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Saturday, May 21, 2011

journey band greatest hits

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  • Tommyg117
    Sep 4, 08:01 AM
    Macbook Pro! Come on apple, I want to get one for back to school!

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 14, 07:15 AM
    Except I would have to pay for the parts and the R&D...

    Well, you are already paying for color-screen, video-playback, photo-playback etc. etc. etc.. They seem to be adding features constantly, yet the price does not go up (more or less).

    If you wanted a barebones iPod, you would always have the Shuffle

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  • iTravis
    Mar 29, 01:24 PM
    This is exactly what many said in response to the article yesterday. Delay three months to get support for next gen networks (and who knows, maybe unify the ATT and verizon hardware). Despite all the hand wringing, it's hard to imagine many happy iPhone users would defect over a three month delay.

    Much better to get new features three months later than ship in summer without them and have to wait a whole extra year for them.

    Exactly this.

    I'll wait, hopefully our wait will be worth it though. If we could see LTE, a revamp of iOS 5 (specifically notifications) and a speed bump (dual processor) I will definitely hold onto my iPhone; for another 3 months with no issues!

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  • MrChurchyard
    Apr 13, 05:38 PM
    "Randy Ubillos, who did the demo, added more features ..."

    Great, That's the guy who "redesigned" iMovie and screwed it up. I'll bet he was partially responsible for the "improved" (sic) iPhoto 11 as well.

    I'll reserve judgement until this hits the streets.

    Who also happens to be the guy in charge of Final Cut since the very beginning. As well as the first three versions of Premiere.

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 02:41 PM
    So you're saying it is race, but not because of racism, but because of genetics? If it's genetics then how does it explain the successful blacks like your president among countless others?

    Aw yes, our president, Mr Obama.

    People tend to forget he is not full black, he is not black black, the man had a white mother, and had white grandparents who helped him excel in his studies. His African father left him when he was 2 years old and never came back. Everything he learned came from his white family, he was raised white, therefore him being successful and becoming president

    If he would've had a black mother then the outcome would've been quite different, I can reassure you

    I don't want to be viewed as a racist but rather a realist who takes factors into account, it's the sad truth

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  • PowerGamerX
    Oct 12, 02:02 PM
    I use one with my MacBook Pro, I just feel it is cleaner and easier to use than a mouse and more convenient than the MacBook's (when at a desk).

    Huh, easier is usually the word I'd never think I'd hear when a trackpad is compared to a mouse. I may have to play with one...

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  • aaronsullivan
    May 4, 10:24 PM
    No-glasses 3D on a screen that large could be very impressive. Would be a strong reason to get movies just for the iPad. Of course, only one person can look at it at a time and you'd have to be in the sweet spot.

    I'd rather have retina display if a choice had to be made.

    I'd also imagine it in the iPhone/Touch first, anyway, with 3D pictures and video. Could be a strong selling point.

    The point about smudges on a touch screen is valid. Also, your hand interupting the plane would be distracting, but that could be handled by keeping most of the 3D going into the screen, not coming out (like most 3DS games).

    P.S. If you can't see the 3D on a Nintendo 3DS with the slider turned on, you were either far from the sweet spot and didn't try to look at it for more than 1-2 seconds, or you simply can't see 3-dimensions in everyday life either. There are some who can't. I find the effect to be very cool, I just don't enjoy playing with cramped hands on tiny buttons with an unforgiving viewing angle and low resolution screens... painful too because I LOVE the Nintendo franchises -- wait what forum is this?

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  • Deputy-Dawg
    Aug 24, 08:15 PM
    I'm not bothered as long as i get mine..........

    But you sure would be bothered if some one got yours and you didn't get one! Probably could hear you scream in Hong Kong without an amplifier.:mad:

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  • Chef Medeski
    Sep 6, 09:06 AM
    Forgive me if this isn't new, but I just noticed that you can order the BT keyboard and mighty mouse as a package for $60 ($54 edu discount). Given that the BT MM alone is $69, this is a great deal.
    So, does anyone want to buy this option with their mac and I'll pay the $60 for both of them. Ok... $70 for your time and shipping. ;)

    something[/i], right? ;) :D As it stands now, since Merom is technically the "mobile chip", Apple has 5 mobile solutions (2 mobile MB/MBPs, 3 not-so-mobile iMacs) and a workstation solution (Mac Pro), so where is the desktop solution? :p :cool:

    Well, lets see where would they put it? Between Mac Mini and iMac.... you know in that $200 difference. Or maybe between iMac and Pro Mac.... in that what $300 difference. It seems like the Mac Mini bump and iMac expansion have left no room in the line-up for another Mac. Even with conroes... all speeds, sizes, prices are covered. There isn't room for a Conroe Mac. Period.

    They probably aren't even going to use Conroe chips because I bet its a lot more work to redesign the iMac to use Conroe and then set up another supply chain just for Conroe chips when they could just use Merom and Woodcrest solely, it seems to fulfill their line-up well and makes it simpler for logistics.

    I bet you a BT Might Mouse we won't see a Conroe Mac in the next 4 months.

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  • quagmire
    Mar 10, 09:18 PM
    I like how Thomas V and Quagmire did theirs ... IMO reasonable

    Seeing how I have a $97 billion surplus, I would go back and bring education back up and maybe increase it a bit.

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  • PlipPlop
    Apr 14, 10:46 AM
    I agree and disagree. It's more than just the cool factor. But that is a big part. Consumers also know that a Apple product is more reliable, better supported and overall less headache than a PC.

    So basically, there is a reality to the marketing hype.

    Im not sure about the reliability, Apple products have taken a massive down turn in reliability. My old G4 is going strong but everyone I know who has a Mac Book has had to have them repaired by Apple stores. Seems like the dvd drives on them break quite a lot.

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  • NAG
    Apr 14, 10:19 AM
    Just going to put this right here:

    "What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders" -Michael Dell

    I do love that quote. Of all the Winbox makers Dell seems to be the one with the bleakest future. I'm hoping HP can do something with Palm and not waste an opportunity to increase diversity in the market. But this is HP, they seem more interested in making printers (which are still a pain to set up) than innovating in the computer market. (I'd love it if they'd innovate in the printer market and make a network printer that isn't a complete pain.)

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 09:47 PM
    It is true that Apple does use the same parts (e.g. RAM, etc) as other PC manufactures but Apple does design the layout of their own logic boards and another manufacturer assembles it. Apple does not use off the shelf logic boards, batteries, casings, keyboards and mice. Not too mention the A4 and A5 processor are custom built for Apple only.

    You are so fixated in your assesment about Apple not using "the best parts" or not "building the best quality computers". Is your reason for being here to set everyone straight? Does it bother you that a community of people believe that what they own is the best? Be honest now.

    I come to these forums because I am a Mac enthusiast. I don't go onto the Windows or Android forums and try to shove down peoples throats what I think about Windows or Android. That's not cool and neither is someone coming onto these forums and thinking they are going to set these people straight because you believe they are wrong.

    I speak with facts. Hardware is facts. Software is opinions.

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  • rockthecasbah
    Jul 22, 09:23 PM
    meh i don't fancy eBooks, give me a plain ol' paperback or hard cover anyday, even if it is a bit larger :p

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  • John Jacob
    Sep 6, 08:18 AM
    Conroe or Merom? I can't find that on the Apple webpage... :confused:

    EDIT: And the 24-incher still has the chin... I was hoping for a sleeker chinless model (not that I am buying one anyways - can't afford it right now) :(

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  • Rychy
    Mar 21, 02:19 PM
    lol. Love it!

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  • bdkennedy1
    Jan 11, 05:16 PM
    I think it's a computer that will fit inside your home and possibly carry around with you (There's something in the Air), that can use your modem's telephone line to connect to the WWW and display text and graphics.

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  • Yvan256
    Sep 6, 09:31 AM
    Is it just me, or a 24" iMac would've been nice to show on stage with whatever that "Showtime" thing might be? That would, at least, have made some sense to at least start by showing that.

    Which means the september 12th presentation must be really packed with new stuff if they couldn't even announce the 24" iMac at that event. They've also bumped the CPUs on the Mac mini today, so that makes two updates on the same day too.

    It's also weird to see new releases on a wednesday...

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  • Constable Odo
    Apr 17, 12:23 PM
    Yep, get the kiddies hooked on iDevices early. Apple everything, paint their rooms white and let the mind control begin :)

    My sentiments exactly. Get them while they're still in diapers, if possible. It worked to convert the Microsoft Wintard generation many years ago. Microsoft totally indoctrinated millions of unsuspecting consumers and turned them into Wintard drones. Now they're trapped by their own myopic vision of the future and refuse let go of the ancient Windows platform when a new order is upon them. That's why those friggin' brainwashed IT managers are nothing but Windows lapdogs and never want to let new technology into corporations. Thank heavens Apple is doing an end run around them by going above and below their narrow-minded Windows ways. I can't wait to see Microsoft's next earnings report reflecting Windows license sales tapering off. It's time for Microsux Windblows to get some post-PC era payback.

    Apr 7, 03:25 PM
    The secular bible might come off as a silly idea. But i've often pondered what i will tell my kids when the day comes and they ask "some people in my class are christian and some are jewish, what are we?" Kids hate feeling excluded, so i feel like saying we don't have a religion wouldnt go over well because they really don't understand what it means.

    Jun 28, 03:31 PM
    Hey guys, I've created a website called pleasesteve .co.uk for everyone to be able to submit their ideas on what the next line up of apple products needs. People with more tech knowledge can also comment and clear up any reasoning for why Apple may not implement some of the suggestions too. Please check it out and tell me how to improve as its gonna grow slowly.


    Nov 7, 02:34 PM
    eg. 24" iMac: Did anyone really believe that that one would become a reality? (don't answer that...it is a redundant question).

    You mean rhetorical, as opposed to redundant?

    If you're gonna try to use big words, at least act like you know what they mean.

    Sep 13, 09:27 AM
    New Nanos are available at the 5th Ave. store in New York. I picked up the black 8GB this morning. Also, they are giving the educational discount on them. Perhaps they only disabled it online.

    The Apple Store at Arden Fair in Sacramento, CA is supposed to start selling all the new iPod models today. If I had the money I'll spring for a 4 GB Silver nano. :D

    Nov 1, 12:08 PM
    Your experience is clearly not representative. My family and I have had 9 Macs, and no hardware problems ever. And large surveys, including those by PC Magazine and Consumer Reports, have shown that Apple desktops require significantly fewer repairs than any other brand out there.

    Either you are trolling, or you are the most unlucky Mac user I have ever heard of...

    Maybe your experience is not representative? Hmm?

    My MacBook has had the RSS issue, as well as the mushy crap trackpad button.
    My 1st gen iPod had the battery issue.
    My girlfriend's iBook (which I had bought for her) had the "infamous" logic board issue - which because it manifested itself right after the extended warranty period, bricked her laptop. She's lucky she managed to get a hand-me down laptop replacement from work.
    My friend's MacBook (bought a month ago) also had the RSS issue, which he had sent in for repair, and which seems to have been fixed.
    Another friend has had to replace her 5G video ipod TWICE; she's on her third.

    So maybe me and my friends are unlucky too, eh? :rolleyes: