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Friday, May 20, 2011

Hillsdale New Jersey

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  • babyj
    Sep 19, 03:44 PM
    Honestly I think movies will come to other countries before TV Shows do. Movies are more universal than TV Shows are, each country has their own TV Shows but everyone wants to watch Lord of the Rings.

    I'd of thought movies will come to the rest of the world pretty quickly. There shouldn't be any licensing issues so its probably more due to logistics than anything else.

    TV is totally different as most of the main programmes are already licensed to other broadcasters for other markets. Which would make selling episodes online outside of the home market tricky, it'll happen one day but it will take time.

    I doubt I'll be buying any movies or tv shows when they come to the UK, I've never bought a single tune before now from iTunes. I run about 6-12 months behind everyone else and buy cds and dvds when they've been reduced, it works out a lot cheaper.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • IngerMan
    Apr 30, 07:39 PM
    Similar, but not the same. The new design came out in October 2009.

    New sizes, new aspect ratio, removal of plastic from the enclosure, removed the outer aluminum bezel, etc. And new guts, of course.

    Yes you are correct. After a little digging is was a considerable upgrade. Even though the look stayed close. I almost wish mine would take a bomb so I would upgrade.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:35 PM
    Doesn't every GPS based phone have something like this?

    Every cell phone is tracked .... don't know how many store it on the local device (out of reach for anyone except you), but the tracking data from every cell phone is stored on the providers servers and/or government servers - law enforcement could access that information in almost real time.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 07:32 PM
    Sorry [/puts on apple shades] WHOA! I see now! Steve Jobs is actually GOD!!!!

    Now you're getting it!

    Would you guys get a room already?

    (The trolling grows tiresome.)

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • cohen777
    Mar 23, 06:48 PM
    Our courts have said that the U.S. Constitution requires the publication, among other requirements, of DUI roadblocks. Other requirements of roadblocks include the police having a set procedure of how they are going to pull cars and that the procedures are adhered to during the roadblock. Thus, when the police set up a roadblock they have to publish it in a local newspaper.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • direzz
    Aug 28, 04:15 PM
    On time? The other companies just announced, and are not actually shipping. Give apple time, I'm sure they'll be shipping before the others. :-)

    yea, with tons of problems to the machines.

    i love apple, but everytime i buy one of there laptops, they suck!

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 24, 10:49 AM
    Sorry folks, but you act as if the Patent office was some kind of arbiter for what makes sense.

    Who acts this way? It doesn't matter to this situation whether the current patent system is logical or sensible. We can all agree that it's run amok, but that changes nothing.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • javaGuru
    Apr 22, 11:43 AM
    I've been debating whether to get the iPad 2 or a 11.6" MBA. I currently own the original iPad but thought I would invest a little more and get a nice MBA instead of the iPad 2. I hope they add illuminated keyboards along with this upgrade.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 01:55 PM
    I fall into the "who cares" category.

    If someone wants to waste their time figuring out where I've been... have a ball! I might be concerned if I was a drug lord, or cereal murderer (Die! Captain Crunch, die!). :) But since I'm just a software guy... again, who cares?

    P.S. Snap, Crackle and Pop... you're next!

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 11:45 AM
    That is the funny thing I was thinking about either going Linux (just so I don't need to listen to my mac wife tease me about my conversion to the light.) But if I want something that as you say "Just works" why go linux, I might fool around with that by setting my Dell up to dual boot, just upgraded it to 300 GB internal drive so plenty of space.

    I had also thought of grabbing a netbook, and making a hackintosh, but that isn't reliable or realistic for daily computing needs either.

    But I must say the thing that was perhaps the most instrumental in my thinking of going mac, was android.

    I wanted a phone that just worked and was looking at iPhone vs Android. In my opinion the iPhone is a more reliable platform, due to the fragmentation of droid. Too many manufacturers, with their own independent specs, and a separate entity creating the software.

    If you extrapolate the fragmentation of droid argument, it is an equally valid argument against windows.

    Apple is in my opinion the Volvo of the computer world. And at this point, working full time, while also taking night classes and working on an undergrad degree, a volvo is what I need.

    On a side note, I just went to the apple store, and looked at the 27" imacs....

    Ok, maybe I just should get one of those when they refresh. I thought my wife had the 27", but she must actually have the 24"

    Those 27" ones are very pretty. More space than I have on the 2 screens I have now combined. I could just use my Ipad 2 when I get one as a 2nd remote screen and call it a day. Damn they look nice.

    I think that is what my experience is turning into. Just swap for a iphone 4 and not caring as much about quad core.

    If you want to experiment with Linux I would say try Ubuntu or OpenSUSE 11.4 (just released). I liked the Linux desktop a lot, but I like Mac better due to stability of a *NIX system and its polished GUI over Linux. My server choice is still Linux but my desktop is Mac.

    The 27" iMacs are great. That was my first Mac ( October 2009). Mine is only a C2D and a lot of Apple haters here like to point out how inferior my processor is compared to similar priced Dells and HP's. But I am here to tell you that the C2D 27" iMac has been the best performing computer I have ever owned. And I have had Dell, HP, IBM, Compaq, VAIO notebooks and desktops. I have a Windows XP virtual machine on my Mac because I support a client that still uses a legacy Access application. XP runs better as a VM on my Mac than it ever did as a physical machine on my last C2D Dell boxes - LOL.

    I have had iPhone since it debuted in 2007. Best phone by far. Definitely wait for the refresh on the iMac and probably iPhone too (iPhone 5 due out soon).

    I've been told "Once you go Mac you don't go back!"

    Judging from my experience with my iPhone 3GS making me wanting to get an iMac 27" inch Quad Core I may agree.

    Its been true for me. ;)

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 10:29 AM
    Lots of smartphones are total iPhone ripoffs with added features. They're seemingly slower, more complicated and crash more though. There's some things I absolutely hate about the iPhone, but it's an okay tradeoff.

    Thats totally untrue though. Yes a lot of the wanna-be's are cheap and plastic crap but saying that an HTC EVO or Samsung Epic are slow and crash frequently is ridiculous. My EVO has been flawless since I got it (minus of course the battery life but I use 4G all the time).

    Like I've said before... the iPhone and the top end Android devices are almost identical now.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • xxxamazexxx
    Mar 29, 01:02 PM
    Looking at the figures right now anyone can easily see that iOS is not the dominating platform. Not even the second most popular (which is Symbian), but does anyone really care ? Same case with the Macs and Mac OS X.

    I would really like to see Microsoft step up the game because in the end, we customers are the ones receiving most benefit.

    I had been a loyal Windows user (up to Windows 7) when I switched to Mac last year. My take is that Windows and its creators are not technically inferior to Mac OS and Apple, but their corporate philosophy has never sported the acumen and, guess what, common sense with which Steve Jobs creates such reliable, handsome products.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • cube
    Mar 30, 01:28 PM

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • rxse7en
    Jul 14, 11:14 AM
    I am glad you have enough knowledge to tell me why it is silly, instead of making a silly comment yourself.
    What's up with the personal insults? If you want to pay top dollar for incremental increases that's your choice. Most of us "professionals" would prefer the fastest systems available, because as we all know, time is money!

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 24, 11:45 PM
    Today I was doing 90mph+

    That is not safe. It is a shame you didn't get a ticket.

    I seriously wish that .50 cal guns would be options on cars so that I could just blow up people like her.

    So do I. I would use them on people who think it is safe to travel 90+ mph on the freeway.:rolleyes:

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:17 PM
    I just watched the stream. Not before Christmas. Jobs made it pretty clear that these updates and new iPods are the holiday product line up.

    That's just sad. Incredibly, incredibly sad.

    Guess I'll go hit ebay for a 4th gen 20 gig since the 5th gen offers nothing new (4:3 2 inch screen video playback is not a "feature") and this 'update' offers even less.

    I'd be surprised if Apple sells HALF the number of iPods this holiday season vs. last.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • cozmot
    Mar 21, 02:16 PM
    The point is that MisterMe said nothing that your response would have fit. You can infer all you want, but it's very clear that MisterMe was talking about the market share myth, and was not inferring that Macs are immune to malware.

    No, I just took the first example you posted and saw that it didn't prove your point at all.

    That's quite true.

    Using your STD example, I have zero need for protection if my wife and I are exclusive with each other, as we are. Likewise, protection isn't currently necessary for a Mac if the user exercises reasonable care and caution. If you want to run AV on your Mac, it's perfectly within your right. It's just not needed for protection.

    You alone have the power to stop reading or posting in this thread.

    It's not turning a mountain into a mole hill to stand by accurate, factual statements when they're challenged. It's not a "status-quo"; it's the current reality in the Mac computing world. No one is saying that it couldn't change in the future. It just hasn't yet.

    You have no idea what attitude "most Mac users" have, unless you've interviewed the many millions of them. If I exercise the reasonable care that I've already described, it can't happen to me, in the current computing environment. If that situation ever changes, such as the introduction of a true Mac virus into the wild, any antivirus app I may have installed today will provide no protection from that event.

    It's called "profit motive", which any successful company has.

    Again, a personal opinion. Like millions of others, I find their hardware options perfectly acceptable and I don't have a problem with their pricing. If that weren't true, I and millions of others simply wouldn't buy from them.

    No one is suggesting that you shouldn't be careful. In fact, that's exactly what we've been saying: if you're careful, you don't need antivirus software to protect your Mac from malware.

    I think GGJstudios answered MagnusVonMagnum's contentions, misrepresentations and straw-man arguments perfectly. And Magnus, I hope that you're truly sick of this thread, because I am too with your belaboring the same points, putting words in peoples' mouths and contributing nothing to this thread. Really, enough already! Quit reading and posting here, and get well soon.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • jason221
    Apr 25, 05:28 PM
    I wish they would release it before September 28... I'd rather wait for the new design but college starts this fall so that's not an option. Oh well.

    Hillsdale New Jersey. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Squire
    Sep 5, 06:16 AM
    If anyone at Apple HQs is listening, please give us a revved up/priced down MBP. Merom + 160 GB/7200 rpm hdd at $1999 would be sweet. I don't care to watch movies on anything less than a 50" screen, and I sure as hell am not moved to tears by an 8GB nano that is priced at 75% of a regular iPod. C'mon Apple, it's not too late!

    If they release MacBook Pros, I wonder if the top end models will come with a Blu-ray option. I know people have dismissed this before but I just noticed that Sony has released "The world's first Blu-Ray disc enabled notebook." Will the 17" MBP be next?


    Apr 20, 04:54 PM
    Sure is. A hypothetical I like to propose:

    Considering that the discrepancies between "rich" and "poor" as far as voting goes are far over blown (http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/24/even-more-on-income-and-voting/) (Rich DO vote liberal and poor DO vote conservative) with the top third of white income earners STILL voting liberal, despite their high incomes and the ever-pervasive myth that rich people vote republican.

    If this top third of income earners, instead of trying to legislate their charities through democratic votes and the force of law, simply put 50%, 60%, 70%, hell, 90% of their incomes towards charity rather than owning a home, owning multiple vehicles, owning boats, "traveling", shopping at Lunds or Kowalskis, etc, the poverty problem would be fixed, or at the very least, helped significantly without forcing ANYBODY to do ANYTHING.

    But then again, these people would rather force everyone to pony up the dough rather than take a hit to their lifestyles.

    Charity is a beautiful thing, but forced charity?

    What programs do you consider to be 'forced charity?'

    Apr 25, 08:29 AM
    Sounds like he doesn't drive, and just wanted this topic for attention. But I could be wrong..

    On the other note. You wonder why insurance for young/new drivers is so high. :rolleyes:

    I'm taking my test on the 24th May (UK), my insurance has been quoted to me at �1700.00 for the year. This is because I am male, and 20. So I must be a "racer boy"... I'm not sure what it's like in America. But the reason I get quoted that kind of insurance is because of drivers like you. It's very irresponsible of you to drive like that, and then brag about it. But I don't think it even happened.

    Sep 10, 06:31 PM
    It is coming, I bet. But you forgot the need for SLI. Apple is a hardware company and does not mind selling to Windows users that want the best hardware for their games. It is coming.Anyone got numbers on percentage of computer users who play games? I never play games. Am I in a minority?

    Aug 23, 07:58 PM
    Don't 90% or more of the MP3 players on the market also infringe this patent (including the forthcoming Zune). By making this payout Apple have given Creative the means to fight other companies (such as Microsoft, Sandisk, etc) which could tie them up for years...Meanwhile, Apple have their nice license agreement and can continue unabated...

    Because of Apple's actions, Creative can now legitimately force other MP3 player makers to pay too. I think this is what Apple wants.

    Nov 13, 04:10 PM
    they are using the OS X API in the context it was meant to be used in. as far as i can tell these images aren't loaded into the iPhone application itself and are rather transmitted over-the-air as the application is being used, thus they are being called by the OS while the application is being run and are merely being displayed through the iPhone application, its like saying you can't see any apple trademark icons through a VPN client.

    Or like saying that if my app has a UIWebView, I have to prevent the user from navigating to Apple.com lest he be subjected to seeing Apple's trademarked logos and pictures of Apple computers.