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Sunday, May 22, 2011

justin bieber glasses black

justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 05:00 PM
    No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.

    Yes, but sometimes they put undue trust in it, to the exclusion of traditional medicine.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Reverend Wally
    Jan 2, 03:31 PM
    On a hunch I'm calling updated MacBook Pros.

    Did that not just happen ... :cool:

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • balamw
    Sep 7, 12:58 PM
    I'm sure apple engineers can do these same napkin calculations. There would have to be some alternative to the straight dl. Maybe a torrent of some kind built into iTunes 7. I don't know. Just thinking.
    The torrent isn't going to increase your DL speed to > 150 kBps (typical for 1.5 Mbps links including overhead) if that's all your pipe can do.

    Perhaps what they'll do is more like a TiVo suggestions like service where it'll download movies you might want to watch in the background at night or while you are away and "unlock" them when you start to watch it.

    We'll see next week.


    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • codymac
    Jan 10, 01:37 PM
    My JCW is light, at 2600 lbs. :)

    That's about 700 pounds too much!

    Woke up to this for the commute - decent image from the iPhone, IMHO.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • frankie
    Aug 25, 11:09 AM
    1. Apple doesn't pay those prices.
    2. No way is Apple going to keep shipping any Yonah processors.
    3. Any speed Solo Yonah will be history with this refresh.
    4. It's gonna be 1.66GHz Core 2 Duo T5500 and 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo T5600 minis.
    5. I expect the iMac to sport faster Conroes in a completely new designed enclosure that can deal with the additional heat a Conroe setup will generate.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • seanr
    Oct 14, 06:53 PM
    You talk about the price but I look at it this way. shore it might not be that great for the price and the difference between the hign end mini and the low end imac is not worth the hign end mini price but the point of the mini is to get people off the windows crap.I was going to switch back when the first intel mini came out but wanted something bettter for the price I ended up getting another windows one but now that the low end mini has due core and more ram I'm looking at selling my pc and getting a mac.I have been a fan of apple and the mac for many years and can see that it is not there hardware that sells the systems but there OS. I feel vista is doomed to fail and apple will be there to pick up the pieces when leopard comes out. I think Macworld 07 will be the best yet and will put windows and the pc on the down fall for good.Apple will be king in 2007 and we need to stop complaining and know apple will keep on putting the goods out.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • SciFrog
    Mar 23, 06:06 PM
    Hopefully the bigadv will switch very soon to SMP2, they have much better restart rates. I also loose the unit almost everytime if I stop it or reboot...

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • apple-science
    Jul 20, 09:48 AM
    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5a/IPod_sales_quarterly.pngThanks MacFan. Interesting curve.
    Will probably be leapt upon by iPod-haters as proof of the end of the world but just watch the Holiday sales quarter.... ;)

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Machead III
    Sep 7, 12:33 PM
    Funny, that's what I thought reading your original post.
    Cearly "education" didn't serve you as you started the communism argument.
    Please, enlghten me, off forum, so I may better understand.
    Considering your locations (UK and France) I'm not surprised.

    I'm not interested in talking to bigots.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Xapplimatic
    Apr 4, 05:05 PM
    I have to agree with all the other posters who say Apple doesn't need saving. It was saved the moment Steve stepped back in the door. It's profits haven't been higher in years and its market direction never more positive. Apple's market share is increasing again and profits are up 33% year over year... so what exactly is in need of saving?

    Go save Gateway.. they're the ones closing stores instead of opening them... lol

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • kingtj
    Mar 24, 01:50 PM
    They'll need to do something about the power connectors, though.

    The last couple times I decided to go with a re-flashed PC version of a graphics card for my Mac Pro, I had to buy special 6-pin power connectors to go between the card and the motherboard since the PC version assumed you had a different type of power connector to use.

    When you consider you often need 2 of these cables, typically priced at upwards of $20 each, that can start to make a re-flashed PC version of a given card look a lot less attractive compared to the official Apple version.

    i would love to buy an off the shelf gpu for half the price of a mac branded amd card. please let this be true then i will not sell my 2008 macpro

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • BlizzardBomb
    Sep 1, 12:23 PM
    Hmph...I don't really trust masOSXrumors at all...

    You can trust AppleInsider though and they too have said 23" and Merom iMacs. Looks like pretty solid evidence now but we'll have to wait and see.

    I wonder if it'll use the same poor quality 23" panel that the ACD does.
    Well, if you like everything rose-tinted it's OK :p

    New 23" displays do not have the pink tint.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • princealfie
    Nov 28, 02:10 PM
    I got a brown one. Not too shabby. Of course, I can't wait for the shuffle too :)

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • The.316
    Nov 27, 12:29 PM
    It is really awesome, from what little I've played so far. I don't have my copy yet, it is still in transit for delivery today. But I played it at a friend's, and it is really awesome. It isn't open world, you pick the events to do, but you can also play them from both sides, racers and cops. I haven't played much of it, but what I have is excellent.

    I love NFS games, and I love Burnout games. Thus, a NFS game developed by the guys who normally make the Burnout games is just about as perfect as an arcade racer can get for me. Forza 3 is still my favorite console "simulation" racer, but this newest Hot Pursuit is likely going to be my favorite arcade racer, and will get played for MANY hours.

    I disagree. I quite enjoyed what I played of it before, and for $10, I will easily get my moneys worth out of it.

    I hated Shift. I havent taken it off my shelf in months. Question...what was the last open world NFS game? I dont remember the name of it, it was like 5 or 6 years ago, and it was my favorite NFS game.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • ntrigue
    Jan 12, 03:00 PM
    Why did everyone jump to the conclusion that its offical name is "MacBook Air"?

    What is air-like about a small tablet laptop? This is obviously a proliferation on the 'world without wires' concept...

    iTunes Rentals ... snatch them out of the thin air to your new AppleTV is much more logical.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Surely
    Jan 12, 05:37 PM
    I was replying to zioxide, who only talked about screen size.


    That's what SHE said.

    /That's the joke. <- please think of this sentence in Rainier Wolfcastle's voice. Thank you.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • CaptMurdock
    Nov 28, 12:51 PM
    I like that concept... not owning a microwave. Encourages you to eat fresh and reheat things the proper way. :)

    When our last microwave broke, we replaced it with a toaster oven. As for popcorn, we got a hot air popper. Much healthier.

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Sabenth
    Jul 14, 06:22 AM
    I have both an xbox 360 (and I will get the HD-DVD player for a steal I might add) and a Sony Vaio AR with blu-ray hooked up to my HDtv. Yes it is expensive, but when you see the quality its definitely worth it.

    I am going to steer clear of the Playstation3. The ps2 and psp just didnt impress me enough, although it will win the console wars simply because its a PlayStation. When you think about it, it has never really had the best console, N64 was better and would have won the first war had it not been on cartlidge and the xbox was better because of the online play, the ps2 was shocking online.

    The winner will be nintendo if they get it all done in time the ds has wiped the floor with the psp here in europe .. As for all this blue ray bussines i like the idea of it but not as a main feature of any computer system not just apple ... i am still getting my head around dvd rw -/ what ever format ... Blue ray will just cause more chaos to the public plus at the current prices they can sod off...

    justin bieber glasses black. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • CommodityFetish
    May 4, 12:36 PM
    Yep, another example of Apple coercing developers (and users) into using their app store. "The choice is yours, either:

    1. use our app store and your app is a first-class citizen of OS X!

    2. don't use our app store and your app is a second-class app that will not be able to work like first-class apps -- now they can't even be deleted in the same way..."

    Will it be any surprise that eventually the second-class apps will be eliminated and the only option will be apple's app store. Classic proprietary monopoly tactics.

    But this will become confusing to some. Some will ask why can I delete some apps this way and others I have to move manually to the trash?

    My girlfriend complained the other day that installing new programs is a bit of a pain. I showed her the app store and her response was but what if the programs I want is not in the app store? In this case VLC.

    Aug 6, 09:20 PM
    Blah, it should read "Mac OS X Leopard, introducing Panter 2.0"

    ehhhhh? :confused:

    Jul 20, 04:55 PM
    That's funny that is not what they told us when I worked for Aldus, although there was one time that we could not trade.

    I think the blackout period is only for execs and VPs, most of the time.

    Last company I worked for, there was a blackout period for everyone, but it was longer for executive and sales staff, or in fact for anyone who might have had detailed inside knowledge. For instance one colleague, a software engineer, shared an office for a few months with a sales manager, and during that time he had a longer blackout period than the rest of us because he might have overheard some insider information.

    Also, we weren't allowed to short the company stock ... since that's kind of like athletes betting that their team will lose, and you might be tempted to release information that would tank the stock.

    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    Amazing that a thread on whether or not a person CAN drive a stick shift car has turned into a full blown debate on the merits of automatic vs manual transmissions. Personally I think this argument is similar to the Mac vs PC argument that has gone on for years, ultimately they're different, and a person should be able to use whichever one (or both) they choose for their own personal reasons. In both cases, transmissions and personal computers, they have their good points and their bad points. To each their own...

    Jun 22, 04:28 PM
    To paraphrase - "It's just a giant iPad!"

    Apr 2, 11:07 PM
    Always have to use the word magical