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Monday, May 16, 2011

pictures of planets

pictures of planets. The Sizes of the Planets
  • The Sizes of the Planets

  • appleguy123
    Jun 6, 01:26 AM
    How long after you make a purchase does the App Store remember your password so you don't have to enter it again? I presume that's what happened in this case.

    Apple definitely should give you a warning that you're about to purchase an app more costly than $75. Although this kid obviously only went to the app because of its cost.

    pictures of planets. planets
  • planets

  • imahawki
    May 2, 09:54 AM
    it will most likely be tomorrow if as has been pointed out tonight is visual night, the online store will update sometime around 1pm UK time I imagine but the store should be down before then.

    Of course if tonight is really visual night and u live close enough to an apple store make sure pop in at 9:30am your time and tell us all if anything has changed :)

    What time do they usually do things? The Apple store is on my way to work. Will they do it tonight or like 4am tomorrow?

    pictures of planets. Experience The Planets
  • Experience The Planets

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:01 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.


    pictures of planets. The planets from the outer
  • The planets from the outer

  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 05:45 PM
    Part of the problem is the way they market it. There was such an emphasis on templates and graphic-intensive stuff when it was first demoed in MacWorld 2005 that it's hard to think it can be a good word processor. My first thought was how it looked 100x better than Microsoft Publisher.

    Again, I think this latest rumor shows that Apple will address some of the perceptions (or misperceptions, depending on who you ask) by allowing people to dive into word processing mode and adding better search and research functions. It just might make me a convert.

    I entirely agree with you on these points. Apple is barely marketing iWork at all, let alone in a way which would help people understand its value. At MW last January I made a point of mentioning the Mac owner confusion over what Pages does to one of the reps on the floor who was demonstrating the new version. He also happened to be on the Pages programming team. (Which game me an opportunity to show him a bug I'd found. :))

    He seemed surprised to be hearing what I was telling him, and I wasn't entirely sure he believed me in the end, but perhaps this rumor reflects some understanding on Apple's part that they're not getting the message out about these applications, particularly Pages. Maybe they'll get serious about marketing in version 3.

    One other thing, I think Apple ought to be bundling iWork with most if not all of their systems, and not necessarily because we like to get free booty. The more Mac owners used iWork, the more who would see the value in forking out for the upgrades. This is exactly how Apple already markets iLife, so why they're not doing this for iWork is just plain mystifying.

    pictures of planets. The inner planets are Mercury,
  • The inner planets are Mercury,

  • bloodycape
    Jul 12, 03:10 AM
    Hell, the iPod could have a camera as well! if they can put video-cameras on phones, is there any reason why iPod couldn't have one?

    There is a few pmp/mp3 player devices out currently with a camera. There is the Archos Gmini 402CC. The camera quality is a little better than what you get on a normal 1megapixel camera phone and video isn't bad either. Then their is those host of video players that support web/backup camera type cameras via av-ports. So a camera ipod is possible or an accessory to add a camera/video support but it will be kind of a useless feature.

    pictures of planets. photo planets
  • photo planets

  • whooleytoo
    Jul 25, 05:56 AM
    This would be a nice UI for ebooks - just swipe your finger/hand across the display to turn the page.

    The None-Touch (presumably so named as it sounds more pleasing than "Non-Touch", and is a play on "One-Touch") name would imply that at least some control can be achieved without touching the screen.

    pictures of planets. Planets Around Sun-Like Stars
  • Planets Around Sun-Like Stars

  • cjbryce
    Apr 14, 10:27 AM
    I always wondered if the rumors of the iPad3 for September is actually a smaller tablet designed to compete against the Barnes & Noble Nook Color and (possibly) an upcoming Amazon Kindle Android tablet. It would feature iOS 5, Retina Display (for easier reading), the iBookstore, and could run iPhone or iPod Touch apps. Market it as a separate product, and maybe even use the iBook name again.

    Then again - after seeing a TV commercial for a Samsung TV that has a bunch of apps, maybe the Apple HDTV set isn't a bad rumor either.

    Well, If I was in product development at Apple*, I might look around and see what the biggest iPad competitors were producing and come to the conclusion that if I produced a 7" iBook running iBooks and a few other iOS Apps and priced it to compete reasonably well with the Kindle, then launched it shortly before Christmas then I might hook quite a lot more customers into the Apple ecosystem.

    At the same time I'd hopefully attract the I-have-a-laptop-so-I-don't-want-a-tablet-but-an-eReader-would-be-nice segment of the market which, judging by the number of MR posters saying that here, is quite large.

    *But I'm not. However I'll have a tenner on at Ladbrokes that that's what's coming in September.:)

    pictures of planets. Colorful Planets
  • Colorful Planets

  • quagmire
    May 1, 09:46 PM
    I heard he is dead.

    pictures of planets. Planets on their orbits.
  • Planets on their orbits.

  • twoodcc
    Dec 2, 05:00 AM
    BTW no more points will be recredited for the stats mishap earlier last months. They lost the data and did some estimations... Nothing else will be given...

    why am i not surprised that i didn't get mine?

    pictures of planets. planets.jpg -Standards
  • planets.jpg -Standards

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 28, 06:32 PM
    I don't know if you know how math works, but there are no discounts for not having a subsidy. You don't factor in the cost of service, that is not relevant. You will pay that regardless of the handset device. My regular iPhone would cost that.

    What about someone with multiple accounts? The additional line is $10 a month. You failed to consider all the factors in your math.

    For people buying an expensive smartphone getting the 3GS is a good deal. Notice how they sell more of them then any other smartphone besides the iPhone 4, even when Android handset makers give away their product.

    The plan is part of the price, getting a 3GS without a plan would net you $449.

    And, you don't get an 3GS for $50 for an $10/month additional line. You need to pay for a real plan for that. And the least expensive would still net you more per month than you paid up front for the 3GS.

    Not sure why you bring up Android phones? I'm discussing the stupidity of getting a 3GS instead of a 4. Or for that matter a 4 instead of a 5.

    My math is correct.

    pictures of planets. Faraway Planets Orbiting
  • Faraway Planets Orbiting

  • kbmb
    Apr 12, 09:51 AM
    TheRegister seems to reckon it's not due until 2012:


    There's been some debate on whether these articles are talking about Apple's fiscal year 2012 which begins in 2011....or the calendar year 2012.

    Personally, I tend to think maybe these rumors are right and Apple is shifting the iPhone announcements to the fall moving forward. That would give them more time to focus on software at WWDC each year, with new hardware in the fall, in time for the holiday season.


    pictures of planets. at least 32 new planets,
  • at least 32 new planets,

  • coolbreeze
    Apr 28, 03:56 PM
    First, the volume switch issue, then this. I feel sorry for case manufacturers. What a nightmare.

    pictures of planets. A Bounty of Midsize Planets Is
  • A Bounty of Midsize Planets Is

  • HBOC
    Jan 25, 11:27 PM
    bought a 40D + a tamron 17-35 last week. Sold them both yesterday on FM and bought these today (also bought an OM>EOS adapter (fotodiox), E1 handstrap, Zuiko 28mm 3,5)..

    pictures of planets. start painting planets on
  • start painting planets on

  • gri
    Oct 23, 01:57 PM
    So, lets say you have Vista in Parallels - and a service or security update comes out. Could you still download it? I have a W2000 SP1 legally but it still doesn't let me update, giving me some error that our IT persons couldn't understand...:mad:

    pictures of planets. The planets
  • The planets

  • Drew n macs
    Apr 11, 01:55 PM
    This is and good.

    As long as we don't end up with 50 million 3rd party peripherals using USB3 costing $29.95 each

    And 10 Thunderbolt peripherals costing $499.99 each.

    A little exaggerated example perhaps, but you get my drift.

    Probably not to far off. what will be funny is all the people who bought a 2011 mbp, I am guessing probably will not choose to pay premium for the drive and will upgrade their laptop prior to buying affordable TB drive for thier machine.

    I hope I am wrong, But I think 500 might not be to far off from actual price.

    pictures of planets. planets of our Solar System
  • planets of our Solar System

  • lmalave
    Oct 18, 05:02 PM
    Wow, amazing how emotional people always get whenever I make a statement that could sound slightly anti-iPod... I know you love your iPod and all (I am very fond of mine myself), but over the last few years Apple has been focusing a dispropotional amount of energy into their cute little gadget which has massively boosted their profits. For those of us that don't salivate over all things iPod, I think this is too bad.

    That is all.

    I don't even *own* an iPod, but I still think you're off base and aren't seeing the big picture. Thank goodness the people that run Apple don't think like you. Apple is focusing on these gadgets (iPod, Airport/AirTunes, iTV, iPhone) that aren't even Mac-centric, because they are *immensely* adding to Apple's reputation for innovation, style, and ease-of-use. These are attributes that translate directly to marketing the Mac. The iPod halo effect has been slow in coming but it *is* real. And it's soon to be followed by the iTV and iPhone halo effect. I think Apple will continue to make gains in the home market with their MacBooks. And maybe the iTV will help the Mac Mini take off as a media center computer. iMacs and Mac/Book Pros are always going to be a tougher sell because of their higher cost. But it's Apple's success in the broader consumer market that is allowing it to also stay in the niche high-end computer market...

    pictures of planets. Planets in Distant Star
  • Planets in Distant Star

  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 07:45 PM
    You know, I'm with you. If we don't stop this bickering the thread is likely to get closed. I always find it irritating when that happens. So, I suggest we drop the "professional" vs. "consumer" argument. It's clear that we have different opinions, and neither of us seems to be being swayed by the other's arguments. So, perhaps we should just agree to disagree.

    Now, just so I don't get accused of trying to get the last word in before saying that we should drop it, I'll invite those on the other side of the argument to have one last quip, which I won't respond to. Then we can drop it. Sound fair?

    Fair enough, I hate arguing over such minute issues anyway. Besides anyone that has an opinion probably won't change it just because of a few forum flames.

    pictures of planets. planets
  • planets

  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 10:37 PM
    Killed in Islamabad, Pakistan. He was inside a mansion with some family. Can't believe he was hiding in plain sight, especially when It could have been easier for Pakistan which had been supposedly proactive in fighting the Taliban as well as Osama. Can't imagine this will help Pakistan-US ties in the least, rather strain them.

    Sound's unbelievable. LOL That's "hiding in caves" for you.

    pictures of planets. conjunction of 5 planets
  • conjunction of 5 planets

  • skunk
    Apr 27, 04:14 AM
    As long as my daughter is in there, I will have a say who goes in the bathroom.What are you going to do, big boy? Stand outside with a shotgun? Feel up anyone who approaches? What threat do you imagine a transgender person offers to your daughter? The fruit of the tree of knowledge?

    May 3, 07:59 AM
    Made a stupid mistake, getting caught up in the moment, confused TN and TFT. Sorry folks, obviously I suffered a brain fart.

    Apr 14, 01:00 PM
    As always, jailbreakers should not update to this software... it is an obvious release to patch up PwnageTool exploit.

    Apr 26, 05:16 PM
    I have no idea what happened except Plutonius got lynched and isn't a WW. Are Chrmjenkins and Appleguy 321/123 okay? Are they Specials? I can't tell if I'm on the Detention Level of a Star Destroyer or on the bridge of the Enterprise D. :confused::confused:

    Apr 14, 08:34 PM
    http://www.gadgetsdna.com/ios-4.3.2-jailbroken-using-pwnagetool-bundles-heres-quick-jailbreak-guide/10563/ :D

    Jan 12, 10:31 AM
    Head exploded from trying to figure out how much food is in 30000 claroies.:eek: