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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

mistral class helicopter carriers

mistral class helicopter carriers. dec co-build two mistral-class
  • dec co-build two mistral-class

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 11:44 AM
    I can read Wiki too...

    GPL is a license. GNU is a foundation. The guy i quoted said about GNU - i corrected him as to the licensing terminology..

    I didn't read any Wikis. None of my links are to wikis. And again, you're wrong. GPL is a license. GNU is a project. The Foundation behind this project is the FSF, the Free Software Foundation.

    The guy you quoted was me. You didn't correct me at all, you posted a ton of wrong information.

    And licensing terminology ? I didn't even get it wrong. I said Bash was part of the GNU project, you said "No, Bash isn't GNU, it's GPL", which is both very wrong and quite misunderstands the terminology used by the FSF.

    Look, you were wrong, drop it, you're only digging yourself deeper into your hole here.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Mistral class helicopter
  • Mistral class helicopter

  • morespce54
    Jul 26, 10:39 AM
    ...all the rumors are getting a bit much, next thing the ipod will be a all purpose video edeting aplience called the... macbook! :p

    when I first bought my iBook, I used to call it "my big iPod" :D :D

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Die Mistral-Klasse ist eine
  • Die Mistral-Klasse ist eine

  • Spooner83
    Apr 29, 03:18 PM
    This would be awesome if I bought music at 256 kbps but I download LOSSLESS! When are digital retailers going to offer LOSSLESS?

    mistral class helicopter carriers. French Helicopter Carrier
  • French Helicopter Carrier

  • SuperCachetes
    Dec 30, 01:54 PM
    Just like quitting smoking is dead easy for some people but really difficult for others? My gran after 50+ years of chain smoking just simply stopped. She says she had no problem, just didn't feel like spending to money anymore. I smoke about 5 cigs a day since the age of 13 and still struggling to quit.

    IMHO it is all about desire and willpower. I, too, smoked from the time I was 13, and did it for 25 years. I tried to quit many times, and mostly just got hooked on nicotine gum/lozenges instead for a few months at a time. Finally, a few years ago, the motivation and environment matched up and I said "screw this." Smoke-free ever since, and while I will probably always be super-sensitive to the smell of a nice burning tobacco leaf, I really am done with it. Good luck with your own battle.

    Similar to the situation with the 30,000 calorie lady, I don't care if people smoke or not. You know it's unhealthy; it's your right to be that way. It's none of my business... until it starts affecting me, via pitching in for your eventual treatment or having butts thrown at me or onto my property.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. dec construction Port facilities if it decides to russia type of transporting and russia Mistral+helicopter+carriers Torussias contract to queue mistral
  • dec construction Port facilities if it decides to russia type of transporting and russia Mistral+helicopter+carriers Torussias contract to queue mistral

  • Nishi100
    Nov 28, 10:56 AM
    For Christmas:
    A TV which is 3D capable, LED backlighted, full HD, 47 inch to 55 inch and a HDMI port, which is pretty much a standard, for my PS3; that acts as a 3D blu ray player and a great, better than the xbox, games console. I haven't decided which one, yet.


    And an Apple TV, for all the Airplay goodness, via my iPod Touch.


    For my Birthday (things that I wanted for christmas, but waiting for the next generation.)

    iPad 2; hopefully, with a gyro, front and rear facing cameras, a "better display" - not retina, 512mb of RAM, 128gb of SSD goodness and a faster processor.


    27 inch iMac.


    I have been saving up, for years. Christmas 2010 - my birthday, is the "spend it all six months," for me.

    Oh, and I want to meet the REAL Santa.


    mistral class helicopter carriers. mistral class helicopter
  • mistral class helicopter

  • Small White Car
    May 3, 11:24 PM
    I think the evidence has been so overwhelming by this point no one really cares if the service reps just admit it.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. helicopter carriers of the
  • helicopter carriers of the

  • gkhaldi
    Oct 24, 08:22 AM
    nch MacBook Pro, 2,33 GHz
    Bestelnummer: Z0DQ
    3 GB 667 DDR2 - 1x2 GB, 1x1 GB SO-DIMMs 065-6803
    SuperDrive 6x (DVD+R DL/DVD RW/CD-RW) 065-6625
    Breedbeeldscherm met glanzende toplaag 065-6632
    Toetsenbord met backlightverlichting (Belgisch) & Mac OS (Internationaal Engels) 065-6629
    Gelokaliseerde documentatie 065-6628
    Serial ATA-schijf van 160 GB (5400 rpm) 065-6624
    2,33-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 065-6642
    Verzendklaar: 5 dagen

    Says shipment within 5 days :eek: :eek: :eek:

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Mistral-class helicopter
  • Mistral-class helicopter

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 01:29 AM
    wireless (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wi-Max whatever)? I used to think that this was a cool thing to have in an iPod. an iPod with internet radio capability sounds like a really cool idea. I'm lukewarm about now.

    I'm not. What would I like to see from Apple? What would my ideal iPod be like? Let's explore the possibilities.

    Bluetooth-headphones. This would kick ass. No more wires that get tangled up. And it CAN be done!

    Large touch-screen. No separate controls, the controls would be right in the display (like in the image that was linked before in this thread).

    And before you say "but there would be fingerprints on the screen! And it wouldn't provide any tactile feedback!". Ah, but how about that "no-touch" controls that have been rumored? I have no idea that is it really possible, but what if? You could simply hover you finger 1cm from the screen and use the controls. No fingerprints. As to the tactile feedback.... Tactile feedback is used that you know where the controls are without actually looking at the screen. "No-touch" UI does not have this, because you aren't actually touching anything. So how do we make this work? Well, what if you could just put your finger close to the screen ANYWHERE on the screen. If you do circlular motion (like in current iPod) the device would scroll, adjust volume, and do the other things you can do on the current iPod. If you move your finger straigh up, it would be equivaltnof clicking "menu". Straight down would be play/pause and so forth.

    As to WLAN and the like.... What if the new iPod could be tied to iChat? You could VOIP to/from the iPod. just turn on the wireless, and browse to the "buddy list" menu on your iPod, and you are all set. Hell, the iPod could have a camera as well! if they can put video-cameras on phones, is there any reason why iPod couldn't have one?

    if we assume that the "no-touch" UI is possible, then nothing I have listed is impossible. iPod with those specs would be YEARS ahead of any other device on the market! It would absolutely embarrass all the other devices.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Mistral-class helicopter
  • Mistral-class helicopter

  • silentnite
    Apr 25, 11:47 AM
    Really hoping they bring back the 24" this was really a great starter size.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. mistral-class helicopter
  • mistral-class helicopter

  • iApples
    May 1, 11:20 PM
    the sad part is that the US in most terms failed to capture him since it took over ten years. It's like entering a race and losing 99 out of 100 races and then suddenly winning the last race and obtaining victory, when in doubt, clearly was not enough.

    Yeah it's true. Even though it's something the US should be happy about.. In reality it's really an eye opener. It took one of the world most powerful Countries 10 years to find one single person. That's more of a loss in my books.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. mistral-class helicopter
  • mistral-class helicopter

  • arogge
    Jun 16, 06:12 PM
    You believe that there is an unlimited ceiling on how much money someone should lose as a result of linking a credit card to their account. If there were an app that cost a million dollars, and someone misclicked and bought it, you apparently believe it's right and good that they spend the rest of their life paying it off.

    No, there is a limit on how much money a person can risk as a result of a credit card transaction. The credit card must be authorized for the amount specified, or the transaction will be declined. There is a limit on the size of each transaction, and a limit on the total amount of credit available during the billing cycle. There is no way to charge a million dollars unless you have a credit line that large and you have authorized the credit card company to allow a single transaction of this amount. For most people, the transaction would simply not go through. For the rest, the IRS would probably come looking for some explanatory paperwork.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. The two Mistral class
  • The two Mistral class

  • Kurgan
    May 3, 07:59 AM
    To bad there was no mini. I have been warming up my shop finger all morning...

    mistral class helicopter carriers. a mistral-class helicopter
  • a mistral-class helicopter

  • Stella
    Jul 28, 10:51 AM
    If you hated DRM would you switch to a Zune? It is common sense. MS is doing the same thing that Apple is. And people already hate the iPod...

    DRM is a evil necessity - and one that isn't going to go away - we must live with

    I would be able to use more than one music store... and from my point of view - is a great benefit. If one music store doesn't have the music I want to buy - maybe another does?

    ( And please, don't tell me to burn -> rip - its slow and unconvenient )

    mistral class helicopter carriers. French Mistral class
  • French Mistral class

  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 15, 02:55 PM
    Apple bought OS X too. :D

    I'm arguing that both were massive undertakings by both parties. My OS X example was tainted with sarcasm if you didn't catch the little :rolleyes: there.

    Both OS X and Chrome OS (and Android, and iOS) borrow heavily from others, either through acquisitions or from the open source community. To claim Google is any inferior here is just trying to stir the pot, especially calling the poster Troll, that is just insulting and uncalled for.

    Both companies deserve props from providing the software they do, neither deserves scorn that some posters here like to dish out.

    So what ? OS X is Mach/XNU, Apple didn't make that. It's also a GNU/Berkeley userland, Apple didn't make that either. Again guys, drop the non-sense competition, this thread is about a release of OS X, not some type of Google bashing contest.

    Poster wasn't stirring the pot. One person said "OMG Apple built OSX on top of Unix! They don't build ANYTHING original. Google on the other hand build Android." to which someone pointed out "Uh, no Google bought Android" and others pointed out that Android was built on top of Linux too.

    Paraphrasing there.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Special French Mistral News
  • Special French Mistral News

  • Plutonius
    Apr 17, 11:04 PM
    I really don't know how I missed him in the list. I swear, I did read it. :eek:

    But then again, nies hasn't signed up yet.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. class helicopter carrier
  • class helicopter carrier

  • blipmusic
    Apr 18, 04:39 AM
    It's not a marginal increase. The Sandy Bridge 1.4Ghz ULV (expected to be in the new 11") is 40% faster than the C2D LV 1.86Ghz chip that's currently in the base 13" in some benchmarks.

    Good to hear, thanks for the heads up. I'll live with the Intel IGP if that's the case.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Mistral-class helicopter
  • Mistral-class helicopter

  • PBG4 Dude
    Apr 22, 04:15 PM
    That's gonna be sweet if apple comes out with that.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Sarkozy says two Mistral-class
  • Sarkozy says two Mistral-class

  • Surely
    Sep 13, 02:26 PM
    Mmmm WHO-GAR-TEN. So deelish. I remember when I first read the label, "coriander" scared me (I absolutely abhor the stuff), but whatever they put in there is fine with me as long as it keeps tasting the way it does. I love white beers. My cheap alternative is Rickards white, but you've got to throw lotsa orange peel in there to imitate the light poppiness of Hoegarden.

    Sometime soon I've gotta visit the Bier Garden down at the Esplanade and sample, well, everything.

    Go there. The Bier Markt was one of my regular stomps when I used to live in Toronto. Actually, I used to live a few minutes away, in a condo right by the St. Lawrence Market.

    If they carry Blue Moon, try that one too.

    mistral class helicopter carriers. Officer blamed for the mistral dec panic Vessels will also purchase a negotiations French+built+mistral+helicopter+carriers Decides to be french-built
  • Officer blamed for the mistral dec panic Vessels will also purchase a negotiations French+built+mistral+helicopter+carriers Decides to be french-built

  • Intell
    Apr 18, 10:55 AM
    What, pray tell, is in a 'vegitable'?

    Vegemite is a key ingredient I think.

    Sep 30, 05:23 AM
    well then maybe i'll pay 30% of my bill... =P

    You mean you will pay 70% of your bill, sinc ethat is the amount that works.

    Apr 24, 04:44 PM
    Oh please, get off your PC high horse for a second and come back to reality. Yeah, no one should get beat up and bullied. I'd also love for the world to be filled with rainbows and unicorns all the time too. However, if I walk around drunk in a bad part of town flashing a suitcase full of cash, well I shouldn't be shocked that I get robbed. I know people don't like to take personal responsibility for their actions these days and everyone's ready to sue someone else because nothing is ever their fault. But most reasonable people should realize that being drunk in the ghetto as a transgendered guy isn't the brightest idea.

    And rape victims deserved it because they wore miniskirts too.

    Being drunk in a 'bad part of town' and flashing whatever is one thing. But that's no excuse, reason, or justification for you being attacked as a result.

    Being a transgender, drunk, and in a rich country club isn't going to be very bright either.

    Just being transgender is more than enough.

    Especially with bigger issues in this world and people would rather prod each other out of a perceived sense of sensibility or lack thereof. Indeed, in the ideal environment, everybody would flash cash and could do so in absolute safety. I think they're currently called "gated communities". I wonder why.

    Oct 23, 02:10 PM
    How would an operating system KNOW it is being run in virtualization? It cannot determine the difference from a real computer. We are talking about Vista like it is an artificial intelligence of some kind.

    Apr 27, 08:38 PM
    It really is a tough choice. I think they're both wolves, because they are both acting weird. Nies may be acting wierder though.

    When is the deadline?

    Apr 24, 05:19 PM
    I can't read the words on the display. Is seems to say something about confidential and proprietary. I guess this is where the internal location tracking comes in handy.