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Saturday, May 21, 2011

frenulum pierce

frenulum pierce. Piercings Shown: Septum
  • Piercings Shown: Septum

  • mike.coulter
    Apr 4, 10:55 AM
    I wouldn't call you an idiot for this, as if not for your cat, everything would be fine...

    I would keep it in an airing cupboard rather than in direct sunlight. If it completely froze but stayed on it could be the hard drive.

    frenulum pierce. I want to self-Pierce my
  • I want to self-Pierce my

  • Slipg
    Mar 13, 12:38 PM
    It came in @ like 1100 with sales starting around 1115. Only had 16g black and white wifi only and 64g at&t. No ipad for me today...

    I came in today on Sunday to the Kenwood store, and they said they didn't have any and didn't know when they would get any.

    frenulum pierce. Q about frenum (Jady,
  • Q about frenum (Jady,

  • magn2o
    Apr 29, 03:16 PM
    Hit up @Stimpy5050 on twitter.

    frenulum pierce. Frenulum thats the belief that
  • Frenulum thats the belief that

  • Jay42
    Feb 2, 02:01 PM
    iPods are usually refreshed on a annual basis sometime in September. That being said, they did not refresh the iPod classic last time around. I think you're safe to buy.

    frenulum pierce. Frenulum - horizontální
  • Frenulum - horizontální

  • Kestrel452
    Mar 9, 01:37 PM
    I have 4.2.1 and I was wondering if redsn0w or greenpois0n was more stable. The only thing I really do with the jailbreak is run BTstack GPS. Thanks!

    frenulum pierce. Latest Collection of Prom
  • Latest Collection of Prom

  • Xeem
    Mar 22, 10:15 AM
    Which always prompted me to wonder "what were they smoking"? Chrono Cross started off with such promise, then the bottom just dropped completely out. It truly felt like they'd been 3/4 through a stand-alone game, then decided to tack on the Chrono tie-in. I particularly liked the shoehorned exposition at the very very end: "Oh BTW, Lynx was actually your dad, now go beat the last boss!!!" Or the "Kid is actually a clone of Schala - but we cleverly disguised this by having neither of them actually look like the real Schala & her purple hair!"

    I think Gamespot rated the game the way I felt - play about 1/4 and think "there are great things in motion; the payoff will be spectacular!" But I never felt it lived up to its potential. Certainly not in the end-to-end fulfilment sense of OoT. Just my opinion.

    You might want to tack a "SPOILER ALERT" on there in case some people here are inspired to play the Chrono series.

    Anyway, what you called shoehorned expositions, I would call carefully planned revelations, all of which make sense when you think back through the game. I have to agree with Gamespot's scoring of Chrono Cross here.

    frenulum pierce. crew Ric s ofin the one
  • crew Ric s ofin the one

  • prefect
    Oct 29, 04:02 PM
    I don't think the differenct between 1 GHz and 800 MHz is going to be noticeable.

    Why even make a 933 MHz???

    Seem like a waste to me.

    Anyway I would like to see a better video chip, heat issues resolved and maybe the crappy paint fixed.

    frenulum pierce. the outside of the frenulum
  • the outside of the frenulum

  • ftw
    May 4, 10:23 AM
    Yup, if I had to guess, I'd say most Americans don't live near an Apple Store.

    My local B&M Apple Store is in a different city. So paying sales tax there helps my State and County but doesn't help "my" City.

    frenulum pierce. frenulum piercing n_n
  • frenulum piercing n_n

  • Transporteur
    Apr 2, 07:08 AM
    Just replace the 7800's stock cooler with a Arctic Cooling Accelero or something like that.

    frenulum pierce. Frenulum piercingi
  • Frenulum piercingi

  • twoodcc
    Mar 6, 06:26 PM
    bringing back an old thread :D

    any idea how to do these sorts of things for the system prefs pane of F@H? i would like to change the amount of CPU usage/cores if possible. i like BOINC so much because you can change everything, this F@H pref pane is so... basic..

    well most people use the console version. it's really pretty easy to use, and gives you much more control over the pref pane.

    sorry i know that's not much help. i don't use the pref pane anymore, so i can't help too much anymore. but if you can, maybe a screenshot of what you're not sure of?

    frenulum pierce. If you be bi-curious and you
  • If you be bi-curious and you

  • thepumpkinking
    Jun 19, 07:38 PM
    I'll be there as early as they'll allow! Thanks for the info!:D

    frenulum pierce. Svutlana Weekend Edition
  • Svutlana Weekend Edition

  • AdrianK
    Apr 15, 08:21 AM
    Yeah i really like those sites that convert music from youtube into mp3 format. They shut down limewire but not those sites? Go figure!

    How limewire actually got shut down is still a complete mystery to me. It's an application that allows users to utilise the gnutella P2P network, it's not a 'service' itself. If limewire got shut down, why not uTorrent/Transmission/Deluge, unless I'm missing something they're doing the exact same thing that limewire were, but on a different protocol.

    frenulum pierce. of the frenulum and into
  • of the frenulum and into

  • MacBandit
    Dec 8, 11:31 AM
    I don't understand the need for the security.

    frenulum pierce. Tattoo Gallery by Gene Pearce
  • Tattoo Gallery by Gene Pearce

  • iliketyla
    Apr 13, 08:53 PM

    I wanna preface this by informing everyone that I despise Kobe Bryant.

    However, I think the term he used has become such a commonplace derogatory name that to call it anti-gay is hardly appropriate anymore.

    Looking for everyone's thoughts on the event.

    frenulum pierce. Tattoo Gallery by Gene Pearce
  • Tattoo Gallery by Gene Pearce

  • quagmire
    Jan 8, 10:52 PM
    This one person p*ssed me off I had to respond after I said could we keep the discussion civil. I feel so ashamed now. BTW I am undertaker there.

    frenulum pierce. can frenum piercings close up
  • can frenum piercings close up

  • Natalia81
    Oct 19, 09:09 PM
    Ok...so I put one of those clear sticky PDA screen protectors on my ipod. It was on there a few weeks and when I took it off today, it did not come completely off. It left behind some of the sticky stuff. I was able to remove it all but now there's that foggy/glossy leftover crap. Any recommendations on household products that can remove this, that won't mess up my ipod?

    frenulum pierce. Body Modification: Castration
  • Body Modification: Castration

  • rendezvouscp
    Sep 15, 09:42 PM
    You should be able to get the song by going to Advanced: Check for Purchased Music within iTunes. Hopefully, the system doesn't believe you've already downloaded the song.

    frenulum pierce. Just telling you folks
  • Just telling you folks

  • skubish
    Jan 9, 08:38 PM
    I included pics from the site on the link... Oh and what's so bad about a blogger including a link in the post or a sig???

    Get a life :) .. And don't click the link if you don't want :D

    Nothing's wrong with it except it doesn't work probably. Unless you want it to go to a blogspot.info general page instead of a page with pics.

    frenulum pierce. (I don#39;t look like any of them
  • (I don#39;t look like any of them

  • ChrisFromCanada
    Dec 25, 09:14 PM
    Already been posted here:


    Doctor Q
    Oct 23, 01:31 AM
    Unless you say otherwise, we'll assume that this entry supersedes your previous similar entry.

    Jan 31, 06:47 AM
    Despite posting impressive sales of the iPad last quarter, Apple saw its tablet market share drop from 95 percent to 77 percent as shipments of Google Android-based tablets chipped away at the company's tablet dominance, a new report says.


    ( Bit of a dramatic title by Apple Insider, 2.1 million Android tablets were sold to bring down the iPad marketshare to 77% )

    Not at all surprising. Eventually, the open platform will always win over the platform that only one player uses. The iOS platform will become a niche platform just as Mac OS (X) still is one today.

    If you want to own a market, you have to open your platform to other players, just like Google and Microsoft license their software to whoever wants to make hardware and software for them. Divide et impera - divide and rule. Apple never understood this simple concept.

    Apr 2, 05:36 AM
    Handbrake is available for Windows too :D

    AFAIK Handbrake for Windows doesn't have DeCSS code in it. So you have to use DVD Decryptor or something to rip the vob files.

    Nov 10, 03:52 PM
    I've been searching without any luck, and I feel like an even bigger n00b for asking this...
    but I saw a thread SOMEWHERE in this forum with a website specifically for and all about switching. I haven't received my mac yet, but I wanted to get the ball rolling. i remember the link saying it had all the places to look in my peecee for the important info to burn CD's for transfer.
    greatly appreciated.

    Oct 21, 02:11 AM
    Just an update. I think I'll be at West County Saturday (yes, the day after Leopard is released) but then my parents will be with me and they said that for my Christmas present they're going to buy a Mac mini. Come on, Apple! Don't kill it yet!