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Friday, May 20, 2011

randy jackson in journey band

randy jackson in journey band. randy jackson journey. the
  • randy jackson journey. the

  • SevenInchScrew
    Sep 27, 06:14 PM
    Dunno why peeps call grenade launchers and powerful combos "noob". It's a good strategy, then use it.
    No one is saying it makes you a noob. It comes from the old Halo days. The old "Noob Toob" was the Halo 2 rocket launcher, because it had lock-on for everything. Which sucked, and basically took all the skill out of using it. In Reach, the Rocket Launcher only locks onto airborne vehicles, and even then, you can evade them if you pilot them well.

    And the "Noob Combo" was referred to that not because it made you a noob, but because it was soooo easy to kill them with it. Run around with the Plasma Pistol charged up, blast someone to drop their shields, quickly switch to the BR, and boom, headshot and done. Now there are a couple ways to pull this off. Either an Overcharge shot from the Plasma Pistol, or a Delay Shot from the Grenade Launcher will EMP your target, leaving them open to a quick and easy one-shot headshot.

    But again, as I said earlier, getting your hands on a headshot-capable weapon is not that easy in Reach campaign, so you have to be very efficient with your ammo usage to keep it up.

    randy jackson in journey band. Journey Band Members: trial by
  • Journey Band Members: trial by

  • iHotu
    Aug 29, 08:55 AM
    Those prices seem inline with the current cost of XP Pro.

    $299 list, $250 amazon, $135 newegg oem

    Would like to see Apple offer it installed for $99

    randy jackson in journey band. Journey-Lead-Singer
  • Journey-Lead-Singer

  • Pared
    Mar 28, 02:06 PM
    All the stores (Walmart,Target, Best Buy) in Minot ND have Good stock of iPad 2's 3+ of each model in most cases and it has been that way for a week or 2 now.

    Every single one of those stores have none in stock currently. No idea what you're talking about.

    randy jackson in journey band. Was Randy Jackson a member of
  • Was Randy Jackson a member of

  • YourHerojb
    May 5, 10:49 PM
    With this 3D facetracking display being rumored, the first thing I thought of was the future of iPad gaming.
    Imagine playing a game, where instead of moving the right analog to change the camera angle, you just move your head to look around the corner.
    (come on everybodys tried it with there tv at least once :P)

    But then I came upon the fact that the placing of the cam on the ipad would pretty much prevent landscape mode since your thumb would be in the way.
    Then of course, theres the new smart cover or any docking system, you could prop it up in landscape mode and use some sort of bluetooth controller or maybe an iPhone as a controller to your iPad.

    I would be so impressed.

    randy jackson in journey band. randy jackson journey band
  • randy jackson journey band

  • kalafalas
    Nov 13, 12:22 AM
    Why the AppStore works the way it does, and why its perfect, and why poeple shouldn't b*tch.

    In the jailbreak community, packages can do whatever they please. there open, so to speak. An example of why this is terrible, is in winterboard, the popular cydia package. (ive installed this and tested everything myself, with load tests, memory tests, performance tests, and many other things, on both the 3G and the 3GS)

    A: winterboard relies on a package titled mobilesubstrate, and what that does is lets programs be able to inject there own code instead of the deafult one built in from the spring board (example, when you press the home button in winterboard instead of closing the app it restarts springboard.app to let the changes you made take place)

    B: what winterboard does and how it does it. winterboard lets you create a folder in a directory it creates in the system folder called "themes". what you do in there, is create directories that are identical (but in a fashion thats easier and a lot of the major directors for theming is built into winterboard) to apples current ones, but at the end the image or .plist or any file you want to replace, had a different image or code or whatever your replacing. and winterboard forces the phone to load that one, instead of the default one, enabling you to make any changes to the system that you want without harming the original code.

    C: Why this is bad. seeing as there are no limits or moderators, anyone can replace anything with whatever they please. Apple spent years optimizing this operating system for the hardware to work flawlessly, to the last detail. and most random hackers just dont have that kind of attention to detail. Example: the main image type used on the iPhone interface is .png. although apple, uses a specific variation. they created there own type of png, with the compression information and color spectrums and tags after the image, instead of before it in the code line. this enables the image to be loaded into the integrated video card, which shares the same processor as the main one, to load the image before it decompresses it. this also helps battery, ebcause it saves lots of processor cycles. seeing as the iPhones main harddrive is a flash drive, that is horribly slow. so this makes the drawing of the images considerably faster, because it can decompress it, without either having to work from the drive, or load it into ram, decompress it, and then delete the image from ram after its done. but every single theme, ever, uses regular formatted pngs, with the data before the code. this is no problem on a computer, with fast harddrives, separate video cars, and much bettr hardware, and that don't have to keep the battery times as long as possible running always on as peoples phones, with limited space so its still portable.

    and this slows general performance of the phone to where loading of new images are much slower, and drains battery, just the type of compression used in the png. and not to mention every single time you use the touch screen it has to check to see if you have anything installed to inject code, or permit the original. whicth uses many processor cycles, and drains battery because of this.

    now thats only images, think of what people would do with plists, fonts, apps, and everything else.

    it just makes the phone, well, crap. and the soul reason this phone is so great, is how optimized the operating system is. if they let it run loose like the palm web OS, people would be getting frustrated at how slow there phone always is, and having to monitor closing apps themselves, and so much more.

    apple taking control, is the soul reason for how intuitive, easy use, feature full, glicth-less, and non-jerky the iPhone is, which is all the reasons its successful, and why none of its competitors make it in the same field.

    To sum it up: because people are stupid and will fu*k it up if there given the access, and then people will b*tch at apple that they made a crappy, laggy, no battery, crashing-all-the-time product. you have to remember: the main bulk of people using this product, dont know how it works. and for the people that do, we still have jailbreaking if we feel the need to change something silly, or just have a peice of mind that we have the power to (haha i changed it so that when i type my pass code wrong it says "suck is b*tch instead of saying tryagain). and thank you gehot/devteam for making a jailbreak with jsut as much attenion detail as apple has, so the jailbreaking process itself dosn't mess things up :)

    randy jackson in journey band. Journey-Lead-Singer
  • Journey-Lead-Singer

    Mar 29, 08:21 AM
    Just picked up my ipad 2 @ Radio Shack in NYC! They appear to be bundling in the AppleCare. Cant buy without it. so were there long lines at radio shack ? how much is the apple care pk

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson of American Idol
  • Randy Jackson of American Idol

  • mscriv
    Apr 11, 11:57 AM
    I object to the notion that good deeds I do are due to vanity, pride etc.

    No, sorry, you cannot have that one. "Altruistic" does not coincide with "vanity and self glorification". In my filthy heathen state of unsaved gracelessness, I still do things for which my only reward is a smile. And even when I do have an ulterior motive ("you can return the favor at your leisure, to me or to someone else"), how does that detract from my having done well and good by someone else?

    I find this statement utterly appalling. Do those who sacrifice themselves for others do so from selfish motives?

    I agree. There is so much wrong with the original statement in addition to your point. I consider "goodness" to get your spot in heaven the ultimate in selfishness. Also, what about gods other than Jesus, are the good things performed in their name just as "selfless"?

    Ok, good questions and thoughts. Let me explain/expound upon my statement. The bolded part below seems to be what is drawing the most reaction.

    An accurate understanding of original sin does not mean that man is completely "evil" in the sense that we are incapable of doing works that would be considered "good" or altruistic. The human spirit is capable of many good things, but without an accurate understanding of who God is and our relationship to him these good works become nothing but acts of vanity and self glorification that serve only to advance pride and promote self-reliance.

    I am not speaking about conscious motivation within an individuals actions/behavior, although that could be true as we all know people do at times act out of selfish and prideful intentions.

    I'm talking about a theological understanding of man's state before God. For those that do not believe in a higher power or absolute truth, man, in and of himself, is the highest order of existence/being/evolution, etc. etc.. Thus, any and all accomplishments of man ("good works") are then viewed as self evident truths to this proposition. Man's capacity for altruism, self sacrifice, and compassion are seen as proof of his independence from God. "See what we can accomplish on our own... we don't need God." In this manner all of man's action is an act of self glorification and self reliance.

    I'm in a "helping profession" and work daily with people who seek to support and serve others. Many do this out of the "goodness of their own heart" and genuinely do not seek any form of return for their efforts. On a human level these actions are noble and sacrificial and I applaud them. However, on a spiritual level, I must recognize that scripture teaches us that our "good deeds" are worthless if our heart is not right with God.

    Please understand, this doesn't mean that the positive results of these actions are meaningless. For example, giving food to the homeless is a sacrificial act that does help people in need, but it will in no way earn you "points" with God. The Bible does not teach a theology of works. It's not about what you do, it's about your relationship with Christ.

    Again, as I always say, this is ultimately an issue of faith and I completely understand that it can be hard to comprehend for some. And it is a subtle nuance to understand the difference between doing something because you adhere to a set of principles (right vs. wrong) and doing it because it is an outflow of your relationship with God.

    It's like I told someone recently in a conversation we were having. I don't stay true to my wife because being unfaithful to her would be the morally wrong thing to do. I could care less about the moral principle of marital faithfulness. My motivation for staying true to my wife is that I have an intimate loving relationship with her and I would never want to hurt her or damage that relationship in any way.

    Which takes us into rougher territory. If works are relatively insignificant in the scheme of salvation, your absolute moral code starts to crumble and fall in on itself. For, why should a believer bother to follow it if the saviour is always near at hand to forgive and redeem?

    You may not realize it Sydde, but what you are saying is still along the lines of a works based relationship with God and that is not what the Bible teaches. It's not about a revolving door of "messing up" and and then asking for forgiveness. Christ death paid the price in full for all sin (past, present, and future). What matters is the condition of your heart before him and the intimacy of your relationship with him. Within that context are you seeking your own way including your own selfish desires or are you seeking to be the servant leader he wants you to be. The examples you gave in your post were all of people being selfishly motivated for their own gain.

    In light of the examples of history (perhaps including those in the bible itself), how can you say that religion has made anyone a better person than they would have been? To me, it looks like religion has made the world a worse place than it might have been without it.

    I'd think you would agree that people like Mother Theresa were able to successfully live out their faith with the goal of bringing glory to God while serving others. She's just the first example that pops into my head, but there are countless others. Again, it's not about "religion" making us "better people", that's a selfish manner of thinking. My relationship with God is not about me, it's about him.

    "Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus."

    "There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in - that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible."

    ~ Mother Theresa

    Every time I hear about how we are naturally selfish and corrupt, I hear the utterer trying to apologize for their own faults by expanding them upon all others. As a counselor, you should be familiar with the mechanism called "projection".

    I'm very familiar with projection. I can assure you that is not what's happening here. I'm merely presenting what God has communicated to us through the Bible. Could it be that your skepticism and cynicism is a projection of something within you? Why don't you come over he and lie on this couch and tell me about your mother... ;)

    Yet, again, the absolutes get bent. When believers run up against a moral wall that divides them from their goals, they seek the counsel of a cleric. The cleric typically sympathizes with the believer's plight and very often finds a way to interpret the scripture to turn the question to the believer's favor. So you have your absolutes, but they are also flexible. What good then are they, that they can be molded to suit your needs? How is this better than situational ethics (logic, reason and compromise), other than to employ scholars in the service of the almighty?

    Well, first of all, "clerics" are not required for us to interpret scripture or have a relationship with God. When Christ was crucified he tore the temple veil representing that his sacrifice has made the way for man to have a direct relationship with God, no human intermediary is required. As far as prooftexting or manipulating scripture for your own personal motives due to a presenting dilemma, well, I'm sure you already know my answer to this based on my previous comments. Scripture stands alone as authoritative regardless of how I "feel" about it or what I "want" it to say. If I'm seeking to find an "exception" in scripture to justify my own position then my heart is not in the right place.

    I have had more than a third of a century (from teenage years) to develop my philosophy and unbeliefs, and you are obviously quite steadfast in yours, so yes, there can be little doubt of the mexican stand-off. Does it trouble you? As hoary and mulish as I may be, I still find merit in these discussions, because they draw things out into the light that I had not bothered to look at. You do teach me things, though they are almost certainly not the things you intend. I hope you in some way also benefit, it would be a shame to think this only leads you to despair.

    Fret not my friend. I think there is extreme merit in these discussions and I appreciate the respectful way in which many of us here are able to engage each other on such topics.

    As far as me being troubled or in "despair" the answer to your question is both yes and no. I do seek to consistently and genuinely live out my faith and thus I do wish to see other's come into relationship with Christ (you know that whole "go ye therefore" thing in the Bible). However, do I judge others and base my entire relationship with them on evangelistic purposes? No. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is free will, in fact, without free will everything we are talking about falls apart. I respect, just as God has designed it to be, that people have the freedom and the ability to reject him and live their life as they see fit. I love, value, relate to, and learn from others regardless of their spiritual beliefs. It would be foolish of me to limit my relationships with people solely on their spirituality or lack thereof. My goal is to accept people as they are, treat them with dignity and respect, and seek out how I might serve or support them in the context of our relationship.

    Besides, if I do happen to get down about it, I know a pretty good therapist. ;)

    Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to address the questions/comments that had been made. :)

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson - Journey from
  • Randy Jackson - Journey from

  • buffalo
    Sep 12, 06:16 PM
    Can someone give me some idea when the Apple Store Birmingham UK will get the new nano's in stock?

    You could always call the store and ask... Might be quicker and more accurate than waiting for someone else from MR to answer.

    Also some questions... (continued from my post on the previous page)

    Is there anyway to get the new earbuds? The original buds do not fit my (small) ears, and I would like to try something new. Right now I'm using some Sony (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=4503996&st=headphones&lp=10&type=product&cp=2&id=1051806136350) over-the-head headphones.

    Will there be a software update that will bring gapless playback and the other new features to the original nanos?

    Will the original nano dock work with the new nanos?

    randy jackson in journey band. of Randy Jackson Journey
  • of Randy Jackson Journey

  • liavman
    Mar 29, 01:03 AM
    Apple is at the core a software company.

    No, Apple is a hardware company.

    Both of you are wrong, Apple is a vertical systems integrator and vendor.

    Apple is a marketing company above all else.

    The truth is Apple is a Systems Company.


    Good work... :) No wonder Apple is the most valued tech company in the world, it is just so many things wrapped in one ;)

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson, Journey bassist
  • Randy Jackson, Journey bassist

  • liavman
    Mar 28, 09:34 PM
    Personally, why would anyone care WHERE it's sold as long as it's available. I'm glad it's available at these 500 locations -- the more, the merrier. If Apple's not there, the competition will be. Anyone saying this is "a low move" is ignorant.


    randy jackson in journey band. randy jackson bass video
  • randy jackson bass video

  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 29, 12:09 PM
    Well it is hidden and it is different. I guarantee you that Dell doesn't pay the same price you do when they purchase a resale license for Vista from MS.

    Also OSX is included with every Mac but it is the same situation. Apple has to mark up the hardware by some increment for the cost of the OS. I have no idea what Apple's internal pricing is for OS X but it has some value.

    It has value, but Apple doesn't buy OSX from itself. The point being, you get OSX when you buy a Mac, just as you get Windows when you buy an OEM PC. Some people seem to be finding a virtue in the latter but not the former, and a problem the fact that Apple has managed to significantly improve the OS five time in same span of years when Microsoft has managed it only once.

    randy jackson in journey band. bass player, Randy Jackson is
  • bass player, Randy Jackson is

  • ark1214
    Mar 25, 05:32 PM
    Yep, same here, was stuck in recovery loop with ipad2
    I even tried to reload the 4.3 image and failed (both at verifying image).

    Had to connect to a PC and successfully updated the image. Then reconnect back to mac and restored settings/contents.

    This is does not leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling for the iOS dev team. But glad the others had the same problem and was able to resolve it.

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson (II) on IMDb:
  • Randy Jackson (II) on IMDb:

  • oblomow
    Mar 5, 02:20 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5257/5486802478_bee1438a99_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/69707513@N00/5486802478/sizes/l/in/photostream/)

    The muddy scrum at a London Welsh rugby match.

    Love the action, the angle and the colours.

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson briefly relived
  • Randy Jackson briefly relived

  • sam10685
    Oct 15, 03:13 PM
    I like this guy :-)

    where would we be without him?

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson – Morning
  • Randy Jackson – Morning

  • Doozy
    Jan 11, 04:14 PM
    Wifi access to your home music library. It would be great to have my entire collection available on my iphone.

    randy jackson in journey band. was randy jackson in journey.
  • was randy jackson in journey.

  • Oryan
    Sep 12, 02:59 PM
    I won't download movies until I can get them at the same quality as the HD trailers (at least 720p). And I despise DRM.

    randy jackson in journey band. 1980′s über and, Journey.
  • 1980′s über and, Journey.

  • Spectrum
    Aug 24, 02:06 PM
    Seems pointless trying to do anything about it immediately. My PB serial number and battery serial numbers match the list, but I get:

    "This computer serial number is not eligible for the Battery Exchange Program."


    "This serial number is invalid or does not qualify for the program."

    Looks like they need to fix the site.

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson Biography
  • Randy Jackson Biography

  • Chundles
    Sep 6, 08:43 AM
    Low end iMac starts at $1549 here in Australia, no further details as the rest hasn't been updated.

    The current top model mini is $1249 - looks a bit iffy considering the iMac is faster and has a decent screen as well, $300 doesn't buy a Core 2 Duo and a 17" widescreen, mind you, you lose the Superdrive, bluetooth and the remote...

    A top end mini and a $300 LCD is probably better value but I have yet to see the price of the 17" dedicated graphics model.

    randy jackson in journey band. Randy Jackson Journey
  • Randy Jackson Journey

  • Multimedia
    Aug 8, 05:39 PM
    Ah. I'm drooling for the Merom. Anybody know if it's just not ready yet?Not shipping in quantity to Apple until early September.

    Al Coholic
    Apr 14, 12:43 PM
    My daughter needs to use a Mac for school work, but I simply cannot justify the $1k plus expense for a bottom of the line Mac Book.

    I used to think the same way. 2 kids off to college, money is tight but I gave them each their choice of laptops:

    1.) kid#1 chose a Dell because she <gasp> liked Vista :eek:
    2.) kid#2 chose the plain old white macbook

    3 years later, guess which one is currently crap? Seriously, Kid#1 comes home one day, opens up her Dell and she's got 3 keys missing one of which is the Enter key - has no clue where they went. :D Also, the battery is lasting a full 20 minutes and the DVD drive is kaput. The damn thing creaks and moans more than my arthritic joints.

    Now, the lowly white macbook looks like it's been used as a door mat (which I polished up for kid #2 in about 5 minutes) but it works flawlessly.

    Really... don't rationalize the cost. Kids are tough on these things and you aren't always there to "learn 'em" how to handle them. A well built mac + Applecare is a pretty secure future for their learning experience.

    Sep 4, 04:19 PM
    Has anyone considered that apple might not be realeasing the wide screen super secret video ipod because it dosn't exist?

    lets all think for a second...

    1) touch screens are weak, soft, and matte, not iPod at all
    2) they get printy and scratched very easily
    3) they would go through oodles of batter power
    4) Apple would not make the thing bigger just to hold the extra battery
    5) battery life would STINK
    6) touch screen starts to complicate the interface, goes against apple's easy as pie rule
    7) the thing would have to cost a fortune

    please dont kill me, but does anyone have proof, or is it just a dream of perfection?

    p.s. does anyone know if they will webcast the event?

    Nov 7, 12:05 PM
    Would you buy a CD MB the day the C2D comes out for $700

    No. It isn't worth pinching pennies when it comes to notebooks. I'd gladly pay the extra to get something that runs significantly cooler (which apparently is the case with the new MBPs).

    Apr 12, 10:26 PM
    I believe, as scripture details, that God established a covenant with Abraham and from this covenant the Jewish nation was born.
    So the all-powerful super-being took a particular interest in Abraham's plight and no other (we could in theory suggest that the deity might have tried with others but Abraham was his first real success, which would neither improve nor detract from the story). Thereafter, the lives and fates of he and his children were bound to the deity, which bestowed upon them boons and miseries, as it saw fit.

    Yet Mighty Yggdrasil, the Songlines, Sun Wukong, Tyhee Saghalie, etc, these are more absurd than the concept of an exclusive god? You earlier put forth that unbelievers cannot do good that is not vain or self glorifying: the history of your religion (by the approved texts) shows that you do have an intimate understanding of what those terms mean.
    I understand that you think your view of the evidence is the correct view and I respect your right to have that opinion. However, the whole of both the Jewish and the Christian faith would disagree.
    And the truth is democratic.

    Nov 12, 03:40 PM
    When I look at Apple's app reviewing, I think about how Nintendo did gatekeeping in the 80's in order to maintain the quality of its game library. A few third party developers got pissed, you had the black cartridges, but it worked out in Nintendo's favor.

    To me the gatekeeping is just a business decision. It's not perfect but it does filter out a lot of crap out there. Apple just has to streamline their review process to be more consistent