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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mariqueen Maandig Reznor

Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:59 AM
    They CAN use the same codecs. The problem is on the BD side is that... all of the Sony (and other studios so far) discs are using MPEG2 for video and standard DD or PCM for audio. Warner Home Video has already released HD DVDs in VC-1... so it would stand to reason they'd just use the same encode for their BDs, but I guess we'll see if that is true.

    Also, the current generation BD decks (Samsung and forthcoming Sony decks) cannot decode DD+, Dolby TruHD audio formats.

    If Sony and other studios started using VC-1 or H.264 for video, things might look better for BD... but they aren't using it. I don't think there are any plans for Sony to author discs using VC-1... ever. It's all MPEG2 as far as I have heard.

    I don't see any reason any manufacture would cripple their own storage capacity when they obviously have other options. If its no for the first generation of discs and players, then coroporate rigmroll is the reason to blame for HD-DVD winning out because that is just STUPID.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Daveway
    Jan 1, 07:01 PM
    This year better be good!

    I just saw this! OMG1!!1

    Apple is putting the heat on for MWSF. I think they're releasing what everyone is expecting (applephone) plus many unexpected additions.

    mmmm i love Apple

    What does it mean!?! :)

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • PBF
    Apr 2, 09:30 AM
    edit: isn't there a way to show the left hdd space at the bottom of the finder like on snow leopard? i hate clicking on info all the time to see how much space i got left
    command + forward slash ;)

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • tablo13
    Sep 16, 04:39 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290471004347&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_3465wt_913)

    The Incipio DermaSHOT would have better quality, right?

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • h'biki
    Apr 16, 03:21 AM
    when marketshare is almost 0 % you are close to dying, look a 1 % of all new machines built is not giving me any confidence in the platform. sure we have 10 % in a installed platform but are loosing everywhere( thank you motorola for holding up the ass end. Fact is Pcs are running away from Mac and when a 500 dollar machine kicks a new $2000 Imac its time to say so long to Jobs and his croonies. Supported you guys way to long at my expense.

    Layman's version:

    When you CEASE TO MAKE A PROFIT then you are dying*. Until then, it doesn't matter what your market share is.

    If 1% of the world's population gave me a dollar, I'd be very rich. If 50% of the world's population gave you 1 cent, you'd also be rich, but not as rich as me... even though you have a greater market share. Its all about margins!

    For those who are actually interested in understanding the world of business:

    *Well, possibly dying... You have to continue to lose money and do it over a period of time before you are dying. Even then, that may be a result of mismanagement, rather than the company itself being dead -- there may still be the potential for money to be made. Really, the only time a company is dead is when its bankrupt and/or when its taken over and its assets stripped (because its been mis-valued).

    To give two recent examples. Gateway has been losing money for some time. It has gone from a all time high in 1997 of $61 per share to its current price of around $6 (which it has been at for over the last year). In other words, its been devalued by a magnitude of 10. (They may have refinanced during that time and devalued the price per share, while increasing their overall market value... but I can't remember them doing that. Gateway may have greater marker share, but Apple is valued at around $28 per share. Just to make the comparison properly fair, Gateway has a market value of $1,999 Million, while Apple's market value is around $10,000 million. In other words, Apple is worth ten times as much as Gateway, despite their smaller market share. (Admittely, Apple's share price flucates like crazy, but thats arguably a result of the FUD of uninformed gits, like those at C|Net). Nonetheless, Gateway is likely to be around for some time. Until it continues to burn through money and its share price drops even lower, and it becomes the target of a hostile takeover... which will result in (1) a merger/total buyout/absortion; (2) a massive corporate governance change because the hostile company thinks there's money to be made; and (3) its bought out, its assets stripped and resold.

    Example 2 is Media 100. They were also burning through money. Unlike Gateway, however, they weren't generating much gross revenue. Their technology was good, but not that good, and their management was baaad. They weren't generating much gross revenue, which is why no one was really interested in buying them or giving them a loan. They just didn't seem capable of even making a profit (and thats what matters). They were a dying company (unlike Gateway, which is just troubled). So they were forced to file for bankruptcy. Now their assets are being bought by Optibase -- when that deal is complete, they will be dead.

    Point is, corporate finance is a very convuluted world. They're like stars. The bigger they are, the longer it usually takes them to die. Sometimes there are corporate "supernovas" (like Enron or HIH or OneTel) in which the whole corporate structure implodes, but thats because of criminal negligence, lack of transparency, and dodgy account practices. (All of which render the mechanisms of the market for corporate control to be rather useless. Noone wants to touch a company when you don't want to know what you're buying).

    The most important thing to the world of corporate finance -- the one in which a company lives or dies -- is profit per share, then revenue. Both of which Apple has. Thus it is healthy. Oh, and its debt free. This is a good thing, because it signals to potentially future creditors that it pays off it loans... thus they're likely to bail it out, if it finds itself in trouble again. (Of course, there are mitigating factors there, but thats true of anything).

    The only reason that Apple's market share is an issue is because uninformed gits in the IT press (tautology that) scream about it being an issue. This creates information asynchronicity (imnsho) and distorts the market (both the share market and the IT market). Personally I reckon that if people didn't think market share was an issue, Apple would actually be increasing its marketshare. Of course, thats exactly the reason companies like C|NET do scream about it, so it becomes a quasi self-fulfililng prophercy.

    Here endeth the lesson on "Introduction to Corporate Financing 101"

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • CEAbiscuit
    Nov 27, 01:43 PM
    After using a 23, the 20 seems small. If someone is looking for an allin one solution, instead of a mini and a monitor, they should just get an iMac. The move makes no sense.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Huntn
    Mar 19, 04:37 PM
    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    Historical observation: The Iraqi people never asked for US help, but there we were.

    As I've said we need to finish existing world combat projects before starting new ones. Or is it like Bush/Cheney said, "who gives a damn about debt?"- just the average citizens who will lose their pensions, health care, I suppose...

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:59 AM
    They CAN use the same codecs. The problem is on the BD side is that... all of the Sony (and other studios so far) discs are using MPEG2 for video and standard DD or PCM for audio. Warner Home Video has already released HD DVDs in VC-1... so it would stand to reason they'd just use the same encode for their BDs, but I guess we'll see if that is true.

    Also, the current generation BD decks (Samsung and forthcoming Sony decks) cannot decode DD+, Dolby TruHD audio formats.

    If Sony and other studios started using VC-1 or H.264 for video, things might look better for BD... but they aren't using it. I don't think there are any plans for Sony to author discs using VC-1... ever. It's all MPEG2 as far as I have heard.

    I don't see any reason any manufacture would cripple their own storage capacity when they obviously have other options. If its no for the first generation of discs and players, then coroporate rigmroll is the reason to blame for HD-DVD winning out because that is just STUPID.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Lepton
    Jul 18, 04:52 PM
    Apple wants to sell movies for $9.99, the studios say no, because they are greedy. Let's rent them for (I'll guess) $1.99 per view! Or (I'll guess) unlimited movies for $19.99 per month! That way, we get big bucks!

    Foolish foolish, foolish. The movies will have DRM on them. The DRM will be cracked, because ALL DRMs are cracked. So the studios end up with, instead of $10, a measly $2, because people will rent them for one view, crack the DRM, and now own the movie permanently.

    The viewer gets the movie permanently anyway, instead of getting $10, they get $2 because they are greedy, and dumb.

    Or worse, a use pays $20 for a month, downloads every ding dang movie in the store, and gets them all. Even worse, the cracked movies will be put all over the Net by frustrated viewers.

    Let Apple do it RIGHT! People will pay $10, get the movie and be legal and nice, happy viewers don't crack DRM, don't put cracked films all over the Net, and the studios make out big. Just like with music. But nooooo, greed loses every time.

    By the way I predict movies will be 16:10 (sic) widescreen and not HD, stream in like Front Row trailers, streamable in iTunes AND in Front Row, the streams will be downloadable as you watch so they will be loadable and viewable on current and new widescreen video iPods, and will be compressed to about 1GB/100 minutes.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • bloogersnigen
    Aug 16, 02:00 PM
    That way, I can stream my music from iPod to Airport Express directly.

    I would rather have it the other way around a cheap 512 mb iPod with a screen that can use my music on my mac via wifi. that would be sweet. I have over 100gb of music and want to have access to all of it from everywhere in my house. now a 30 gb or so iPod with wifi would be sweet. load all your favorite music for car rides and stuff and still listen to the rest at home.


    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • PilotWoo
    Sep 6, 06:37 AM
    Apple Store UK is down. "Back within the hour".


    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • lPHONE
    Mar 19, 09:05 PM
    Apple comes under fire because App Store is highly regulated and censored. This is the backlash and there's more to come. "If you reject this app, why didn't you reject this app?"- and this is nothing new to us...

    But TWO is just using Apple as a pawn to mask the real issue here which is offensive content vs free speech. I have nothing against gays, but I will always side with free speech no matter how retarded or offensive it is.

    It's one thing to give minorities rights and another to give them the key to the city. That's why you should sign this petition (http://www.change.org/petitions/truth-wins-out-stop-with-the-reverse-suppression-from-gays-4) instead of the one to ban apps. We have enough fascism and censorship in this country. It takes a really strong mentality to step away from your personal beliefs for the greater good of our country and uphold the constitution.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • mac4lifenyc
    Apr 19, 11:23 AM
    I read through a bunch of these posts and I agree with some of you who think the iPod Classic is the best one, based on capacity alone. But the screen is too small now. I too also like to travel with my entire music library and videos - I never know what I'll be in the mood to listen to or watch. That said, if I could offer advice to Apple, I'd say give us the 160GB or 220GB capacity with an iPod Touch interface. Make it as thick as the current iPod Classic if you have to, but give me a larger screen and the same icon-driven interface of the iPhone and iPod Touch. Keep the price at $249 or $299 even, and I'll wait in line for it.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • aibo82
    May 2, 07:46 PM
    The furture of apple:

    No macbooks.

    Hybrid mac iOS tablets

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • mdriftmeyer
    Mar 22, 08:00 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    220GB of FLAC songs is not 50,000 songs.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • WiiMarioHacker
    Jun 22, 11:07 PM
    I feel justified that this is the main reason we never heard ANY thing about Mac OS X at the keynote AND the WWDC (as far as I know), and each new update seems to be just fixes and security updates. So, I think apple is working on iOS X, or what ever the touch screen Mac OS is.

    This is my take on Apple: (semi-off-topic warning)
    The way I see it, is that Apple is the technology company of the future. I mean, look at all these other smart phone makers; (exceptions being Google and HTC) they're still "stuck" in the 20th century. With our rapid advancement of technology, Apple's current technology should have been out 3 to 5 years ago. IMO, Apple is just playing "catch up" on a human scale, aka the iPhone 4 is the technology that should have been releasing 3 to 5 years ago.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • syklee26
    Sep 1, 01:34 PM
    What is the chin. Though, i have heard people talking about it and they said that if there is a 23" it is possible for Apple to eliminate it.

    well i will be a nice guy and tell you what chin is.

    right below the screen.....you see that thick white bezel with apple logo? that's the "chin."

    if you ask me "what is apple logo?" then i will throw mac mini power brick at your face.

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • medazinol
    Nov 29, 04:36 PM
    Like everyone else, I've seen the pictures of the back of the iTV (no video in ports) but I'd really like to able to record on this puppy.

    I'll still buy one because I have tons of video I'd rather watch on my plasma pulled from my iMac rather than wasting CDs and DVDs. Sorry but my XBOX 360 limitation to WMV streaming via Conenect360 just doesn't cut it...

    Mariqueen Maandig Reznor. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 08:19 PM
    Let's hope that those specs aren't the final ones. That they're just to clear inventory.

    I'm hoping for Merom based mac minis.. Merom costs the same so why not ?LIMITED SUPPLY of Merom for the first few months. mini will be the last to get C2D probably in November. But you've gotta give kudos to Apple for adopting the Merom Spec Yonahs into the mini right away. This way the switch to Merom in mini can be almost silent with no disruption to the flow of minis to the market.

    Mar 19, 04:31 PM
    All about the oil... "protect the citizens" is a perfect excuse. Sadly, because this is what it should be about.

    Apr 12, 09:40 PM
    Based on the name, this is obviously going to require heavy support from Quicktime X, which is not getting an update until Lion. Don't expect this before June.

    Mar 19, 11:47 AM
    Thinking ahead, what happens when the power vacuum is in place?

    Get ready for the same old story, yet again, just in Libya this time.

    Nov 28, 09:50 AM
    Ouch. Third time's the charm for Microsoft, though, which would put their Zune mini iPod killer for a 2009 release date. By then, we'd all have iPod sub-cutaneous implants.

    Sep 15, 09:57 AM
    And I would recommend the iPhone 4 to everyone I know, almost all of whom use a case no matter what phone they have.

    Let's drop the car analogy, it's causing more trouble than my point is worth. Apple did not fix the issue YET, but they said they would. What would you have them do in the meantime? What would CR have them do? No doubt a product recall which would be silly overkill. Apple's solution is simple, free, and easy.

    CR wants them to include a free case in the box at the time of purchase. Isn't that a MORE "simple, free, and easy" solution than what Apple did and are now doing away with? Apple's solution is no longer "simple, free and easy" after Sep. 30th. BTW - it took 7 weeks for me to receive my case.