existence?

    Sidenote: In science, the name of the game is getting publications. The sorry fact is that you don't get publications by singing with the choir. Since this debate is considered both important and urgent, it is easier to get a not-so well-founded-model published right now. I have seen crazy ideas published explaining the incrased temperature on earth as cow flatulence and rotting trees at bottoms of lakes (methane gas is also a potent greenhouse gas)
    These publications makes it unfortunately even harder to sort out the real facts about this issue which very well might be the most important issue mankind has been faced with here on earth.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. (2008 Steinmetz Opel Corsa OPC
  • (2008 Steinmetz Opel Corsa OPC

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 06:40 PM
    The result for my OSX 10.2 DP 800 G4 on the floating test is 85.56 seconds. I used -O and -funroll-loops as flags.

    So this is about 45% the speed of my P3-Xeon 700. Not very good at all, but it falls within the ream of believeability.

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 Opel Corsa OPC - Promo Video - Picture Link 07IHE280316271A
  • 2008 Opel Corsa OPC - Promo Video - Picture Link 07IHE280316271A

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 12, 06:52 PM
    I don't think the box will have local storage per-se. - it isn't advertised (yet) as a DVR. It's more like the Elgato EyeHome as it streams content stored on your computer. So the HD issue will be on the computer.

    That's why I put the "EDIT" in my above post. Thanks. :)
    And I think it's a brilliant idea allowing it to stream from your computer. Looks like I'll be getting an external terabyte drive. :D

    2008 Opel Corsa Opc. 2008 Opel Corsa OPC - Promo Video - Picture Link 07IHE280316271B
  • 2008 Opel Corsa OPC - Promo Video - Picture Link 07IHE280316271B

  • Gelfin
    Mar 25, 02:27 PM
    All Christians are not Catholics.

    That's the only item I was trying to 'underscore' so to speak.

    Christians cannot be used interchangeably with Catholics. By using the term 'Christians' one includes a multitude of other peoples with varying religious beliefs.

    No argument except as to the point. This would only be a relevant criticism if I were holding Catholics responsible for an attitude held by some Christian sects, but not by Catholics themselves. On the contrary, the Catholic attitude towards homosexuality in question is common across much of Christendom.

    This thread is about the Catholic Church, so I name the Catholic Church, but the criticism is properly aimed at the attitude they share ecumenically. The consequences of prejudice against homosexuality as rationalized by Christian dogma are shared among all who promote that prejudice. The Catholic Church is neither singled out (except contextually) nor excused on that account.

    And if one goes back and reads the entire exchange, one would see that I used that term so that Appleguy123 could not go find some obscure article on some obscure Catholic sect that murders Homosexuals for fun, a sect that the mainstream governing body of the Catholic church does not endorse nor have control over.

    As I said, you want to reserve to the church the right to disclaim responsibility for those who act on the principles it promotes.

    I doubt you could find a sect who murdered homosexuals for fun. To return to the analogy, the Klan did not murder black people for fun. They murdered those who stepped out of line, who challenged the social status white people of the era carved out for black people.

    As I understand it, the Vatican is the mainstream hierarchy of the Catholic church. Is there another hierarchy that governs the Catholic church?

    The mainstream hierarchy of the Catholic Church espouses the belief that homosexuals must be made to conform to Catholic prejudice regarding their proper place in society, and that Catholic belief grants them the right to do so. The premise is wrong before we even get to the method. The mainstream Catholic Church pursues this agenda in ways which do not currently involve terrorist action, but they do pursue it. The obscure terrorist sect you've hypothesized would be operating based on the same flawed premise as the "mainstream" church, arguably even more consistently, since a common interpretation of the Bible does demand the death penalty for homosexuals.

    As I keep saying, the immorality lies in the idea that one's prejudice gives one the right to force other people to live their own lives within the boundaries of that prejudice, whatever form that force may take.

    Apr 21, 07:06 AM
    I struggle with the LTE angle mainly due to the fact in the UK we haven't even got visual voicemail working on the iPhone 4

    Speak for yourself, it works on mine. :p

    Sep 12, 03:19 PM
    I'm really impressed with the price. Obviously they're not gonna talk about all the features this early, but so far it looks good. Will it record TV? I guess "no."

    Apr 20, 08:01 PM
    People should drop the Ferrari analogy, because it's totally off the mark. Ferrari is better than pretty much anything else, on almost every aspect you can think of, except size.

    An iPhone isn't better than an Android phone on all aspects, it's better in certain ones and worse in others. Overall I prefer Apple's ecosystem when it comes to personal computing, and when it comes to cellphones, I just bought an iPhone (1st gen) because I'm an Apple user anyway, and it seemed pretty amazing in 2007 when Jobs introduced it, and I'm still using my 1st gen.

    unless you really really want widgets and Flash, otherwise I can't think of anything better on Android.

    Btw: my Prius gets much better gas mileage than a Ferrari. :)

    Manic Mouse
    Jul 13, 06:11 AM
    Take a look at the iMac. Now, it's quite small, isn't it? Nice and thin, and silet as well. How are you planning to cool that 2.4GHz Conroe in a machine like that?

    Like I said, my laptop has a hotter CPU in it. I've yet to hear a good argument as to why a Conroe is too hot to put in an iMac when they had G5's in them not so long ago. If a Macbook can handle 35W then the much much bigger and thicker iMac can handle 65W.

    And why should Apple go for a whole different CPU, when they already have a great replacement for their current CPU: Merom. Only thing they need to do is to replace the current CPU with the new one. Conroe would take a lot more work.

    Personally, being a consumer and not Steve Jobs, I couldn't care less if it's more work for them to design a new MoBo for Conroe. I put my money where the best performance is, not what's easiest for Apple.

    Like I said, Conroes are cheaper than Meroms for the performance you can get. It would be sheer stupidity of Apple to put meroms in their desktop because it would cost them just as much to put them in there and they'd be getting lower performance. Which means iMacs would be over-priced and under-performing compared to any other desktop.

    If that is true, then current iMac isn't competetive either. It's "overpriced" and "underperforming". Is that what you think?

    Why do you think Apple laptops sell so much better? The Macbook, as it stands, is competitive in the market in terms of specs/price but also has all the lovely Apple design and extras. Which is why it's selling like hotcakes. The current iMac isn't competitive, and you'd be mad not to admit that. 512Mb RAM standard? Underclocked X1600 128Mb?

    But all the things that are letting the iMac down now I fully expect to be upgraded in August, along with Conroe. Apple have demonstrated with the Macbook that they can offer Apple design at competitive prices. And it's something they'll have to do if they want to increase their market share.

    Merom is the logical choice. It's a drop-in replacement, it runs cooler, it's about 20% faster, clock for clock...

    It's also less powerful and more expensive (per Mhz) than Conroe. So it's logical for Apple to put a less powerful, more expensive CPU in their computers? Funny deffinition of logic.

    If it's possible for apple to put Conroe in the iMac (and it is) then they will, because it makes economic sense to pay the same and get a better product for both Apple and consumers. I think the effort of designing a new MoBo would be more than worth that.

    What I think will happen is that current 1.83 and 2Ghz Core Duo'w will be replaced by 2 and 2.13Ghz Meroms.

    And when there are cheaper desktops with 2.4 and 2.6Ghz Conroes in them what will consumers buy? It doesn't make sense to pay more and get less, no matter how pretty the packaging is.

    I intend to buy an iMac when I can get a 2.4Ghz Conroe in it. If they get Merom I simply will not buy one and buy a PC instead. Unless of course Apple unleash the "desktop" Mac everyone's talking about.

    Mar 19, 02:04 AM
    These rants about the RIAA never fail to amuse me. And, the idea that people who are illegally downloading music are somehow doing a favor to the world is another great myth. It's all justification and *********.

    It is really easy to pick a lock. There are lots of people who can do it. Why not run down to your local record store and stock up on CDs? I mean, ***** the RIAA, right?

    Posers. Learn the real issues around the music industry if you care. But don't just try to justify theft with some robin hood *********.