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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Where Judaism Originated

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  • Mr_Ed
    Mar 30, 11:42 AM
    It seems that App on its own is generic, but the combination with another word to define a particular thing is not... see

    Lady + Gaga
    Best + Buy
    Fack + Book
    Micro + Soft
    General + Electric
    Pintos + Cheese .. okay, maybe not that

    You may have a point there, but as long as we are throwing words around I always like to remember how important it is to choose the right words so the intended meaning is conveyed . . .

    Micro = Small, Soft = Flaccid


    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • scoobydoo99
    Apr 20, 10:16 AM
    When did 'reached out' become a better phrase to use than simply 'contacted'?

    When one is trying to impart a sense of altruism to the actors, one says they "reached out." This implies a wholesome, good-faith effort to initiate dialog with a possibly resistant adversary. When the adversary does not comment, the correct framing in this case will be that they "refused" to reply, even if they simply had no response at all.

    Basic spin doctoring ;)

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 09:23 AM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.I might be able to slide with a $1799 education discount tower. I want a laptop though. :(

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • GreatOne08
    Sep 9, 05:27 PM
    Those new iMac are looking better and better. Need to save up now.:D

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 30, 11:48 AM
    Microsoft is suing homebuilders for offering "Windows" in their homes. Instead, they need to refer to them as "transparent viewing portals".

    "Portals"??? Did you say "Portals"? you can't say that! It could be trademarked too!

    How about "Shoe Store"? is that a trademark too? If not, I should patent it and sue all of them.

    Regarding the term "Windows", I have no idea how M$ got away with suing "Lindows". their claim was that phonetically there was a similarity that could confuse the public.

    Repeat after me: "Lindows, Windows". Did you get confused? I don't think so.

    Repeat after me: "AppStore, App Store". Did you get confused? What? Where? Sounds the same?

    Based on their "Lindows" precedent, M$ has no ground to refute the lawsuit.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • JGowan
    Apr 19, 09:33 AM
    Between Samsung on the hardware and Google on the software, I can't believe anyone in their right mind actually saying with a straight face that the Samsung phone in question is not stealing from Apple. Get a grip.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • NT1440
    Apr 10, 09:17 PM
    First, we need to institute total no-opt-out public financing of all elections. Then we should explore something like an inflexible expiration for all corporate charters, say 9 years (about half a patent term). Dissolution would begin by satisfying the investors and then proceed to establishing non-incorporated component businesses to maintain (if necessary) the products/services the corporation had established, creating a co�perative arrangement if appropriate.

    Right now, long-lived large business has replaced the problem that the dynamic democratic republic was supposed to address. We have no official peerage, but what we do have is almost indistinguishable.
    That would be a great start. America needs to seriously address the way we let corporations run the show, starting with how we view them in the first place. Corporations don't have a self fulfilling right to exists.

    In fact, the funny thing about those rallying against unions today, fail to recognize that corporations are essentially a form of union.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • prezpat2020
    Aug 28, 03:22 PM
    I dream of a new macbook pro enclosure...

    Amen to that! Give me the Santa Rosa with a new MacBook Pro enclosure and 10.5 preinstalled... THEN I'll upgrade from my sturdy G3 iBook!

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • drzeus
    Sep 5, 02:29 PM
    I'm not sure that this is an entirely novel thought, but I thought I would test my psychic abilities a little.

    The mac mini seems like the target for movies here, not iPods. There's a lot of talk about Airport express and how that might be the killer hardware, but there's more to it than that. Apple is competing against rental stores and netflix to watch movies. No one is just going to want to watch movies on an iPod, they are going to want it on they're TV. So why not have a network box that saves and plays the movies that is attatched to your TV? The mini is already positioned to do exactly that. No keyboard or monitor, maybe just a remote to run Front Row.

    Download the movie to the mini, watch it on TV at your convenience. Mac video on demand. Start doing that with TV shows and all of a sudden, Tivo has got a serious contender, too.

    The hard bit will be having full-quality movies sent to your home, VOD style.

    The new iPod is a phone. There may be a video ipod, but I doubt that it's a main target for the movies.

    I have this wonderful feeling that it'll be even cooler than this, but this is what I am expecting.

    Dr. Z.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • miller218
    Aug 28, 03:51 PM
    there will ALWAYS be updates, if you keep waiting for the next one you'll be waiting forever. Santa rosa isn't going to be THAT amazing of an upgrade. I'd just buy the core duo 2 when they release and then upgrade to leopard later. But that's just me.

    What about the Robson flash technology. That sounds like the greatest thing since a laptop with a palmrest on the bottom and an "upside down" logo.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • McGiord
    Mar 29, 01:30 PM
    Oracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.

    Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.

    Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.

    And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.

    So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)

    In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.

    Well I missed this news. Can you please share a link/source about this?

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • FFTT
    Sep 10, 05:28 AM
    What ever Apple decides to do, the result will have to be better than any Vista
    Powered AMD set-up.

    The thing is that Apple has not only set a standard for performance, but also
    for QUIET that no other workstation in it's class has ever achieved.

    They won't be able to maintain that ground if they cut too many corners.

    Some of these quad core designs will be a success and some with probably fail
    to meet Apple's standards.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • mwayne85
    Apr 22, 02:57 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    $899 for the 13? A $400 price drop is a bit of stretch, don't you think? :D

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Silentwave
    Sep 13, 10:13 PM
    There are a lot of sound business reasons for Apple to release an iPhone. But the biggest reason is that Steve must have a cell phone and you know he probably hates the industrial design and functionality.

    I agree. That's our steve all right :D

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 08:12 AM
    Really not getting this. Storage is a lot more cheap and plentiful than bandwidth. And the amount of music you can carry on an iphone - to say nothing of an ipod classic - is enough to listen to for days on end, 24 hrs a day, without repeat. Well, I'm glad if some find it useful, but I'll stick to local storage, thanks.

    Personal preference really. I would personally pay for peace of mind knowing that my mechanical hard drives are not going to crash. Even backup and being redundant is not enough sometimes. If someone is willing to guarantee that I will never lose my content that I store on their shares then I am all in.

    Personally my thought process will change on this when SSD's start getting more popular and larger.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Machead III
    Sep 1, 03:03 AM
    Same here, although I'd probably just get a current Macbook if that's the case. I decided I won't wait beyond Paris Expo.

    Although I might still be tempted to buy a MBP if Apple offered a 160GB hd for a reasonable or it were easy to put one in there.

    Same here. I'm not waiting beyond Paris, but I won't be able to afford an MBP, unless I bought the current models on eBay proceeding an update.

    Ugh... it would just be so much simpler if Apple "revealed their hand" all at once so i knew where I stood. No point in delaying a MB update, it's already been out longer than the average MBP cycle.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • kgtenacious
    May 3, 05:43 PM
    So the display input is not backwards compatible? Currently, I use an Atlona AT-HD620 to connect a high def DirecTV hdmi input into my 2010 27" iMac, for watching tv.

    I won't be able to do that with the new 2011 27" iMac? :eek:

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 11:51 AM
    If you read the linked article you will see that the guard exchanged gunfire with the 2 male suspects. It's not excessive to try to save your own life...

    It still must feel bad knowing you killed someone. I mean the intention was likely to wound to remove the threat rather than kill. Even if all was justified, the guard will likely need counseling or time to get over it. If he actually enjoyed it then he's in the wrong line of work.

    Where Judaism Originated. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 19, 02:54 PM
    Yeah it already lets you watch while downloading and frankly I think that this is a very important feature that is not often discussed. People bash it saying that it takes 1.5 hours to download a movie. Well if the movie is 1.5 hours long than wait 5 minutes and start watching. It is close to instant. I know that on my computer it only took 70 minutes to download which means I can start watching it right away. With Verizon rolling out their Fios internet with speeds of up to 30mbs even 1080p will soon be no problem. I am not sure just how big a 1080p movie is but I am hoping that within a year it will be do able for more people.

    Don't forget that Apple servers will be the weakest link here. Amazon servers were overcrowded the first days, leading to downloads of 8+ hours (and you can only rent them for 24 hours (or buy them, of course))
    They will have to build/purchase a data center or two

    May 4, 03:32 AM
    What has Apple done since the iPhone:

    1. kill Xserve

    2. Drop their dedicated three ACD CCFL LCD lineup that was top notch and replaced with one stripped down iMac LED LCD

    3. Ditch "Resolution Independence" (it's been over 4 years, c'mon Apple!)

    4. Increased focus on iDevices and iOS (yeah, it's banked them $55+ billion, great, invest a small portion back into the Prosumer market Apple pulled away from with a full display line and a re-vamp of Pro-sumer desktops and apps, they revamped a mobile device market they can do the same with the Prosumer market and make money)

    5. Begin merging iOS with OS X Lion

    5. Funnel less money into Pro-Apps (Final Cut X is meh)

    6. Ditch ZFS+ development from Sun Microsystems to replace HFS+ before it was too late

    7. Wreck .Mac w/ MobileMe to market Windows iDevices owners w/ little Windows OS integration (iDisk, iLife, and FUNCTIONAL Office syncing are lacking making MobileMe a rip-off for Windows users)

    8. Replace reasonably priced PowerMac G4/5's w/ over priced/over powered Xeon Server based Mac Pro's and no serious revamp in over 8 years. PowerMac's cost anywhere from $1400+, were great for professional photographers/designers/professionals/small businesses, esp. paired w/ the late ACD CCFL line which worked perfectly with OS X.

    9. Drop focus on OS X development - iOS Lion is schizophrenic w/ iOS features in OS X: Launchpad, 2D Spaces, Mission Control, lack of TRIM for 3rd party Sandforce SSD's, painful ergonomic implementation of multi-touch w/ the "Magic Trackpad," etc.

    10. OpenGL is seriously lagging

    11. iLife '11 in 32-bit?!

    12. "Pro-sumer" App's such as Aperture "improvements" w/ "Share to Facebook." Keep that consumer shizz in iPhoto and focus on better professional tools Apple.

    13. Produce more than one LED LCD and w/ longer than 2' Mini-DisplayPort/USB chords (had to buy Griffen cables to extend both of my 24" LED LCD's to my 2010 Mac Pro at ~$30 each)

    15. iWork '11?

    16. iOS err, OS X App Store?

    17. USB 3.0?

    18. Blu-Ray (need I say more)

    19. Lack of "daisy chaining" display with Mini-DisplayPort. "ThunderBolt" ports can daisy chain but:

    I think I covered enough :)

    u mad bro?

    Seriously though. Most of that is just you being angry at apple. It has nothing to do with the Mac Pro. At all. Not including a blu-ray drive is a FAR bigger nuisance to consumers than it is to professional users, yet you list it because, what? You're angry?

    Apple has no reason to discontinue the Mac Pro.

    Apr 18, 03:37 PM
    The very fact that people think they "deserve" vacation days is mind-boggling. Why should you "Deserve" to get paid a single dime you did not earn?

    I work about 60% self-employed free lance, and 40% at my old "day job". Guess what. Neither one offers me "vacation days". Am I miserable? Hardly!

    If I want a vacation day, I simply do not work. That also means I do not get paid. It would seem mighty pretentious of me to be expect pay for work not done.

    If you want a job with more vacation days, FIND ONE! no one owes you a darn thing, certainly not pay for days off.

    Sep 13, 09:03 PM
    I assume the screen would be a touch screen. I would hate to start dialing numbers using the click wheel.

    "The click-wheel portion of the device reportedly slides down to reveal a traditional numeric dial-pad underneath."
    someone was too excited to read the whole thing :p

    Oct 28, 01:07 PM
    This has NOTHING to do with environmentalism, president Bush, or freedom of speech. It has to do with a the organizers of a privately held event kicking out an attendee for violating the terms it had set.

    Not quite. This is one attendee that proved to be troublemaker in the past, who made the mistake of not following the terms to the tiniest detail, thereby giving the organisers an excuse for kicking them out. If lets say NVidia or ATI were showing graphics cards that are of interest to Macintosh users, and they were violating the terms of the organizers in the same way, nothing would happen at all.

    That said, I wouldn't have let them in in the first place. It seems that their attack against Apple was mostly caused by Apple not making any actual promises about environmental issues - Greenpeace measured companies mostly by the amount of promises they made, and Apple is more into action.

    Phil A.
    Aug 23, 07:07 PM
    Don't 90% or more of the MP3 players on the market also infringe this patent (including the forthcoming Zune). By making this payout Apple have given Creative the means to fight other companies (such as Microsoft, Sandisk, etc) which could tie them up for years and possibly even delay the launch of Zune. Meanwhile, Apple have their nice license agreement and can continue unabated...