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Saturday, May 21, 2011

London 2012 Logo Design

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  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 03:59 PM
    Actually, the analysts were pretty close this time, except for the profit margins. I'm thinking that the fact that the iPod is now using older parts (therefore cheaper parts) is pushing the cost down for Apple, and hence really making it a big cash cow and driving up the profit margin, even if they aren't selling quite as many as last quarter (which also has to do with seasonal decline).

    Edit: oops... it appears as though the analysts definitely did blow the whole revenue expectation a bit. Missed that.

    Actually, they were completely off base with their Mac estimates. Since it appears that most people on Wall St. think that Apple only makes iPods, this is no surprise.

    Most estimates were for around 1 million Macs sold. Apple came in at 1.3 million. There's the margin difference right there.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Carl Spackler
    Nov 30, 08:47 AM
    Why not put wheels on a boat?

    I like the cut of this man's gibberish.

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  • Silentwave
    Sep 6, 11:53 PM
    ...but we know that the mini-tower is inevitable....:)

    For your sake, Aiden, I hope it does come out ;)

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  • strabes
    Apr 2, 07:15 PM
    "Technology gets out of the way"

    That's why I got a Mac/iPhone in the first place. Get out of my way, Windows/Android!

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 25, 10:28 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital age....here is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

    will a law stop the data from being used against you?

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • andrew.gw
    Apr 5, 05:23 PM
    All together I just love Lion, and there's no going back to SL! :)

    Snow Leopard feels like Windows XP to me, now. All the little UI enhancements really add�up.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Digital Dude
    Mar 24, 02:07 PM
    This is HUGE, ginormous news. If Lion, or even later released of Snow Leopard, has this kind of support, ti would revitalize the Mac gaming scene. Even 3D artists would have more options, especially when you consider how well the high end consumer cards stack up against their FireGL competition.

    Now all they need is complete 6900 series support-- yeah, I'm lookin' at you, 6990. ;-)

    Not likely since Steve Jobs isn't smart enough to do that. Heck, he still believes that glossy displays are a cool idea.
    I almost gave up on the MacPro until Steve forced me into a 'NON-GLARE' NEC PA271, and all I can say is wow! Even with the pithy GT120 card-less piece of crap offering by Apple, the screen looks fantastic.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • zwida
    Sep 1, 12:07 PM
    Not that this matters one whit, but I think I might have to buy one of those.

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  • Bregalad
    Aug 29, 02:58 PM
    To cut the price of the Mini by $100, Apple better hope Intel are doing a "Half Price" cut which is extremely unlikely. How much would it hurt Apple to just double the height of the Mini and put a 1.83 GHz Conroe (Allendale) in there and a 3.5" Hard Drive? I'm pretty sure no-one would be whining about that. It would also get the price back down to $499 easy!

    I've been saying since the mini came out that it's too small. Even if it had been twice as big it still would've been very small. Going bigger would have allowed a 3.5" HD and a more standard logic board. Such a mega-mini would really be the media storage machine people are dreaming about because a 250GB HD is about the same price as an 80GB notebook drive while offering much better performance.

    Of course I've also been saying that Apple needs to have a machine in the iMac price range that doesn't include a display. Remove the LCD, put in a desktop CPU and an upgradable video card and you're back where you started cost wise. The Mac Pro is such a good deal for people who need that kind of power that having a mini tower or desktop with fewer drive bays at the 20" iMac price point wouldn't take away any Pro sales. I think such a machine would attract a significant number of current PC users who can't cope with the all-in-one, can't upgrade anything concept of the iMac.

    Having another tower would also drive Cinema Display sales. Maybe not a huge amount given that Apple displays are significantly more expensive than the competition, but any increase would be good for Apple's bottom line.

    So why don't I like iMacs? In 14 years of owning Macs I've upgraded, on average, every two years. It makes absolutely no sense to toss aside a perfectly good display every two years when I can simply plug a new computer into it. When there is a major improvement in display technology I can change on my own timetable. Oh and I recently upgraded my RAM without having to remove any first and installed a second HD in preparation for Time Machine. Try doing that with an iMac.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Cloudgazer
    Nov 28, 05:06 AM
    I'm surprised no one has ventured a guess as to whether these 17" monitors are going to be glossy or matte.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • milo
    Sep 6, 05:06 PM
    ironically, this is why Apple stock does not plummet like other computer vendors. giving buyers few options to upgrade forces people to keep upgrading the system. you know that Apple Mac users upgrade their computer more often than PC users.

    Or it encourages them to look at PC alternatives. Do you have a source on mac users upgrading more often? Among the people I know it's the other way around.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 07:03 PM
    The gist of the statements currently coming from UN-mandated coalition members seems to be that once that "all necessary measures" have been taken to protect Libyans under attack by Gaddafi loyalists, the coalition military will simply seek to maintain that protection. Any political progess from that point on will have to be negotiated between Gaddafi, the Arab League, and the UN.

    It will be important to get the Arab League onboard, but just now they are pretty distracted with internal instability and rarely agree on anything anyways. They neither want to keep Gaddafi around nor show him the door.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • chille
    Apr 5, 12:12 PM
    Click2Flash (the extension) seems to not work with a lot of Flash banners now. Especially on this forum. Anyone else get that?
    Yup, same thing here. Really annoying when you're used to not being bothered by flash.

    Although, since the fullscreen option in quicktime is gone when playing embedded h264 clips since DP1, I find myself activating flash on embedded clips. Anyone know if it's possible to activate the fullscreen button in qt player?

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  • marksman
    Mar 26, 04:18 PM
    Hardcore gaming will never change to the extent it doesn't need a controller and as such the market isn't going to change. Sure I can't wait until I play starcraft or the like on an ipad, but I won't be ditching any of my consoles.

    You clearly lack any sort of vision. You couldn't be more wrong about the future of gaming.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • drewyboy
    May 2, 04:46 PM
    You'd probably appreciate this app: http://onnati.net/apptrap/

    Thanks for the heads up. I've been using App Zapper, which is seems is basically the same thing. But I keep downloading the trial :) A free solution is nice.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • AdrianK
    Apr 2, 05:34 AM
    Anyone know if the 'phantom windows' bug is fixed (where minimised windows would appear while switching spaces)? for me it's the only thing that made DP1 unusable. Sorry if it's already been asked.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Mechcozmo
    Jan 10, 09:41 PM
    I told you all !!!! $499 headless Mac - here it comes and marketshare will grow...welcome back Apple !!

    Sigh... Apple is already back.... and we don't need this petition any longer... and the mini mac has been in development for a long time (1 year plus) so the petition didn't do anything with it.

    39 signers in this period of time means it failed, BTW. :rolleyes:

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Cat-toy
    Sep 14, 10:16 PM
    The one on 86th street and Lex.
    Yea, that's the ONLY store I've seen this case. I went to the one on 62nd/Broadway, 44th/5th, Union Square, none of them had it. I was surprised when I saw this!

    Hey did you happen to notice any other cases that BB had?
    Namely this one:

    Just asking as the 86th st.. store is walking distance for me.

    London 2012 Logo Design. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • stevehp
    Oct 23, 09:32 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    not working for me either!

    Jan 12, 11:53 AM

    Dec 2, 04:59 AM
    Well, I won't get back the #7 spot from you ;) unless these 12 cores Gulftown Mac pros come out at MWSF...

    wait, by MWSF you mean CES?

    Mar 24, 06:57 PM
    This is potentially great news...

    I had a stock ATI 5850 in the Mac Pro for a while, OS X didn't like it but Windows ran it perfectly... in the end bit the bullet and bought a 5870 Mac edition for about twice the market value of a standard PC card!

    Great decision though, the Mac now runs about 20 times faster... not just games either... the whole UI is great now (I guess thanks to OpenCL et al)

    ...and whoever decided the GT120 was a good card for a Mac Pro needs to be shot!

    Nov 29, 07:45 PM
    My thoughts exactly.

    I'm all for the iPod, I'm happy with my 8GB red nano, but come on people, give the Zune a chance. Many of you are being petty, and I think that this is a stupid comparison.

    There is only one Zune model anyway, are they comparing it to the countless models of the iPod?

    Is that fair?

    Are iPod Shuffles included? Is that fair, considering the price?

    I can't access the link for some reason.

    I respect the line about giving Zune a chance and then comparing it's success to Zune however I really don't think Zune has what it takes to come close to the iPod. The reality is the Zune looks like a 3 year old music player and it's only real selling points are the bigger screen, radio and wireless which aren't that big of a deal in the first place.

    Zune is also getting in an already established and saturated digital music market with an inferior product and system for users, will it succeed? Only time will tell but there will be buyers for the Zune.

    Should the Zune should get a fair comparison but the reality of business is there's nothing fair about it, Microsoft has prooven the unfair factor with Netscape, anti-Trust and Sony Rootkit time and time again.

    If Zune was release 3 years ago then I would say it would outsell the iPod but the fact remains with nothing that outshines the iPod, subscription and limited file formats and playback it wont compete with the iPod or other players like the Samsung or Sandisk.

    Zune is too little too late for Microsoft and really doesn't have the "wow" factor that ever I would expect for a company like Microsoft. I really do think the hot selling iPod this Xmas (or international present giving day as I like to call it) is the new Shuffle it seems everyone wants it, I have seen it sold out at quite a few stores already.

    Mar 19, 06:14 AM
    WOMBAT indeed!

    Look, you don't have to call people names....

    I just wanted to state that Apple should go on the Attack !! If it's a wombat then you should go and see Apple's situation outside of America.

    In Australia (where Im from), the market is dead ! Most Apple Stores are large and if you ive in the Country - they don't exist. The rest of Asia is like that.

    In Japan (where I live), alot of people have an Ipod but NOT a Macintosh...

    Apple needs to push the market to get more...