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Monday, May 16, 2011

i miss you quotes death

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  • brepublican
    Jul 21, 11:16 AM
    Increased market share is a good thing, but I'm not sure how I'd feel if Apple overtook Dell...

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  • Zonz
    Dec 31, 05:26 PM
    ...And you bring religion into it? Seriously? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, to say that healthcare doesn't enter into the situation of someone that large is denial, plain and simple. You really shouldn't jump into such deep waters so ill-equipped, my friend. My original post and Knight's reply to yours already explain why this is a issue that affects more than just her.

    It sure is. I've never said otherwise. She can eat until she bursts for all I care. But there is a pretty big chasm between being selfish, and not wanting to pay for someone else's self-inflicted stupidity. Though I guess she's backed out of the plan anyway, cleaning up the hot biological mess of someone purposely trying to be "the world's fattest person" should happen on her dime, not mine.

    I think you missed the sarcasm in my God reference (God, not religion, but nonetheless IRONY MUCH?)... and no, I read every post and I understood them all, but my argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    I'm ill equipped, huh?

    So I think you missed my point. I never said health care doesn't factor in, but my point was... every single person here is being hypocritical!

    You can argue all you want, and would be correct to say that every decision, including the choice to be fat, effects everyone else and not just yourself, but to judge her decision so harshly like you are is almost disgraceful.

    And just in case, I'll preemptive strike. No I am not arguing out of some personal defense to my own lifestyle. I am not fat, if anything I'm under weight. 5'11'' and 150 lbs.

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  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 12:06 PM
    Question should be, why does it matter how many android devices there are? There is still a one to one relationship, one customer buys-one device. Its android smartphones vs Apple Smartphones.

    No. No. No.

    Comparing Android vs. iOS : fine

    But why the arbitrary distinction of "phones". It's an OS that can be run on multiple devices. Do you compare Mac laptop share vs. Windows laptop share? (In any meaningful context, that is)?

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 4, 05:14 PM
    Please run the bigadv units, you will get much better PPD. It looks like you are running the regular SMP client for now.
    Use -smp 8 if the are 2008 or earlier, -smp 16 if they are 2009 otco...

    will -smp 8 be fast enough?

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  • GoodBye/Missing You Quotes I

  • rorschach
    Apr 14, 03:49 PM
    I'm not a picky person, but it's the fact that it never did this before that's really the problem. Apple is usually one of the few companies that really pay attention to details...things like the rubber banding when scrolling, the subtle volume fade-out when music is interrupted by a phone call/notification, etc are part of what set the iPhone apart.

    Apps aren't launching more quickly, they are launching more slowly, btw. Even after a total restore it takes very little time for things to start lagging again. This only started after 4.2/4.3.

    Okay, I just reproduced this problem. After which I rolled my eyes and said "What's the big deal?"

    I mean really, this is BEYOND picky. No wonder us Apple users have a reputation for being douchebags.

    I hadn't even NOTICED this until now, and now that I have, I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to care. Honestly, if it's a choice between fixing this and putting more development resources into iOS 5, I much prefer the latter.


    EDIT: I wanted to add that I'd rather my app launch faster than for time to be wasted playing a silly animation. Based on how fast the app comes up, that may be what's going on here.

    i miss you quotes death. i miss you quotes death
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  • br0adband
    Nov 4, 10:29 PM
    I've reinstalled OS X twice in the last 9 months. The latest being about 3 weeks ago when I upgraded to a 160GB hard drive. There is nothing wrong with my computer. (OK there is something wrong with its sleeping mech but that has nothing to do with performance.)
    Parallels just sucks. Also I�m willing to bet the more you use the disk image and Windows the more parallels slows down. I�ve got a 14GB disk image, a ton of apps loaded, along with being in it every day for 8+ hours, USB peripherals all over the place, network settings for home and work, firewall enabled along with antivirus software. (I can�t use Office 2003 with SAP in OS X.) I probably use it more extensively then most Mac users. The simple fact is the reason why I keep reinstalling the demo instead of outright buying it is because I�m waiting on VMWare�s solution. VMWare is THE industry�s Microsoft when it comes to virtualizing. Just without the whole evilness thing. I�ve used Parallels extensively. I�m not impressed.

    So let me get this straight: You keep reinstalling the demo of Parallels, thereby ripping off the company and not supporting it to make it the best product it can be and keep the company in business, and then you have the gall to come out in public and say as such, and then on top of that you have the even greater gall to say it sucks?

    Oh yeah, your opinions mean a lot to us now, that's for sure.


    I'll reiterate: something is wrong with your computer, and now I can see why.


    i miss you quotes death. i miss you quotes death
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  • bluebomberman
    Jul 12, 07:58 PM
    Lifeofart - some advice please.

    I've been trying to find the "brochure wizard" (specifically the flexible page/quadrant location feature) that you talked about in MS Word (I have the latest version and updates). I would find it very useful, but can't locate it. Can you tell me how to find it?

    1) New>Project Gallery
    2) Click on the New Pane on top.
    3) Choose Business Forms.
    4) Choose Brochure.
    5) Choose a template that doesn't suck.
    6) Wonder why brochures are listed under Business Forms.
    7) Pray that you don't need more than a 6-column brochure on one double sided-sheet of paper.

    i miss you quotes death. i miss you boyfriend quotes
  • i miss you boyfriend quotes

  • mattcube64
    Jan 31, 10:06 PM
    ^^^ Nice purchase! Boring, for sure... but I definitely need new tires on my '06 Grand Prix. I'm still on the factory Hancocks. But, I plan on getting a new car in the summer, and don't feel like spending the ~$500 to replace them for just a few months of use.

    Anyhoo... I have had QUITE the spending spree the last couple days. :p Unfortunately, that means I won't be buying anything else anytime soon.

    40" Samsung 1080P LCD:


    160GB PS3 Slim, which came with UC2, Karate Kid on Blu, and Pixel Junk Shooter:



    NBA Jam and House of the Dead Overkill for Wii:


    A new, crappy (Protip: spend the extra money on a decent shelf) shelf for my stuff:


    Comply pro foam tips for my Triple.Fi 10s:


    ... and a crap-ton of groceries and water to prepare for the Winterpocolypse! :D

    i miss you quotes death. i miss you and love you quotes
  • i miss you and love you quotes

  • randyharris
    Jul 10, 04:08 PM
    1. Pages 2 does have an auto-correct feature. It's in preferences.

    A major functional snafu is that you can't add auto-correction data from the GUI of Pages, you have to go into the preferences. In Word you are able to right click on your red squiggly word, and you can set a default auto correct right there from the Contextual menu. NeoOffice has the same function. This is sorely lacking from Pages.


    i miss you quotes death. i miss you quotes death
  • i miss you quotes death

  • jctevere
    Apr 28, 08:44 PM
    I just returned my black iPhone 4 32GB and exhanged it for a white 32GB. (thank god for the 30 day return policy). I also upgraded another 3GS to a 16GB iPhone 4.

    Both the 16GB and 32GB are the same dimensions. But what I don't recall on the black iPhone 4 I had for 25 days that I immediately noticed on both of my white iPhone 4's is a small raised "lip" or ridge that goes completely around the front face of the iPhone. I don't have a black iPhone 4 anymore on hand to scrutinize this with, but I will comment on it tomorrow when I do.

    But I think that this definitely accounts for this minimal difference. This ridge or lip raises the iPhone's glass off of a surface if it is placed face side down - presumably to prevent scratches. This lip is small enough to barely decipher any difference from a black iPhone 4, but enough that I noticed it within 5 minutes of using the phone.

    Either way, my white iPhone 4 still fits in the credit card case I bought for my black iPhone 4, but it is a bit more "snug" and appears to not have as much protection or clearance as I had with the black iPhone 4... But the difference really is minimal, not something to make a big "stink" over.

    i miss you quotes death. i miss you quotes death
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  • SilianRail
    Apr 11, 01:59 PM
    Are any details known on the licensing costs of TB devices?

    i miss you quotes death. Apr 16, 2011 . i miss you
  • Apr 16, 2011 . i miss you

  • SciFrog
    Oct 26, 03:49 PM
    Will be hard to resist getting a Nehalem when they get updated next...

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  • with quotes. i miss you

  • littleman23408
    Sep 15, 10:45 PM
    It's a Hexbug. I bought it at Brookstone today.

    It's a robot.


    I want to get the inchworm next.

    That's cool. I saw the youtube video "Hexbug madness" and I just laughed through the whole video. It makes me want to buy 10 of them and let them run loose around the office at work.

    i miss you quotes death. i miss you quotes death. love
  • i miss you quotes death. love

  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 11:49 AM
    I didn't read any Wikis. None of my links are to wikis. And again, you're wrong. GPL is a license. GNU is a project. The Foundation behind this project is the FSF, the Free Software Foundation.

    The guy you quoted was me. You didn't correct me at all, you posted a ton of wrong information.

    And licensing terminology ? I didn't even get it wrong. I said Bash was part of the GNU project, you said "No, Bash isn't GNU, it's GPL", which is both very wrong and quite misunderstands the terminology used by the FSF.

    Look, you were wrong, drop it, you're only digging yourself deeper into your hole here.

    Go look at Apple source repository for OSX 10.6 -> http://www.opensource.apple.com/release/mac-os-x-106/ - states GPL LICENSE -> i said License -> GNU evolved into a foundation -> started off as a project.

    Enjoy your day & easter ;)

    i miss you quotes death. i miss you quotes death. i
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  • Vertigo50
    May 4, 01:56 PM
    This "story" is hilarious. Only people who have never worked customer service would ever believe any part of this.



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  • BenK01
    Aug 15, 02:41 PM
    But I stand by Apple for now, that they do have some "bigger" features they just aren't showing us....

    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.

    i miss you quotes death. miss you quotes death; I Miss
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  • dXTC
    Jan 12, 10:25 AM
    Oh and I do have a hard time believing that she ate as much as that article claims, at least in one sitting. Her stomach would surely burst! :eek:

    It's easy in terms of the physics behind it. Consume less than you burn, you lose weight. However, there's something psychological behind the urge to eat. In some cases it would be like telling an alcoholic that it's easy, just stop drinking. There are also some studies and theories which have pointed out that some people don't get the necessary signals to indicate that they are full. So it's simple but it's not. (if you know what I mean.)

    Have you ever seen a "professional eating" contest? The human digestive system can do rather amazing things, especially if it's been conditioned over a period of years, which is definitely true in this woman's case. The "sitting" may be 2 to 3 hours, with a bathroom break so that she can make room in her colon for the "next wave", but yeah, it's possible, especially with light yet calorie-dense foods like snack cakes, and high-calorie drinks like Kool-Aid to wash it down/through.

    Psychological factors? You betcha. Donna's admitted to being a feedee, and in the vast majority of feeder/feedee relationships, there's a codependence factor.

    i miss you quotes death. Miss You Quotes For Friends. I
  • Miss You Quotes For Friends. I

  • blissmonkey
    Apr 12, 03:09 PM
    Exactly in the same boat except my 3G has a shattered screen with bits of glass that has fallen off. It has gone through hell and back but, I decided to wait since June is only a short wait away. Now, supposedly its been pushed back to september and I am planning on getting a new phone in either june or july since I will have some extra cash and can move to verizon on a family plan. I dont want to get the 4 when the new one is right around the corner. So, this pushing back to september means I'll probably move to the Droid. Hopefully the announcement is still in june and these rumors are just to throw us off since the last iPhone announcement wasnt very exciting since we all knew what was coming.

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  • reifer
    Apr 22, 09:46 AM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Interesting view but?
    Suing your supplier is tricky but,
    Suing your largest customer is STUPID. Apple can likely find other sources but customers the size of Apple?
    Never happen. They have a death wish.

    Oct 13, 08:17 PM
    To become a relevant team, we need to reach 250k units per day, almost double the current rate. We need 70 more iMacs/MacBooks or 5 8-core systems.

    well i doubt that will happen over night. we just gotta try and get better one step at a time

    Oct 24, 09:10 AM
    Finally, still confused as to why there is no 7200RPM drive option for the 15".

    I wanna order with a glossy screen but i'm scared i wont be able to return this if it has probless. Isnt glossy screen a BTO option?

    ANY change from the default spec is BTO (or CTO). The tech specs pages says:

    "15.4-inch (diagonal) TFT display, support for millions of colors; optional glossy widescreen display"

    Sounds like glossy is BTO to me.

    Apr 27, 12:15 PM
    It's called facts, not sure if you've ever come across this word before. I didn't particularly like what I saw, and milking the seizure was the right thing to do in order for these scumbags to go away. But it's just an observation that I and many have so why not say it?

    Facts? You have no proof that she was faking a seizure- none whatsoever. If you want to talk facts, then speak about what you actually know. You have NO WAY to prove she was faking. What you're engaging in is speculation.

    Apr 4, 03:02 PM
    ISO 200, 92mm, 0 ev, f/6.3, 1/640

    Apr 13, 11:57 PM
    double post