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Sunday, May 22, 2011

selena gomez eating chocolate

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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 11:56 AM
    Just because 256 is 'perfect' for you does not mean it is perfect for everyone else. I need 500GB SSD. External drive solutions are just way to slow compared to internal SSD. The SSD upgrade on my Laptop was the best upgrade ever, now I want an 27'' iMac with 500GB SSD and lots of memory.

    500GB of SSM ? Holey Moley Daddy Warbucks.

    PS: you should check out the new PCI SSD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227581), when they start making external PCI enclosures for "ThunderCat"...youll be golden buddy:)

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 22, 12:42 PM
    I see apps like DVDs. There are DVDs made for all age groups, from preschool cartoons to the raunchiest sex and violence that one could stand.

    In order to purchase an adult DVD there is some degree of age confirmation. But once that DVD is purchased, any person of any age can pop it in a player to view it. It's up to the parent to secure those DVDs against the curious eyes of minors. Likewise apps should not be censored.

    Apple may not want to sell them through their store, just like Blockbuster may not want to sell triple X-rated movies, but if a developer can create an app for the iPhone then I'd prefer to see Apple or Apple's competitors let the market decide what is successful and what is not.

    If I understand correctly, the Windows Marketplace doesn't even allow sex/nudity in their app store, so they should be forced to do so?

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  • awaizy
    Sep 16, 04:41 PM
    The Incipio DermaSHOT would have better quality, right?

    Perhaps, but it's also nearly 20 times as expensive.

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  • twoodcc
    Mar 5, 11:23 PM
    Wirelessly posted (nokia e63: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE63-1/100.21.110; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

    I've got it all running and installed, but it won't start computing! Really annoying Grr ill figure it out eventually.

    post what's going on. just make a new thread, so if anyone else encounters the same issue it may help them

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  • aliasfox
    Nov 27, 09:33 PM
    For desktop use, I find even a 19" widescreen too "short" vertically, so a 17" standalone display would feel rather confining to me (odd, as two of my main machines are 12" PowerBooks...).

    That said, Apple does need to lower the price on its 20" display - it may be color accurate and beautiful, but its perceived competition is all the stuff at Best Buy, Circuit City, and the Dell kiosk. Like it or not, with the iMac, iPod, and Mac mini, Apple's gunning for the consumer crowd - where "good enough at a reasonable price" is far more important than "the best at any price" - which is part of why iTMS took off, and part of why I think DVD players will be the reigning standard for a few years even after the next generation comes out.

    Anyway, Apple should either a) reduce the price of the 20" to perhaps $399 (same price as the upper end of the 20" price spectrum in the consumer market), or b) release a different 20" priced at the $399 level or less, clearly differentiated from the "good" 20" display.

    If Apple's going to put a premium on its displays, it better make displays that're worth the price. The 23" really isn't that far off the price of other consumer 23-24" displays, but pink hues and uneven backlighting just make it not worth it.

    I bought the 22" Westinghouse display from Best Buy on Black Friday. $200. Is it anywhere near as beautiful as an 8-bit panel housed inside an Apple case? No, but it's good enough and that $500 difference can easily go somewhere else... like food.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 05:00 PM
    OpenGL is much more like Direct3D. A part of DirectX. DirectX is just a collection of multiple API's. DirectSound is like OpenAL for example.

    You seem to think that DirectX 10.1 cards can't support OpenCL. Well newsflash, they can. DirectX is irrelevant in this conversation not only because it has nothing to do with Mac OS X but because it also has nothing to do with what you're associating it with. The equivalent to OpenCL is DirectCompute.

    I am talking about graphics capabilities now.

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  • archer75
    Apr 19, 11:27 AM
    6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950!

    For heavens sake give it a nice GPU!!!!!!!!:eek:

    Current imac with the 5750 is technically a 5850m. A 6850m is a slight downgrade from the 5850m. The 6950m is only a slight upgrade from the current imac.

    Let's hope for a 6970m. Temps and power requirements are similar between the two but the performance gain is decent. It's the best we can hope for. And given the higher resolution of the 27" I would say it needs it.

    I think it's safe to say they will get sandy bridge and thunderbolt but what I would also like to see is better speakers.

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 8, 06:48 PM
    So why not Mexico? Mexico is experiencing way more violence than most of these Middle East countries yet their request for U.N. aid in 2009 was denied. They are on our doorstep and we are ignoring it for the most part even though we are partly to blame for the violence. The U.N. actually told Mexico just the other day to withdraw their own Military forces from the fight against the cartels.

    Prolly has something to do with leaving the country messed up so we can draw modern day slaves from the wreckage to fuel parts of our economy. Whatever "charity" we do, there's often an alterior motive. If there isn't a potential gain, we usually ignore it....especially if ignoring it actually has a potential gain in itself. Just like ignoring the columbian drug trades or whatever WITHIN our country so that their drug war may go on to achieve political objectives.

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  • gugy
    Sep 1, 01:09 PM
    the imac now can do screen spaning up to a 23 inch monitor. it's only in the last revision.


    check near bottom

    Very nice!

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  • Dunepilot
    Nov 15, 08:25 AM
    They're going to have to go multi-thread capable, demands on consumer software is only going to increase as we take what is cutting edge today and integrate it into everyday life.

    They're going to need every ounce of grunt they can find. Especially when HD video content becomes the norm - encoding that takes some serious brawn and consumers aren't willing to wait for their results, they don't understand the processes behind it like Pros do, consumers want it all done right now so the quicker we get software over to multi-thread aware the better.

    Yes, I hope they do start to properly multithread consumer apps, as in many ways this is overdue for Mac users (anyone remember the 533MHz dual-G4 powermac?!).

    One thing that's puzzled me for ages is the fact that the encoding speed in iTunes fell off when I switched from encoding CDs as mp3 to AAC files.

    If I'm not mistaken AAC-encoding is done on only one of my 867MHz G4 processors, not both, as was the case for mp3-encoding? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

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  • 4God
    Nov 27, 03:22 PM
    If I remember correctly, Job's intent of the Mini was BYOM,K,M.
    (Bring your own monitor, keyboard and mouse) The mini is for those
    who already have these things. Get an iMac instead. In other words,
    I see no need for a 17" monitor - especially wide screen. :rolleyes:
    A 17" iMac would be less expensive than a Mini and a 17" monitor plus
    you would get dedicated graphics.

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  • bushido
    Apr 2, 10:34 AM
    command + forward slash ;)



    safari got some fixes to it seems, scrolling works smoother and doesn't get stuck on pages with lots of pics or vids and the error with not being able to type anything unless u close safari seems to be fixed as well.

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  • hulugu
    May 2, 12:06 AM
    latin is dead ! Long live Apple

    Deader than the hobnails on a centurian's boot, but actually much of English grammar is derived, sometimes mistakely, from Latin forms so it's not a complete waste of time.

    Okay maybe it it, but now I know what ergo sum propter means and that quid pro quo is actually gibberish.

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  • kiljoy616
    Jun 22, 04:31 PM
    Who wants to be touching a vertically standing screen all the time, that's tiring!

    Maybe this is why we didn't see OS X 10.7 info because it might include support for this...

    I was actually hoping to see a completely new mac Pro with new very high res screens and wireless trackpad.

    imagine now nasty the screen will get really fast as we eat by the computer :rolleyes: chocolate sooooo goood. ;)

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  • Surely
    Nov 27, 12:34 PM
    After being here for 3 years, Surely he's not a troll. ;)

    My god, the dog with the goggles is right! I think I like him just as much as the donkey astronaut.

    Oh, another set of these:


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  • ~Shard~
    Nov 23, 06:34 AM
    SideNote: The Madonna Concert in HD on NBC tonight is groundbreaking broadcast television. One of the most amazing telecasts I have ever seen-heard.

    The fact that it is in HD? I suppose so. The concert itself groundbreaking? Well, hopefully that's not what you meant or else you've obviously never seen a show across the pond... :p ;) :cool:

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  • JAT
    Apr 21, 02:46 PM
    Only ones upset over such news is Johny what's his face who hangs out at the local booby bar, when his wife thinks he's somewhere else. :eek:
    If that's going to bother her, she can track him, anyway. And if it does bother her, there's an easy solution. Try saying "yes".
    al franken?

    I thought it was just us "tinfoil hats" as was said yesterday by some in these forums, who would be upset about this?

    Guess not. :rolleyes:
    Uh, Franken sells his homemade tinfoil hats right on his personal website. What are you comparing him to?

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  • ChrisA
    Jul 18, 03:28 PM
    How many of you who buy DVDs watch them more then once? More then twice? More than 20 times? Ok I've bought videos for my kids whaen they were in preschool nd they watched the same video 20 times in a row over a two week priod. So I'll aks "how many adults would want to watch the same DVD multiple times?" I figure almost no one would. So why buy a video. Renting seems the best. So now what you do is find a rental outfit that has the best terms

    Apple will have the problem of balancing video quality with download times. I think a DVD quality feature film can be compressed down to 1GB. That's hours of time for most people so I doubt they will ofer that quality. So who wants to watch a poor quality movie? Someone I'm sure won't care and all Apple needs is 0.1% of the market to sell millions

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Aug 6, 09:00 PM
    Haha, I love the digs at Vista. Vista's been getting so much bad press recently this is fantastic. They should simply have this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QdGt3ix2CQ) video on repeat on screens throughout the event!!

    Mar 22, 09:59 PM
    I have way more than 50,000 songs, and even the worst of them is more necessary than your comment.

    To each his own. But come on. 497 days worth of music? That's almost a year and a half of listening to music 24 hours a day without listening to the same song twice. I think you'd have to replace the battery before then.

    Nov 28, 12:33 PM

    Suck it, Microsoft :cool:

    I watched a television show on the history of video games a couple of weeks ago. I forget what channel it was on...History or Discovery or something like that, but I specifically remember them saying that Microsoft lost a lot of money on the xbox, but that they didn't care...they just wanted to get their foot in the door.

    I think it was this show:

    Just last week I was watching Larry King interview Bill Gates & one the topics was the first gen xbox & Bill Gates said they broke even on the xbox but still considered it a success because they had a good position in the market.

    Jan 29, 11:53 PM

    Not many times I can put Quattro to good use in CA, but when I can I make sure to have a blast :p

    Apr 10, 10:10 AM
    LOL, that's the thing, Automatic licenses are just Drivers licenses out there. Yes we have Automatic and Manual tests in the UK, but they can learn and take a test in an Automatic and then drive whatever transmission car they like, regardless of whether they know how to work a clutch or not.

    Jealous much?

    Rod Rod
    Jul 14, 05:33 PM
    I think it will be at least 12 more months before bluray shows up in an Apple machine - at least as a standard. The only real hint I have seen is that they already let you author HD video in DVD SP.
    You appear to support Blu-Ray Disc, but your "evidence" is that today we can author HD-DVDs (onto red-laser DVDs) in DVD Studio Pro.

    BTW, all Macs sold today, and many Macs going back the past few years, are HD-DVD players. They play HD-DVD from red-laser DVDs authored in DVD SP. DVD Player 4 (or maybe 4.1 or 4.6) in Tiger has the capability as long as your other hardware (G5[s] or Core Duo) is up to it.