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Monday, May 23, 2011

food groups carbohydrates

food groups carbohydrates. important food group and
  • important food group and

  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    Does anyone know what would have actually happened if President Obama was disqualified to be president? I suspect that all this effort by the crazy nuts in the birther movement would have done nothing but remove the Vice from Vice President Biden.

    I doubt the election would have been given to the losing party/candidates. The election was, after all, for both President Obama and Vice President Biden.

    food groups carbohydrates. Which food group would you
  • Which food group would you

  • shamino
    Jul 20, 11:28 AM
    Not quite the first. Sun has been shipping a commercial 8-core systems for about a year now.
    Yes. This is their UltraSPARC T1 (http://www.sun.com/processors/UltraSPARC-T1/) chip.
    The T2000 has all 8 cores on one chip but each core also does four-way hyper threading so they claim 32 hardware threads.
    The T1 chip ships in several different configurations. 4-, 6- and 8-cores, at 1.0 or 1.2GHz. All sporting 4 threads per core.
    The price for an 8-core T1000 is about $8K.
    While this is their least expensive 8-core box, you should point out (for the benefit of everyone else reading this message) that the price is not just for the CPU. It's for a high-end server that includes 8G of RAM, 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports, remote management software, Java Enterprise, and Solaris 10. All in a 1U-high rack chassis.
    A system with 8 cores and 8GB RAM burns about 250W.
    You are being very misleading here. According to Sun's spec sheet (http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/t1000/specifications.jsp), it has a 300W power supply. Peak power consumption for the entire system is 220W, and typical consumption is 180W.

    But those are for the entire system. Sun's page on the UltraSPARC T1 (http://www.sun.com/processors/UltraSPARC-T1/) processor itself says that the CPU (in its 32-thread configuration) consumes 72W. The rest of that power consumption is from parts other than the CPU.

    It's also worth noting Intel's Xeon spec sheet (http://www.intel.com/products/processor/xeon/specs.htm), which lists the fastest chips as consuming 130W for the CPU package alone! And that is with only four threads (two cores with 2-way hyperthreading.) I can guarantee you that a system based on one of these will have peak power consumption far greater than 220W.

    food groups carbohydrates. 5+food+groups+for+children
  • 5+food+groups+for+children

  • zacman
    Apr 6, 04:05 PM
    Yeah, good luck to Android tablets without carrier BOGO deals, Apple carrier exclusivity, and greater retail distribution than Apple. None of these factors apply in the tablet market.

    That's why Apple lost around 30% marketshare in less than two months when the Galaxy tab was released? You know: That's the tablet that runs an outdated phone OS and not even a tablet OS...

    food groups carbohydrates. most popular food group of
  • most popular food group of

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 11, 11:43 AM
    I agree at least since the iPod. As an investor, I hope Apple executes their plan well. The mobile phone business is getting crowded all of a sudden e.g. Best Buy, Disney, ESPN etc. I think it will come down to design e.g. Razr.


    I think the main reason the razr's such a sucess is beacuse it soo cheap. It so easy to get one free with your contract in the UK. Not only does it look alrite but its massivly affordable

    food groups carbohydrates. calorie dense food groups
  • calorie dense food groups

  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 08:57 AM
    I want to see:

    food groups carbohydrates. There are 5 basic food groups.
  • There are 5 basic food groups.

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 01:31 PM
    The point is that Apple doesn't have an option for potential buyers that want a high performance, customisable and upgradable consumer level product (not all-in-one). There are no Apple product to compare those $1199 Conroe PCs to. The closest thing is the iMac.

    Exactly. As I said above, a PowerMac is overkill (on both price and power) for many users. The iMac might suit their needs from this perspective, however many people do not like the fact that they are not upgradeable (apart from the RAM). What if I want a larger HDD in my iMac? What if I want two HDDs? What if I want to swap in a new burner? What if the HDD fails? It would be nice to pop a new one in, not have to buy a whole new machine. And then there's the display. If the HDD goes, as in my example above, how many people would like to throw away that nice 20" display which still works perfectly? Or, vice versa, what if the display goes? The rest of the computer is perfectly fine...

    A Conroe mini-tower would be perfect for many people. The gap between Mac mini/iMac and PowerMac is simply too large for many people. :cool:

    food groups carbohydrates. was my absolute food group
  • was my absolute food group

  • jwp1964
    Sep 18, 11:10 PM
    Please Apple put out a new 12" or smaller notebook and I'm in! My iBook is about to be 3 years old and it's time to upgrade.:D

    food groups carbohydrates. food groups: food pyramid
  • food groups: food pyramid

  • alent1234
    Mar 23, 10:04 AM
    If you ever used one of the LG phones or the numerous Japanese keitai's of that time then you'd know, that even though they were cutting edge for the time, they were still nowhere near being 'smartphones'.

    Terrible UI with endless menu's, confusing icons, and new features randomly bolted on.

    No matter how much the petty minded haters want to see it, the truth is that Apple made a quantum leap forward with the iPhone, and some people ought to be a little less bitter and more thankful for it.

    the big thing with the original iphone was a good web browser. the 3G was the first one that was really worth buying.

    apple had so much problems developing the iphone that just like the ipad they put a weak device out to market for version 1 and spent another year finishing it

    food groups carbohydrates. and carbohydrates groups?
  • and carbohydrates groups?

  • Michael383
    Apr 8, 04:11 AM
    Many Best Buys with Apple Shoppes have Apple representatives who work right at the store, I doubt they would let this happen at their store. I wonder how many Best Buys have done this

    The Best Buy I bought my MBP at was in an Apple Shop and had a great representitive in it. Dan was great and could not have been more helpful. I hope the first time I visit a Apple store I have a similar experience.

    food groups carbohydrates. smaller food group pieces
  • smaller food group pieces

  • benthewraith
    Nov 28, 07:42 PM
    Many years ago a media levy was passed in the United States that applies a "tax" to "consumer digital audio" media (CD-R blanks, DAT, etc.) with the proceeds going to music industry/artists. The justification was to offset losses due to illegal copying of music in digital form (generational loseless copies). This to date hasn't been expanded to include devices like the iPod (at least I don't recall that taking place).

    Which makes no sense. If they get compensated by blank CD/DVD sales to offset the money loss from pirating, then why the hell are they suing consumers for P2P?

    Actually, I suspected Universal was going to do the same with the iPod, regardless of whether the Zune debuted or not. They obviously can manipulate Microsoft, they'll try and do the same with Apple.

    And lets not forget, these are the same people who wish they could sue people for ripping their cds (and burning them again so as to do away with all the DRM **** they put on them).

    As to why their music sales have been dropping, if half the songs on the market weren't about pimps and beating hos', probably a lot more people would buy it.

    food groups carbohydrates. from the main food groups
  • from the main food groups

  • zac4mac
    Aug 11, 02:14 PM
    I'm on my 3rd cell phone now. First was a panasonic brick and was CDMA. It totally sucked. Switched to GSM 2 years ago but initially Cingular sent the wrong phone - an LG flip. Reception was as bad as the CDMA but roaming was much better. After 3 weeks, I got the phone I ordered, a t637 and I love it. I have NO desire to go back to CDMA and I won't lose the tight BT link I have to my Macs with the t637, but it's getting old and due replacement.

    I'm watching and waiting...


    food groups carbohydrates. food from each food group.
  • food from each food group.

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 7, 01:37 PM
    Looks like a good time to let my PM D1.25Ghz G4 retire... The new MP must be at least 10 times faster. :eek:
    Apple store up again. The old PM G5 seem to be gone.

    food groups carbohydrates. Minerals+food+group
  • Minerals+food+group

  • guzhogi
    Jul 20, 10:01 AM
    Something I'd like to see is the framerate on Doom 3 if I played it on an 8-core Mac Pro w/ 2 of the fastest videocards in SLI/crossfire mode and one of those physics coprocessors (saying Doom 3 was optimized for it).

    food groups carbohydrates. not miss any food group.
  • not miss any food group.

  • supremedesigner
    Jul 14, 03:29 PM
    Burn two DVD's at once and DVD copying.

    I have Mirror Door. How can I burn DVD (top) and CD (bottom) at once via Toast? I have tried and nothing worked, Toast only focus 1 thing at a time. Or am I wrong? :confused:

    food groups carbohydrates. rid of certain food groups
  • rid of certain food groups

  • Eraserhead
    Nov 29, 09:27 AM
    This news makes me want to go steal Universal junk I don't even like.

    Same here, paying a levy on iPod's is like paying one on Hard drives as many of them contain copyrighted material, except they could never do that as the business world would go insane if they had to pay a levy to the music industry.

    food groups carbohydrates. ratios of food groups. the
  • ratios of food groups. the

  • macgeek2005
    Aug 19, 06:08 PM
    I'm sure you know this. But just a reminder that you would be dealing with an extremely fragile and tricky upgrade process that could destroy your motherboard or fry the processor without the latest cooling system from Apple. Just my own caution against attempting this. Not worth the risk I think. There will be a better video card with the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro as well as other changes to the system fixing bugs discovered between now and then. Too many changes in the works for me to want to fool with such a complex system.

    You make me mad you know that? All over the boards I see your posts with your weird avatar and your extremely critical opinions on everything. Why don't you wait until 2010 and get a 32 core system from intel. Why don't you wait until nobody uses computers anymore. This is just a phase in the history of the world. There will be something beyond computers in another few hundred years. Why buy a computer if it'll be obsolete at some point?

    Professional users are out there using G5 towers and even G4's. They're using MacBook Pro's, which are much less powerfull than the Quad Mac Pro right now. I mean, what's your problem? Will there ever be a computer good enough for you?

    There are people like you out there, but i've never met a case as extreme as you. I mean, you even went as far as to say that theres very little you can do with 4 cores. Where the **** did you pull that from? Actually, don't answer that question.

    I think that you're secretly some evil worker from microsoft trying to stall people from buying Mac Pro's!

    If everyone could all of a sudden comprehend exactly how powerful the current machines are, anyone who was thinking of buying one, would buy one.

    But you're out here with your "Clovertown is better" and your "Bugs must be worked out" and your this and your that.

    You know what? I have three Rev. A iMac Core Duo's in my house, and not a single one of them has had a bug, a crash, a freeze, or a problem of any sort. Rev. A.

    HMMM. Maybe Apple does know how to do Rev. A. Just sometimes? Maybe? Perhaps?

    Especially with their Quad Xeon 64 Bit Workstation which they've been working on for over a year?

    Do you realise that in the procces of making these computers they work out the bugs themselves? They use the computers, and find all the bugs possible, and work them out?

    What do you think all those apple workers have been doing for the last year and a half, if not working out bugs on their machines?

    For anyone out there who has been needlessly influenced by this guy to wait for a system that will only be outdated by the one that will come after it, please uninfluence yourself, and buy the stupid computer that you want, when you want it.


    food groups carbohydrates. Diabetes Food Pyramid
  • Diabetes Food Pyramid

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 22, 04:50 PM
    I can assure that doubling the 256MB of the first iPad is not enough for people that need a lot of multitask, like me.

    I don't need to own an iPad 2.
    The competitors have 1GB RAM, iPad 2 has 512MB.

    It's simple: Apple is always behind hardware-wise because they like to priorize esthetics and appearance (besides the "so wonderful OS" ad). It's been this way for Macs, it seems to be the same way for iPads.

    Android phones are selling more than iPhone.
    iPhone has started a market, competitors are improving it.
    iPad has started a market, competitors are improving it.

    If you just can't recognize how multitask works better with 1GB RAM and true background apps (QNX, Honeycomb), then you deserve to use a limited thing like an iPad.

    I've only bought the first iPad because there were no competitors at that time (and I hate netbooks), but now things are different. To be honest, A LOT different.

    People said that the iPhone was going to be the best phone out there, but the market is showing something different.
    People say the iPad is the best tablet out there, but it seems that the market is going to show something different.

    There are 2 sides: Apple fanboys and realistic people.

    I like products, not brands.

    The problem with having too much memory and resources available to spare, is that many programmers tend to become sloppy and careless about optimizing their code. This is one reason why Microsoft Office requires more and more RAM and CPU every time a new version is released.

    food groups carbohydrates. Food Groups cartoon 10
  • Food Groups cartoon 10

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 1, 05:11 PM
    The IC-10 test is giving me hell. I've not had much of a challenge until now, but i just can not get gold on IC-10. I have silver, which is cool, but i keep wanting to go back and get gold because i've gotten gold on everything else so far.

    Any IC-10 test pointers? It seems to be all about the first two turns, but i always end up tapping another car and getting disqualified.

    food groups carbohydrates. all the food groups being
  • all the food groups being

  • 840quadra
    Nov 28, 06:51 PM
    Adds universal to the list of Companies I do not buy from..


    They are already on that list!

    GTH Universal! I bought my iPod, Every song on it, and will continue to do so. Stop Extorting the public, and possibly you may actually have some fans, or people that want to deal with your crappy company!

    Mar 23, 04:07 AM
    I am not sure you are using "UI" correctly.

    I get the notification thing, but I keep seeing some people talking about the look of the interface of IOS being dated and I don't get it. It seems like a very young and inexperienced viewpoint. Wanting change solely for the sake of change. The UI for IOS works very well. I don't want it changed just because some people are bored of looking at it. This is something you realize as you get older and more experienced in life. Change just for the sake of change is not a great deal, most of the time.

    Perhaps you just dont have any experience with other UI's? That people jailbreak to specificly change certain parts of it shows there is something lacking.

    I upgraded my ipad to 4.3 and already am annoyed I lost a lot of ease in the UI because there isnt a unthered jailbreak avaible.

    Change for the sake of improved usability and function? I am all for it. Change of the UI just because they have used the same basic look for the UI for 5 years? No not really.

    Better notifications, different user profiles, better accesibility on settings, better multitasking, better start screen , more interactivity on the home screen,...

    Here I don't think you understand how "multitasking" works on IOS devices.

    It is not really possible to do a "lot" of multi-tasking. There are only a certain number of APIs that can be used concurrently. Having a bunch of apps listed in the fast task switcher is not multi-tasking and it does not require more ram.

    You dont seem to understand what he is saying.

    multitasking is being able to run different programs at the same time. The ipad 1 isnt really capable of this as it laks ram to hold those programs in memeory.

    Apple solution is a cripled form of multitasking. Certain task can be done in the background and even certain programs are allowed to run completly in the background yet this all has to be coded AND remains hampered by the lack of ram.

    Even in the browser you have trouble keeping open tabs as they constantly need to refresh as you switch as it runs out of memory.

    The problem is Android becomes the brand and all these hardware makers become a commodity. People who have an android phone look to get a new android phone. They don't look to get an upgrade to their current phone because no upgrade exists, because the hardware makers just come up with new dumb names for products six times a year.
    Thats a problem for those companies, not for the consumer. Strange your logic seems to stem from the apple point of view, not the consumer.

    If you don't like your battery life, you got a point. Perhaps you can just always have a long extension cord and then you got a real winner!

    So you really think an extra 256MB of ram would have destroyed the battery life on the ipad? Strange how it DOESNT do that on the iphone 4 or comparable tablets.

    If you got any source to back this up, post it otherwise its a myth like the "multitasking destroys battery life"

    At this point and time there are still no real competitors. There is one copycat device out there that is inferior, and a couple more potentially coming out soon... but nothing is guaranteed.

    You should perhaps look beyond macrumors, plenty out there and depending on the consumer some better other worse then the ipad 1 and 2 .

    I think the market clearly shows the iPhone is the best phone out there. There is no other phone that comes anywhere close to selling as much as the iPhone.
    And britney spears sold a lot of almbums at a time, so at that time she was "the best"? BS of course.

    The iphone is a very good iphone, but I personaly wouldnt want another to expensive for what it offers.

    The iPad is worse, and will pretty much stay that way as all of the competitors are just clones of the iPad, and they don't have the advantage of a protected Verizon environment to move their product. They will have to compete against the iPad 2 for every sale they make.

    Wich will be no different then for the iphone, and we both know within 2 years android outsold the iphone.

    Aug 12, 02:33 AM
    Apple won't put GPS in unless they can create a whole new 'Apple' interface for it.

    I'm no GPS expert, but I'm not sure how they could do that with a simple candybar phone. It would need to be some sort of smartphone / pocketPC thing.

    if they want to work with US law they will put GPS in it. I dont remember when all call company have it done by but after a certain point all companiy must be able to find anyone with in so many feet when a 911 call is made. most chose to go the GPS route for that.

    Also I know my 3 last sprint flip phones all had GPS and I know the verizon razer has GPS in it.

    And I pretty sure cingular phones have GPS in it since they all have the ableity to use mapping programs for the phones.

    Apr 25, 01:45 PM

    Aug 25, 08:23 PM
    Apple always made the Pismo. I don't know the exact years but it was a black G3 PowerBook.

    That's right. thank you I completely forgot about that.:D

    Mar 31, 05:43 PM
    Man do these stories bring out the ignoranus fanboys. IMO if you have never owned both an Android phone and an iPhone, you shouldn't be allowed to comment because 99% just can't be objective about it.

    Now, I'll hop on my pedestal and say I owned the original Moto Droid, and now own an iPhone. The ability to customize your experience on a droid is what I found so attractive, and Google isn't taking that away, so IMO this story is nothing but good for Android. Better control, more polish, yet the same customization capability that the majority of everyday users want. All of the iBoys tooting their horns and patting each other are doing so for absolutely no reason.

    With that said, the polish of the iPhone is what I love the most about it, and if I could pair that polish with Androids ability for personalization of my device without jailbreaking and their much superior notification system, it would be the perfect phone. The next device to get it all right gets my money, whether its apple or Google.

    Polished like the pure Google, "optimized from the ground up for tablets" Honeycomb running on the XOOM right now?
