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Monday, May 23, 2011

william and kate skiing 2004

william and kate skiing 2004. prince william and kate skiing
  • prince william and kate skiing

  • radiohead14
    Mar 30, 03:11 PM
    just signed up. the whole process is actually really easy. i was up and running within seconds. i've been buying all my music from amazon for years now, and having the convenience of your digital music automatically sync'd up to your personal locker is great. it even scanned my 104GB music collection within 2 mins! pretty cool

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate skiing kiss.
  • william kate skiing kiss.

  • Popeye206
    Apr 18, 03:12 PM
    I love the negative comments... you don't even know the details of the lawsuit and what IP Apple is trying to protect. You do know, that is the whole point of patenting things is so you can protect it.

    Obviously, there are companies out there that are patent trolls, but a company trying to protect IP is different and valid if they have a valid claim.

    It's good to see Apple doing it so soon. Some companies like the recent Kodak lawsuit against Apple and others, looks valid, but they waited years until their were millions of devices out there using their IP. That is low.

    If Apple gets damages based on Tab sales, they'll probably see $20 from the suit! :p

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate skiing kiss.
  • william kate skiing kiss.

  • Tonsko
    Nov 15, 11:06 AM
    Is there anything it's not terribly good at? I've got some 6Gb ISOs and a couple of 40Gb Vms on my mbp...the scan gets to around 80% and then hangs. Could these be the culprits? I haven't tried excluding them yet, but thought I would canvas opinion as to the possible cause.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate skiing. william
  • william kate skiing. william

  • cav23j
    Mar 26, 11:24 PM
    I truly believe who EVER said there will be a 3rd iPad in the fall actually pulled it out of their a**.... like kids, just can't wait and be patient. Now that person has got everyone thinking their will be an iPad 3 in the fall

    two credible sources


    william and kate skiing 2004. will and kate skiing. prince
  • will and kate skiing. prince

  • alent1234
    Apr 7, 11:23 AM
    apple was supposed to have bought up all the smartphone displays as well, yet it's easy to buy an Atrix, Inspire or any other android phone. manufacturers just use screen sizes that apple doesn't use

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate skiing. prince
  • william kate skiing. prince

  • kfury77
    Mar 29, 09:25 AM
    It's yet another Dropbox offering that's a long ways behind awesome-integration with other products (Lots of apps sync data between devices via Dropbox). And, if I put a music file into dropbox I can play it, mobile device independent.

    Also, why would I only want my music accessible when I have internet? Any road trips from where I live (Utah) generally put me in EDGE territory which won't be consistently fast enough to stream the audio at enough quality, let alone the fact that there are several dead spots along the way. I'll stick to having my music on my iPhone. No buffer, no stutter, no data usage. Oh, yeah. That. Data usage. With carriers bottlenecking you now, you think they'll favor Amazon cloud delivery for people who want to stream their music all day long? They (Amazon) will probably also do some more compression on the files so it'll sound like listening to your music in a tin can.

    At first glance, being very pessimistic, I'm not really interested in this product.

    Wheezy - Instead of incorrectly assuming things, why don't you give it a try? You're in the US and it's free to set up. I've been using it all day (have uploaded 5GB of music) and it's a fantastic service. The web-based front-end if very fast, automatically updates with any new music that has been uploaded without refreshing the whole page. All music is played as it was uploaded (not recompressed).

    I've uploaded only the maximum quality MP3 files (320 Kbps) and they sound great. It displays the artwork, you can create playlists, it's actually faster to use than iTunes (as my iTunes music library is so big). I have a netbook with limited storage, but now when I go to an office, or my parents place or to a coffee shop with wifi I have a big chunk of my music collection there to listen to if I wish. You can download and upload music as much as you want - there are no bandwidth limits at all. You can also upload music from Linux, OS X or Windows. It's pretty versatile and I'm sure they have more plans to improve it further. What's not to like?

    william and kate skiing 2004. William and Kate#39;s
  • William and Kate#39;s

  • Josias
    Sep 11, 01:59 PM
    so I was looking around the apple store this afternoon till I noticed something :D

    When selecting the MBP in the apple store you'll get some info below...
    There's this one title where it shows front row... it says "It's showtime" :)

    maybe it's a hint from apple :rolleyes: the MBP is the onle one where it says "it's showtime". the rest all say something else like "put on a show"...

    ah well I'm just going crazy from waiting for the new MBP's...

    (first post though I've been reading here for a long time)

    Ahhh, smart boy!;)

    But I think that is more coincidental than actually ledaing to a point...

    Welcome to MR! :D

    william and kate skiing 2004. joy for William and Kate
  • joy for William and Kate

  • adbe
    Apr 5, 01:55 PM
    "maintain their good relationship with Apple,"

    Toyota sells cars not electronic/computer/idevices.

    What does that have to do with anything? The phrase "don't burn your bridges" comes to mind. For a major corporation to needlessly make an enemy out of another one would be short sighted to the point of folly.

    What'ever. Glad I bought a Subaru :)

    You're glad you didn't buy a Toyota because they're the kind of company that on receipt of a courteous request thinks, "OK, let's not be douches about this."

    Your purchasing logic is inspired. You should probably publish something.

    william and kate skiing 2004. will and kate skiing.
  • will and kate skiing.

  • 2Shae
    Mar 28, 10:16 AM
    If this is true, I'm getting an HTC Android phone.

    I still have the iPhone 3GS (2 year contract), so I want to upgrade THIS year, preferably this summer.

    Don't let me down Apple!

    william and kate skiing 2004. will and kate skiing.
  • will and kate skiing.

  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 08:12 PM
    Did they add the Graphite theme back yet?

    Nope, not yet.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate skiing. william
  • william kate skiing. william

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 7, 10:17 AM
    Ehh, purposeful or not (as a sabotage)...not good news for iPad competition:( Which isnt good news for us iPad users...Apple needs constant pressure to release revolutionary products.

    Of course not purposeful. They bought what they needed and couldn't care less as long as they got what they needed.
    Why would anybody care about competitors getting any components of any kind, if they get what they need?

    Don't agree that Apple needs constant pressure.

    Any good company gets its pressure from within (to make it's products better, to sell the next generation) and from market research and consumer communications.

    I bet they know that MobileMe sucks (I gave it up as there is better stuff for free) and will do a major overhaul.

    I think we will see tablets taking a big chunk out of notebooks and become the next note book generation.

    The next revolutionary thing. (Dick Tracy watch that works:-)
    Could be that we'll all run around with little receivers and get the info out of the cloud via Wifi type "Gas" station network free of specific carriers.
    You'd go to such a station and dial yourself into your network as they all have Verizon, ATT , but they'd also have the renegades etc.

    These receivers will be able to project anything one would normally watch on a screen onto anything flat (wall , paper , desktop, side of a briefcase, even your hand etc.) so the current panels could become strong projecting lenses.

    Lenses can be smaller to project, so development of image sensors is next.

    Go RIM , MS and start developing or Apple will.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate skiing. william
  • william kate skiing. william

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 09:56 PM
    Read your OP. I'm on an iPhone right now.

    Frak it. I have skilz:

    Battles will be simple. Say, our Hero has 2 HP and 1 AP, and our Monster has 1 HP and 1 AP. At the end of the fight, the Monster will be dead, and our Hero will have 1 HP and 1 AP. That's all there is to it.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william and kate skiing kiss.
  • william and kate skiing kiss.

  • sunfast
    Aug 11, 10:12 AM
    Quad Xeons in the MacBook Pro, pretty please. After all, it is Apple's professional notebook line.

    Yes, and the MacBook for $299. After all, it is Apple's entry level notebook line.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william and kate skiing.
  • william and kate skiing.

  • wclyffe
    Dec 7, 06:22 AM
    Apple has changed their site now to say it would ship in 1-2 months.

    Yeah, that's pretty crazy now. It's clear whatever lead they had in time with the Magellan kit is now lost. It seems we'll get to compare them and then decide.

    william and kate skiing 2004. prince william and kate skiing
  • prince william and kate skiing

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 23, 05:18 PM
    Wish Apple did something towards resolution independence and not make images bigger and bigger. :confused:

    Resolution independence will not stop images from getting bigger. Unless you are dealing with vector art, scaling an image up will decrease quality. Resolution independence will be a function of taking the biggest image that might be used and scaling it down.

    Even with vector art, you lose some image quality with scaling. You can't create new detail.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william and kate skiing photo.
  • william and kate skiing photo.

  • marvel2
    Dec 28, 11:53 PM
    Glad everyone is starting to get their TT kit. We should move this discussion to the iPhone Accessories forum.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william and kate skiing kiss.
  • william and kate skiing kiss.

  • RubbishBBspeed
    Apr 23, 04:50 PM
    ahhh crap, yet more waiting time for next next next iMac (money back into the savings account then). I really do wish Apple would quit the messing with bit by bit updates and just release a genuine industry changing computer again like it did with the original macpro.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william kate kissing skiing.
  • william kate kissing skiing.

  • 108
    Sep 11, 12:51 AM
    Is this another example of success breeding contempt and arrogance? I think so. If Apple were on the skids (like before the iPod saved their greasy bacon), they'd be begging for anyone to attend their apparently exclusive product showcases.

    Actually, no, I believe it's more along the lines of an example of success breeding lots and lots and lots of admiring / eager people who want to attend their exclusive product showcases, and their resorting to excluding some people to keep such events from turning into crazed circuses.

    Besides, I mean, who really wants to go to such an event, anyway? I'd rather just read about it on internet forums like this.

    william and kate skiing 2004. william and kate skiing kiss.
  • william and kate skiing kiss.

  • eawmp1
    Apr 14, 12:07 PM
    I am not sure why the increasing erosion of the middle class and income discrepancy between the haves, and have nots, isn't realized as a major security problem in the US. The working middle class and poor can only be pushed around so much until somebody is going to get pissed off. A socialist/populist revolt ala Egypt is not inconceivable.

    Don't panic
    May 3, 09:23 AM
    after reading the rules a couple of times:

    - secret powers: other than not knowing who is what, do we know what the secret powers are and how they work?
    - monsters/trap: do we know how many there are at the beginning? what is the range of their powers? why does the villain has two turns, isn't it the same as if he just gets 4 points in that double-turn? or does he get to move his minion. attack, heal, place new monsters/traps move monsters twice every round?
    - moving: move to door means open the door and get into the next passage/room? can monsters move and open doors once they are placed?
    - are attacks automatic? when do they occur in the turn?
    - can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
    - how/how fast does the villain move?
    - the villain stats are 16/16 plus 2/2 for each hero alive or 16/16 minus 2/2 for each hero dead?
    - does the villain knows where the treasures are?
    - can you toss dwarves?

    Apr 21, 02:38 PM
    This does sound logical to me, its a combination of the lines and i am sure would make it convenient for sound and media pro's whom also have other rack equipment like massive disk arrays and audio equipment(them hings with blinkie lights in sound studios :P ).

    May 6, 03:51 AM
    I can see apple maybe putting an ARM chip in the macbook so it can run in low power tablet mode, but to complete replace the CPU really makes no sense. However lots that the do seldom makes sense, so who knows. The reason I won't be buying a mac again is simply because they are severly underpowered, gaming really sucks on them compared to what you can get on a PC.

    Mar 30, 05:48 PM
    Excellent. Downloading and cannot wait to load.

    Jan 13, 05:40 PM
    Still happy with TT kit. No rattling noise and both landscape and portrait hold in position well. Only issue I have is using aux for music through the car stereo. I continute to get a slight hissing noise which is annoying. If music is loud and heavy base, then I don't hear any distracting noise--but slow or soft music does have the noise. This seems to be the case whether I go from car jack to iphone or from tt kit to iphone to car jack. bummer.