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Saturday, May 21, 2011

William Rast Target Leather Jacket

William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Edge100
    Sep 1, 12:47 PM
    Hmm... the problem with that line-up is that when consumers see the shiny new advert saying "Meet the new iMacs" they'll look at the clock speeds and say "What new iMacs?". I think it would be reasonable for Apple to offer...

    17" iMac - $1,199 - 2 GHz, X1650 Pro 128 MB
    20" iMac - $1,699 - 2.16 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB
    23" iMac - $2,199 - 2.33 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB

    No way would I pay an extra $500 for an 8% faster machine and a slighly larger display, when for that money I can go with the 20" and buy a second widescreen 20" display and have a HUGE viewable area.

    The 23" is going to have to be a LOT closer to the 20" in order for it to sell. I'm thinking $1899 or $1999, or else it will have to be decked out with extra RAM, HD space, or CPU speed.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • vvv
    Nov 28, 08:25 PM
    Which is a big distraction from the point? And what is the point? That the XBox is a bad analogy. It is best to consider their Windows CE->Smartphone one to see that the Zune is a bad idea. The only thing we can learn from the XBox and Microsoft is that Microsoft pees on their partners (NVidia) at the earliest opportunity. But we already knew that as soon as the Zune didn't support Plays For Sure.

    MS never made a smartphone, they make the windows mobile software that runs on others hardware. The xbox is ms hardware and software, just like the zune. It's a entertainment market, just like the xbox, windows mobile software isn't in the entertainment market. There are far more direct comparisons between zune and xbox than between windows mobile and zune. As for peeing on their partners, what's new, I think we all know they don't play nice, instead they play to win.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Kilamite
    Apr 21, 11:20 AM
    Read the letter. I'd like an open response from Apple which specifically answers those questions.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • skiltrip
    Oct 2, 08:41 PM
    I also bought mine from ebay


    I ordered one of these from Ashopone last week (grey color). Does the gel case slide in and out of a pocket easily? The thing I hate about the silicone cases I have is that they are really sticking going in and out of pockets.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • quagmire
    Mar 12, 06:16 PM
    EDIT: I forgot to post this earlier: a GM spokesman has denied (http://www.vindy.com/news/2011/feb/22/diesel-cruze-report-refuted/) that the North American Cruze diesel has gotten the green light for production. He seems to imply that GM is waiting to gauge reactions to the existing Cruze lineup before making a decision on a diesel option. So, no new information really. It's obviously a product under consideration, but it seems unlikely we'd see it in showrooms till late next year at the earliest.

    Do you think GM would confirm an internet report of a diesel Cruze coming? Unless it comes from themselves, they won't confirm anything.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • 0815
    May 2, 04:57 PM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be no need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button…

    Many applications work this way on Mac, some developers still put related files into various other locations though unfortunately...


    And in addition of this it is often not fully working - I already had countless times to download the 'msi repair' tool so that I was able to somewhat delete installed apps - keeps getting screwed up either due to version mix up, old installer not found. MS way works ok for most apps, but not for too many. I like the self contained way most apple apps do it (still: you should use AppZapper to also remove library settings) ... but also too many mac apps (including apples own) use installers .... again: not consistent (is that 'self contained' enforced by MAS rules or do some apps in there have installers?)

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Manic Mouse
    Aug 19, 08:03 AM
    PSP interface is so cumbersome, though. Just have a laptop.

    Like I said, an iPod with a touch screen and a slide out QWERTY keyboard (a la MYLO) would be better and more portable than a laptop. As clunky as the PSP's interface is, the feature of surfing the net is still very useful and popular. Imagine how much better a MYLO iPod would be. The media player market is staurated, so if Apple intend to continue to do well they need to make the new iPod much more than a media player. Incorperating WiFi into an music/video player is almost pointless, yet is many time more useful if you can check mail, IM and surf the net. It's a natural evolution of what the iPod is. And other companies are beating Apple to it: http://www.learningcenter.sony.us/assets/itpd/mylo/prod/index.html

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • spicyapple
    Nov 28, 10:15 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Herdfan
    Apr 19, 04:08 PM
    i wish they could wait and roll out the new imacs w/ Lion in June. im trying to hold out...its hard...lol

    Actually glad they aren't. Then I can get the new iMac and upgrade to Lion when I'm/it's ready.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • aquajet
    Sep 6, 09:17 AM
    These new Mac Mini's don't seem like a great deal anymore. I think it was done on purpose to get people to upscale to a higher model.

    I think the $599 model, now with the core duo of course, is a good deal. I can't really say the same thing about the $799 model.

    Although, a refurb core solo can now be had for $479. :)

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • milo
    Jul 20, 10:07 AM
    Made possible by paying 10c for each Mac constructed with a high quality and proficient workforce.

    Works for me. I prefer it over the alternative of making it somewhere else and having prices that are even higher.

    Why dont you get the computer you want now and in 6 months shell out the extra few bucks for Leopard.

    $129 ain't cheap, especially if it's not long after you shelled out for a computer. I wish Apple would announce a window of free OS upgrades for people buying computers after a certian date.

    I bet at the Developer's conference that Adobe and Microsoft announce Universal Binaries for September.

    Unlikely since Adobe has already announced for next spring. And that release is for both OSX and windows, not going to get pushed up much.

    No - they are actually losing market share.

    They may be losing a little desktop market share (or maybe not), but they're probably gaining notebook market share, and market share overall.

    Does anybody think the stock pricing in the last 3 days was insider trading that indicated the coming good results.

    I hope not, since that could put them in jail. All publically traded companies have a blackout period before announcements where no employees are allowed to buy or sell.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Big-TDI-Guy
    Mar 7, 09:04 AM
    Of recent memory - I've had no issue starting all the way down to -26C. Haven't gone colder, yet. Driving this diesel for 7 years now.

    Most places that DO get very cold - treat their diesel fuel to prevent wax crystals accumulating. Only issues with this are low-volume stations that may have summer hold-over (haven't yet received winter-grade fuel). Or, you could be living in southern Cali - and decide for a road trop to Canada in December (might have some issues there, too) But for these situations you can put in your own additive.

    All this said, I've never needed any additive myself, car is never garaged, and has never failed to start as of yet.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • herenow
    Aug 20, 06:29 AM
    im conisdering buying a 4gb nano tomorrow - however, i hear there could be an update coming soon: does anybody know when?

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • peapody
    Nov 23, 05:49 PM
    Hmm. Do you know the total on all of the posts? :p

    What do you think of it? If it seems good, and if they release one for the iPT, then I might get one.

    ASK and you shall receive!!

    28,530 posts!! see original post!!

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 09:27 AM
    Most benchmarks show the difference between the 1.5 Ghz Solo and 1.66 Ghz Duo to be about 15% for single-core apps (games) and about 30% for dual-core aware apps. So not really more than 100% more performance.

    And if you run several apps at once (like most of us do), the increase is quite big indeed. And dual-core/SMP makes the system feel smoother, because no app can consume 100% of CPU-cycles.

    Why are people always talking about speed of a single app? How about running several apps at once?

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • timmyOtool
    Apr 4, 04:04 PM
    I think the cut throat P.C. market will implode on it's self sometime in the future and Apple should stay out of that market. With that said I do hope that Apple can improve the consumer line up. $800 for an emac would be good if it had better specs. All the ilife apps should run well on all macs period. A better adveritising stratigy wouldn't hurt either. Let people know about osx, after all that is their best product imho. Apple is not going to die, but there is always room for improvement.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • joshellis625
    May 2, 04:33 PM
    I think this is pretty awesome. I know that currently all you have to do is drag the app to the trash but it always bothers me that it could leave leftover files in Library, etc., which is why I use AppCleaner. I think having this more streamlined and comprehensive way of removing apps would be a lot better.

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • dorramide7
    Oct 17, 11:48 PM
    I don't know of anyone having a problem with the new iphone! I know that it is possible to make the reception problem happen, but I could also "make" reception problems happen on every cell phone I've ever owned.

    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

    William Rast Target Leather Jacket. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 02:58 PM
    But in reality, I don't think a 17" is Apple's answer. Lowering the prices of the current model lineup is indeed the way to go. I've been one of the biggest bitchers about Apple's price point on LCD's for years now. That 20" LCD should not be anymore than $299. Plain and simple...simple and plain!

    You people are incorrigible. I do hope people start reading the thread or doing some research before anyone else makes a fool of themselves.

    Apple LCDs are not worth the extra price tag as long as you do your home work before purchasing an LCD monitor from a different company.

    A little homework, Aye? (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=252327).
    That's funny, I was thinking the same thing...

    Why do I find so much joy in pointing out other peoples ignorance and feeding them their own lines... I should be a college professor :rolleyes:

    Rod Rod
    Jul 14, 05:33 PM
    I think it will be at least 12 more months before bluray shows up in an Apple machine - at least as a standard. The only real hint I have seen is that they already let you author HD video in DVD SP.
    You appear to support Blu-Ray Disc, but your "evidence" is that today we can author HD-DVDs (onto red-laser DVDs) in DVD Studio Pro.

    BTW, all Macs sold today, and many Macs going back the past few years, are HD-DVD players. They play HD-DVD from red-laser DVDs authored in DVD SP. DVD Player 4 (or maybe 4.1 or 4.6) in Tiger has the capability as long as your other hardware (G5[s] or Core Duo) is up to it.

    Apr 19, 04:29 PM
    As much as I want an Air, every time I'm in an Apple Store I drool over the 27" iMac. There's just something about that beautiful aluminum behemoth sitting on a desk that says I'm in the right camp.

    Dare we dream of a 30" model?

    it wasn't too long ago that apple discontinued the 30 inch ACD in favour of the 27 inch one. so I'm doubtful on that. sorry mate :(

    Apr 12, 09:05 PM
    I know this thread is probably full of pro video geeks so don't eat me alive here. What's the primary difference between FCP and Express aside from the fact that Final Cut Pro is packaged in a suite of applications?

    If you're a novice and start with FCE you won't really find it lacking. When I did a project on FCE after using FCP for 4 years I was constantly irritated by things I use frequently just not being there. I can't remember the specifics - must've blocked it out as a bad dream haha.

    Sep 6, 09:46 AM
    I really kinda wish Apple would offer deeper education discounts on the mini. $20 just seems cheap to me. I wonder what the exact margins are on these things.

    The 24" iMac can be upgraded to a 7600GT video card. Anyone know how decent that is? What about the x1600?

    Wrong thread.

    Nov 15, 12:13 PM
    Seems to me this might be a way not for Apple to release an 8 core machine, but perhaps to release a one-chip, 4 core Mac Pro. That might result in slightly lower manufacturing and/or parts costs.