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Saturday, May 21, 2011

wallpaper motor

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  • eastercat
    Mar 22, 12:49 AM
    How many times did you try the jb and what were you using? Pwnage or greenpoison? Just because the jb fails once doesn't mean that it was a disaster. Try the jb again.
    At this point im just frustrated. I changed the host file with this ip gs.apple.com Then I followed all the steps and got 4.2.1 on. When I went to jailbreak, I got it into DFU mode but the jailbreak failed. Now I just want to update to 4.3 but I cant because I dont remember what I changed and replace with this gs.apple.com. Anybody know the original text so I can update to 4.3?

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  • Dagless
    Apr 18, 05:28 AM
    I was in a similar, ish, situation. Other half has Pokemon Black, but our DS Lites don't like our WiFi (how dare we use WPA...), so we decided to upgrade one unit to something more modern.

    Initially we bought a 3DS, but sent it back within a few days. The handling of DS games on the upper screen isn't that good to be honest (scaling issues), and we felt the 3D was a waste of time and money. Instead we picked up a new DSi for �95 (love airports), and it's great - less than half the cost, far superior battery life, and also supports WPA and the DSi store.

    Something sounds wrong there. I get 4 or 5 hours battery life on my DSi (bought earlier this year so it's not old), my 3DS gets 7 hours battery life on DS games.

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  • macfan881
    Jun 17, 11:19 PM
    TMNT Turtles in Time is a classic theh graphics are a nice touch

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  • ErikAndre
    Jan 14, 04:02 PM
    I just wish it was today, since I'm going to be out all day with doctor appointments and other errands. Tomorrow I don't think there's anything to keep me away from the Internet and TV spoilers. Well, I do have several hours of downloaded TV shows to catch up on. Guess I could spend the day with Front Row. :-)

    Yes, but it won't nearly be the whole day, since Apple has pledged to make it available in the afternoon.

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  • chipchen
    Jan 8, 03:01 AM
    So when are most people lining up for keynote? Maybe we should have another poll for that. My hotel is about 5 blocks away, I guess I'll be walking? or are there decent parking garages open early? (yes, I'm from LA, we drive anything more than 0.5 blocks)

    Anyone willing to take shifts in line? Is the line outdoors or indoors? 10 day weather forecast from weather.com says no rain.

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  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 03:29 PM
    Buying from gainsaver? (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.macrumors.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D612588&ei=77bBTa6yIafq0gHO7Ki3Cg&usg=AFQjCNEB3h6UNgw1H9qie983HvEUz3XMMg&sig2=obEZeDrL4wOfi3Wb9ELCfw)
    Is GainSaver serious? (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CEUQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.macrumors.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D733508&ei=77bBTa6yIafq0gHO7Ki3Cg&usg=AFQjCNFDwSKBWt0mP7bpLVMyKLMTNJ2VDQ&sig2=5S3DBWJ6iCeNDr4oscL2bQ)

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  • sidgriffey
    Mar 17, 01:38 PM
    I decided to just install it on my SSD since I want to take advantage of the speed of it. This no longer seems as buggy as it did when I installed Lion a few weeks ago and got rid of it. I can now run the VNC app "iTeleport" without problem!

    Thank you for taking the time to lay out these instructions, as it is invaluable to me as I install for future partitions down the road. Cheers.

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  • alph45
    Apr 15, 11:35 AM
    to get your VHS source onto your computer it would have to be digitized first. So either you digitized the video or someone did it for you. How this was done determines the base quality of your DIGITAL source. It can't be better than your source, but it can be converted to a more useful or less useful digital format (h.264 = more / mpeg2 = less for example).

    it seems your asking how imovie handles video import for various versions. I don't use imovie, but i can tell your quoting some rather old versions (think it's up to 11 now). this should help with version history and what you can expect: http://tinyurl.com/6gk3p57

    if the software got better over the year it may handle recording the source in a different way (e.g. filtering noise while recording, bettering line time base...).

    I'm really scratching my head. You not recording, your importing a digital file or your capturing from a digital source such as DV tape.

    Noise filtering would be a filter...that's a post process.

    Have no idea what a "line time base" is.

    There are plenty of products out there for cleaning up old / damaged / noisy video, but they are plugins for the most part (build-in or otherwise).

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  • pyounderfire
    Apr 23, 11:45 PM
    Hi Everyone:

    I've come back to the mac world. I've been away ever since my apple G3 was stolen. Now, I bought an apple I3 IMac 27". Hummm, I still miss my G3. Anyways, let's get to the problem.

    In these threads, everyone is having problems with their IMac's not sleeping in Windows 7. Well not me. For me, my IMac is not sleeping in OS X [10.6.7]. I thought there was a hardware issue. Just to make sure it was not, I erased the hard drive and reinstalled the OS. Then, it was fine for awhile until I started installing software. The last thing I installed was skype in OS. And now it does not go to sleep in OS. Why doesn't my IMac fall asleep on its own in OS X? Could it be boot camp? Or, could it be skype? And yes, I reset the PRAM and followed the directions on the apple web-site and I even called apple care but, to no avail. I should have bought a Windows machine!

    Just kidding....

    Can someone help me please? If it's a skype issue then, I understand. But, why on earth would skype prevent my IMac from sleeping even when it is closed. It just doesn't make any sense for the programmers to have skype conflict with OSX 10.6.7; they would have resolved these types of conflicts by now.

    Thanks everyone!


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  • Vantage Point
    Apr 24, 10:37 AM
    I have just purchased an apple wireless keyboard and magic mouse,

    Yeah, I use a Apple wireless keyboard and the Magic Trackpad with my MBP and external. I don't bother with a stand at all.

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  • Zazaban
    Jan 9, 09:37 AM
    I too, hope iLife is out today. iWork would be good too.

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  • cocky jeremy
    Oct 28, 08:24 PM
    My girlfriend saw this and made me one yesterday.. :)

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  • iPhoneCollector
    Feb 26, 11:32 AM
    thats something i would be really glad to see. it's really annoying to subscribe to a thread just to see if someone answered a question

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  • blueroom
    Apr 6, 09:56 AM
    OPs MacBook seems to have a busted shift key, would that qualify? I wonder who he has to show it to do get a new one?

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  • Jon'sLightBulbs
    Sep 13, 01:07 AM
    Importing from Europe would be even more interesting. But I'm not sure that most of the cars built for their consumption meet U.S. emissions and crash testing standards. Therefore, obtaining registration would probably be unduly difficult.

    Of course, if you want to drive your diesel on a private race track, or just up and down your driveway (read: off of public thoroughfares), you'll have no trouble whatsover.

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  • terzinator
    Apr 13, 09:29 PM
    We have a small graphic design firm... four designers working on Illustrator and InDesign files... files might be 200MB to 1GB, generally. Really varies. Might be a brochure, logo design, packaging, whatever.

    We have a Mac Mini Server running Snow Leopard Server, attached to a Promise RAID. All our files are on this unit. (Backed up regularly, yada yada.) We have a gigabit network, so it's plenty fast to move files around, etc...

    here's the issue/question...

    Our designers generally work on the files "on the server" rather than copy them down to their drives to work. They think it's faster and more efficient, and reduces the chances of extra files being created, or deleting the wrong one, or issues with "which version" is the most current, etc. Copying up and down files takes time, they say.

    I argue (I'm the tech guy, not a designer) that it's asking for trouble. That working "off the server" could create file corruption if there's a network issue, or if there's an issue with a computer that's working on the file, or whathaveyou. I also think it's slow, even though it's a fast network. Any time saved "copying the file up or down" is going to be lost waiting for files to open and save and render and whatnot. I think it's very INefficient. All around, I just think it's a bad idea.

    Whether it's a good idea, or a bad idea, or a standard practice, well, what say you? And if you think it's asking for trouble, what's the best way to deal with stuff like this? A different server? Is there good software that allows for making sure you're working on the current file, etc...? What are other graphic design firms doing in this regard?

    If this isn't the best place for the post, let me know and I'll see if I can have it moved.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Chocolatemilty
    Apr 21, 09:24 PM
    Make sure you're getting RetinaPad for the official source. If you try to use a cracked or unauthorized version, then it will not work. My friend tried using the cracked version and all of his iPhone apps crashed when installed. I told him I'm using the officika paid tweak, he went ahead and bought it and it works perfectly.

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  • rdowty
    Apr 13, 11:34 AM
    ok, im starting saving up. :)
    also you can connect apple display with mini displayport to thunderbolt. what the diference it would be if a display has thunderbolt? bigger resolution because of higher speed?
    and what would daisy-chaining give me?

    The difference would be just one or two less cables. Hopefully two.

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  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 15, 03:37 AM
    That article is rather inaccurate. The Killzone footage was pre-rendered, for one� the graphics of both consoles will not be too terribly different, save on exclusives.

    Nobody knew that at the time that article was written. After E3 05 Sony had everyone believing the PS3's graphics were a bazillion times superior, even IGN and G4.

    Apr 17, 11:34 AM
    Yesterday it was working. Today when I attach the apple composite cable and switch the iPad video output to PAL I can see on the tv a picture but black and white and it is rolling over. The sound comes through fine. In the old days tvs used to have adjustments to correct for the horizontal hold, but they don't any more, but that wouldn't fix the problem as it was working fine yesterday. My wife did watch something on tv since then, but she doesn't think she could have changed any adjustments. If it matters, the tv is a Tosheba CF27G50

    Apr 24, 08:15 AM
    You sure you want to release newView? Are you following the memory management rules?

    Apr 27, 12:55 AM
    When you took the screenshot, the shot screen loads in a new Preview window. Press CMD+A, then CMD+C to copy it.
    Or use the shortcuts listed here (http://guides.macrumors.com/Taking_Screenshots_in_Mac_OS_X).

    Ok, thanks.

    Apr 26, 09:01 AM
    Looking for a video surveillance DVR system manufacturer that makes a product which does not require IE to setup or manage. I run OS X and Linux Mint at home. I searched for previous threads but only found 6 year old topics.

    Would like decent day/night video & picture surveillance
    Ability to store data off site
    Possibly remote viewing on the iPhone

    This is for monitoring around the outside of the house. Trying to catch a peeping tom and also have proof if someone breaks in to the house or cars.

    Nov 28, 05:24 PM
    I love the phone except i have to charge it every night, if i don't charge it one night it will die the next night. Otherwise the phone is great.