Apr 14, 11:18 PM
Oh great. I'm going to have to tie up my Internet connection for a long period of time to update my 4G iPod touch and iPad 2 for the 4.3.2 update. :rolleyes:
I REALLY hope that Apple does incremental updates of iOS starting with iOS 5.0 to save us from tying up the broadband connection for such a long period of time.
Am I the only person who sets up a big download, then goes to bed?
I REALLY hope that Apple does incremental updates of iOS starting with iOS 5.0 to save us from tying up the broadband connection for such a long period of time.
Am I the only person who sets up a big download, then goes to bed?
Jan 25, 06:45 PM
The biggest cause of the stock drop was the quarterly earnings report. Essentially iPod sales in the US are flat (~5% growth year over year). That scared a lot of investors into thinking that the cash cow is almost milked dry. Then, on top of that, Apple gave an ultra-conservative estimate for Q2 base on the slowing economy and sales seasonality. Apples estimates for Q2 were WELL BELOW Wall Street's expectations.
Oct 2, 11:26 PM
Do some research on what tall buildings do to cell towers/signal and the ability for your phone to handle constant hand-offs between thousands of towers. Trust me, sky scrapers make it impossible for Verizons, T-mobile, or any other carriers service to be much better than the rest. The other carriers are just better about hiding their shortcomings from the public.
HORSE *****!
HORSE *****!
Apr 22, 05:28 PM
Nope, don't believe a word of this report, not one word. This will be next years iPhone if it's true, not this years. Why would Apple re-design it 2 years running when it's selling by the truck load?
Nov 15, 06:42 PM
Gotta say I disagree with you on that, I've always thought good quality clobber is worth the money.
Just for why is that I'm facing a new wardrobe after eleven+ years service from the last (I tend to do things periodically) when I had a half dozen suits made up and some good shoes. As for the suits they hang better than anything off the peg to this day and I'll get a couple more years out of them yet (the cut and full canvassing mean that you save money on the price per wear basis as well as being continuously better turned out). Its really win, win, win (especially if you like to support skilled local crafts &c.)
Personally I like wearing the same clothes for years- my shoes probably have seen thousands of miles and get more comfortable with every step (I like having a cobbler too- even if he's only seen two pairs from a rotation of three over a decade:eek:). Similarly shirts just get better until they turn into mufti (I rotate shirts and treat them well so easily get 3+ years until the collars/cuffs fray past the 'would you be happy to meet the Queen in that?' point- fortunately thats when I luv 'em the most!)
I suppose its diffrent strokes/ diffrent folkes, but I really don't get the whole sweatshop/ single use/ el cheapo clothes, nor the crassness of expensive branded clothes with a only slightly longer life. Not a value judgement, but really don't see any worth in doing it this way. /2p
Just for why is that I'm facing a new wardrobe after eleven+ years service from the last (I tend to do things periodically) when I had a half dozen suits made up and some good shoes. As for the suits they hang better than anything off the peg to this day and I'll get a couple more years out of them yet (the cut and full canvassing mean that you save money on the price per wear basis as well as being continuously better turned out). Its really win, win, win (especially if you like to support skilled local crafts &c.)
Personally I like wearing the same clothes for years- my shoes probably have seen thousands of miles and get more comfortable with every step (I like having a cobbler too- even if he's only seen two pairs from a rotation of three over a decade:eek:). Similarly shirts just get better until they turn into mufti (I rotate shirts and treat them well so easily get 3+ years until the collars/cuffs fray past the 'would you be happy to meet the Queen in that?' point- fortunately thats when I luv 'em the most!)
I suppose its diffrent strokes/ diffrent folkes, but I really don't get the whole sweatshop/ single use/ el cheapo clothes, nor the crassness of expensive branded clothes with a only slightly longer life. Not a value judgement, but really don't see any worth in doing it this way. /2p
Dec 30, 07:13 AM
How could he move her when he probably broke his back during sex?
Creative positioning + bed with a good bit of "give", e.g. Memory Foam = enjoyment without that "crushing" feeling. This has served me well, and that's the best way I can explain it without going into TMI territory.
Creative positioning + bed with a good bit of "give", e.g. Memory Foam = enjoyment without that "crushing" feeling. This has served me well, and that's the best way I can explain it without going into TMI territory.
Jul 24, 03:49 PM
Make it easy to clean, or I'm sticking with my Kensington Trackball. 10 years, the same design. And I can replace the white trackball with my favorite snooker ball.
I agree - nothing beats the Kensington. Between that and my Wacom tablet I'm set.
I agree - nothing beats the Kensington. Between that and my Wacom tablet I'm set.
Apr 28, 04:17 PM
I'll tell you who care...
case manufacturers that Apple is constantly screwing.
No they don't. They would if this were a true story.
case manufacturers that Apple is constantly screwing.
No they don't. They would if this were a true story.
Mar 4, 10:19 PM
It's much more than "biochemical pathways" and the habitual firing of familiar neurons. The aspects of psychological dependence that affect spirit, identity, and will can be debilitating and are often the most difficult things to change.
Here's where I respectfully disagree...my background is a little different from your own, however I fully understand where you're coming from as a counselor. It is sometimes easy to separate out chemical vs psychological, especially for argument and treatments sake, but it is important to remember that it all reduces down to chemical interactions; emotions, "spirit," thought, identity... everything. Though much of these interactions are not well understood yet, in time they will, and the treatments for those will become much more advanced, and changing them will become far easier, for better or for worse. So in short, yes, I still do believe that it is all biochemical pathways and the habitual firing of neurons-- the complexity of thought and what the initial origins are often are forgotten, especially in light of a lack of complete understanding.
Here's where I respectfully disagree...my background is a little different from your own, however I fully understand where you're coming from as a counselor. It is sometimes easy to separate out chemical vs psychological, especially for argument and treatments sake, but it is important to remember that it all reduces down to chemical interactions; emotions, "spirit," thought, identity... everything. Though much of these interactions are not well understood yet, in time they will, and the treatments for those will become much more advanced, and changing them will become far easier, for better or for worse. So in short, yes, I still do believe that it is all biochemical pathways and the habitual firing of neurons-- the complexity of thought and what the initial origins are often are forgotten, especially in light of a lack of complete understanding.
Nov 7, 01:28 PM
Parallels sucks but until now its been the only REAL game in town. Boo hoo I'm not paying for an app that IMHO is half baked to begin with. :rolleyes: At least I'm not outright going in search of a seral number and pirating the thing. Again its a tide me over until VM gets their butt in gear and releases this thing.
Ahh ok - so if I dont like something then I dont have to pay for it? $80 for an app that, by your own admission, you are using all day every day doesnt sound a lot whether you like the app or not.
Ahh ok - so if I dont like something then I dont have to pay for it? $80 for an app that, by your own admission, you are using all day every day doesnt sound a lot whether you like the app or not.
Apr 26, 01:50 PM
No cloud for me.
Paying 20 bucks a year is not much, but I'm also paying 60 bucks a month for standard Internet access, and 30 bucks a month for my Phone's data+voice plan. To make matters worse Dutch telco's, one by one, are starting to impose data limits on their plans which means that if you go over the limit, they make you pay through the nose.
No, thanks.
Paying 20 bucks a year is not much, but I'm also paying 60 bucks a month for standard Internet access, and 30 bucks a month for my Phone's data+voice plan. To make matters worse Dutch telco's, one by one, are starting to impose data limits on their plans which means that if you go over the limit, they make you pay through the nose.
No, thanks.
Jul 25, 08:26 AM
I've wanted hyperlinks and a touch screen on the iPod since forever. Many times I do "shuffle songs", then it lands on an artist or album that I'd like to hear more of. It would be great to be able to click on the artist name or the album and then jump right there.
Jethryn Freyman
Mar 31, 04:36 PM
That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!
This, and I don't know why Apple feels that their apps (iCal, Address Book, iBooks) must look like real physical calendars and address books.
This, and I don't know why Apple feels that their apps (iCal, Address Book, iBooks) must look like real physical calendars and address books.
Apr 13, 02:32 PM
Every time a new product like this from Apple is rumored, it follows a predictable pattern: 1) People look at existing, entrenched offerings by other companies. 2) They assume Apple will add some slightly different functionality and charge a lot more money for the product, and ask, "How many people would pay a premium for something just because it has the Apple logo and does a couple more things than existing products? And why would Apple enter that market, anyway?" 3) Steve Jobs says that Apple has no plans to enter that market. ("Nobody watches TV anymore. Everyone is reading books on their iPads.") 3) Apple announces that it is indeed entering that market, with a magical, game-changing product. 4) People still assume it will be an over-priced slight variation on existing products and predict that it will be an epic fail. 5) Apple releases the product, which is radically different in some ways from anything else that's out there, and/or offers a user experience that is significantly more refined than anything else that's out there. 6) People line up in droves to buy it, and sales go through the roof. 7) The people who predicted it would be an epic fail were among the first in line to buy it (unless they're waiting for the Android version that will come out a year later), and now they're whining that it's been six months already, and there have been no rumors about what might be in rev 2 of the product, which was great in its day but is now getting stale.
In other words, I believe this rumor is credible only if Apple has some new take on the television set that none of us are even guessing at yet. I highly doubt they'd release a conventional TV with only the guts of the AppleTV added to it.
In other words, I believe this rumor is credible only if Apple has some new take on the television set that none of us are even guessing at yet. I highly doubt they'd release a conventional TV with only the guts of the AppleTV added to it.
May 3, 08:22 AM
To work well it needs to contain all your apps and system files. For most people this means at least 100GB these days. Shockingly when I got my MBP in 2008 I thought a 200 GB drive would do it all for me. That really didn't last long at all.
Out of the factory, all the system files and bundled apps take up about 20GB. I can't imagine many people then install an addition 80GB worth of apps. If you're using up that sort of space, I'm guessing you're storing a fair bit of video.
My own personal setup is 128 GB SSD for current work. Old stuff gets archived to an external 2TB HD. It works for me.
Out of the factory, all the system files and bundled apps take up about 20GB. I can't imagine many people then install an addition 80GB worth of apps. If you're using up that sort of space, I'm guessing you're storing a fair bit of video.
My own personal setup is 128 GB SSD for current work. Old stuff gets archived to an external 2TB HD. It works for me.
Apr 19, 02:18 AM
But it seems on par or better than the 9400m, which people use just fine every day in the 2008/2009 MBA/MB/MBP's.
Honest question: Why are there so many comparisons to a GPU (9400M) the Air no longer has? The Intel IGP is still worse than the 320M, which to me is the only relevant point if all we are comparing is the GPU.
Removing options is removing options. At this point it would've made sense to release the new MBA with SB a few months later, than doing what seems like a downgrade on the graphics side. Easy for me to say of course. I don't have a finished design in my shed, ready for release and the choice is to either make money (release with C2D) and possibly losing some (no release, wait for SB).
Luckily, the MBA, especially, doesn't depend on its GPU alone.
The laws of physics seem to dictate that since it draws up to 10W less power and would (presumably) have the same battery, a SB MBA would have more battery life than a C2D MBA.
It seems that the only way Apple could rationalize bumping to SB is by bringing something new, meaningful, to the table. An hour extra battery life, perhaps. Or new hardware, such as a built in wireless modem (pretty please, make that fit in the 11"). I guess it all depends on how long they can use the C2D versus what they can offer "in return" for going SB.
On the other hand most buyers won't care/notice anyway, which Apple is probably more than aware of. :(
Honest question: Why are there so many comparisons to a GPU (9400M) the Air no longer has? The Intel IGP is still worse than the 320M, which to me is the only relevant point if all we are comparing is the GPU.
Removing options is removing options. At this point it would've made sense to release the new MBA with SB a few months later, than doing what seems like a downgrade on the graphics side. Easy for me to say of course. I don't have a finished design in my shed, ready for release and the choice is to either make money (release with C2D) and possibly losing some (no release, wait for SB).
Luckily, the MBA, especially, doesn't depend on its GPU alone.
The laws of physics seem to dictate that since it draws up to 10W less power and would (presumably) have the same battery, a SB MBA would have more battery life than a C2D MBA.
It seems that the only way Apple could rationalize bumping to SB is by bringing something new, meaningful, to the table. An hour extra battery life, perhaps. Or new hardware, such as a built in wireless modem (pretty please, make that fit in the 11"). I guess it all depends on how long they can use the C2D versus what they can offer "in return" for going SB.
On the other hand most buyers won't care/notice anyway, which Apple is probably more than aware of. :(
Apr 25, 04:19 PM
I don't understand why is the article saying Apple delaying orders when the Apple Online Store says ships in 24 hrs not 1-3 weeks
Because if you order one now you'll get an email back saying there was an unexpected delay. Inventory is drying up at best buy and amazon. Other threads here on the macrumor forums show that supplies are shrinking all over the world and distributors have no stock.
Because if you order one now you'll get an email back saying there was an unexpected delay. Inventory is drying up at best buy and amazon. Other threads here on the macrumor forums show that supplies are shrinking all over the world and distributors have no stock.
Jul 26, 03:54 PM
I can look at diagrams all day long
I'm impressed by your endurance! ;)
I'm impressed by your endurance! ;)
Nov 25, 05:04 PM
I think I have lost 7 -10k points from the 10th 11th and 12th instead of gaining ~60-70k pts. the 10th I had ~3420 the 11th was ~7200 and the 12th was ~3420. now it's ~3420, 0 and I think 0. Don't suppose it would do any good to complain since I don't have any "proof" of what happened.
Oh well it's just a "game" anyway :rolleyes: and as long as I'm doing something meaningfull that is what really counts anyway. I'm not smart enough to contribute to science myself so this is my way to add to our knowledge of the universe and life.
Anyway, happy Thanksgiving to everyone everywhere and may your points pile up.
yeah i'm not sure how i lost, but i know i lost a bigadv unit. but yeah, as long as we're contributing to a good cause, that's what counts.
and happy Thanksgiving to you as well :)
Oh well it's just a "game" anyway :rolleyes: and as long as I'm doing something meaningfull that is what really counts anyway. I'm not smart enough to contribute to science myself so this is my way to add to our knowledge of the universe and life.
Anyway, happy Thanksgiving to everyone everywhere and may your points pile up.
yeah i'm not sure how i lost, but i know i lost a bigadv unit. but yeah, as long as we're contributing to a good cause, that's what counts.
and happy Thanksgiving to you as well :)
May 4, 01:58 AM
Good so.
It's the return of the Mac, Steve Jobs said it so, so let's focus on Macs now and iPhone in second plan for this year at least; it's already a huge success, so...
It's the return of the Mac, Steve Jobs said it so, so let's focus on Macs now and iPhone in second plan for this year at least; it's already a huge success, so...
Apr 28, 04:25 PM
Ditto. And if they are different, it's definitely NOT 2mm (1mm per side) like the post says. If anything, it's a quarter of a mm each side MAX.
Yes we all forgot about your super human ability to determine things based on a small grainy picture...:rolleyes:
Yes we all forgot about your super human ability to determine things based on a small grainy picture...:rolleyes:
Jul 10, 10:34 AM
Lets hope it doesnt end up costing as much as MS Office....:eek:
At $79 a year it will probably be 5 years before the program moves to a commonly useful level where it may have the ability to replace MS Office. The very casual Word Processor user will not have to wait very long, maybe Pages 3 or Pages 4. With the 5 X $79 = $395 we move into the price range of the non-educational price of MS Office. But for the heavy Office user, 5 years may not be long enough.
Apple would used to calculate the Real Total Cost of Ownership for Macs. They would include after purchase service & support costs. We need to do the same for iWork. iWork is not a simple $79 program useless you wait for the version you want, purchase it & then add no updates that have a purchase price. If you want a slimmed down program purchase now, but have few features to give few benefits. If you want a more complete program just wait for the 5th or 6th upgrade. But this way you have no program to use for another 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years. Anything else requires multiplying the $79 by by a 2, 4, 5 or even larger number to get the true cost of iWork.
Bill the TaxMan
At $79 a year it will probably be 5 years before the program moves to a commonly useful level where it may have the ability to replace MS Office. The very casual Word Processor user will not have to wait very long, maybe Pages 3 or Pages 4. With the 5 X $79 = $395 we move into the price range of the non-educational price of MS Office. But for the heavy Office user, 5 years may not be long enough.
Apple would used to calculate the Real Total Cost of Ownership for Macs. They would include after purchase service & support costs. We need to do the same for iWork. iWork is not a simple $79 program useless you wait for the version you want, purchase it & then add no updates that have a purchase price. If you want a slimmed down program purchase now, but have few features to give few benefits. If you want a more complete program just wait for the 5th or 6th upgrade. But this way you have no program to use for another 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years. Anything else requires multiplying the $79 by by a 2, 4, 5 or even larger number to get the true cost of iWork.
Bill the TaxMan
Aug 16, 06:04 AM
Should I see if i can install this beta I got from a friend?
Apr 13, 03:44 PM
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5227/5614995836_34cb024583_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefanctf/5614995836/)
An airliner departs from Vancouver International Airport.
An airliner departs from Vancouver International Airport.