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Saturday, May 21, 2011

heidi montag plastic surgery scars

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  • fussball
    Nov 8, 08:40 AM
    Someday, I hope, Apple will release another 12" laptop- prefereably an MBP. I don't think I will buy another computer until then- I love my 1.33 12" PB!

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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 11, 09:29 AM
    It matters, because it proves "pirates" are not a big problem for Adobe.

    Whatever you say...

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  • portishead
    Apr 13, 03:56 PM
    If it's shipping in June, even June 30, how can it not be near final form? I mean when a developer tells me s/w is "nowhere near final form" I'm thinking early beta at best. But 2.5 months from release (assume June 30) shouldn't it be in the bug testing phases and everything else locked up?

    Because the version that was showed last night isn't even the most up-to-date. It has been said that they have already re-worked a lot of things that aren't in the latest version. That was probably just a stable version they got out the door for a preview.

    I don't know how much they're going to fit in the next few months, but we'll see.

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  • jamesryanbell
    Nov 2, 08:27 PM
    It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of the technology personally. It's FACTUALLY an integrated part of the web these days. It needs support on iPhone. Period.

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  • nemaslov
    Oct 16, 06:00 PM
    come on, I said I was 5 :rolleyes:


    Yeah and Look what that Tie that Yellow Ribbon started.....:D

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  • El Georgino
    Mar 25, 05:04 PM
    How long is it taking for y'alls ipads to update? The bar on the ipad has been stuck very close to the end for the past hour?! This is my second attempt to update to 4.3.1 and still gets stuck at the same spot?!! I would let it go but my ipad restored completely and is now making me update to the new ios. Weird?

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  • NYR99
    Oct 11, 10:45 PM
    While everyone's setup is very nice, I just can't stand all those wires! I just redid my whole setup with a new desk and everything, and spent like 6 hours hiding all the wires the best I could. Tomorrow I will take some pictures.

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  • tzeshan
    Apr 2, 07:51 PM
    Wait, Sony? Not known for providing sensors to other companies? Are you guys joking?

    Nikon, Pentax, Olympus, Sigma, Casio and a whole lot more uses Sony sensors..

    Those are CCD sensors not CMOS image sensors.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 18, 08:09 AM
    Glad to see more retailers get the iPad 2 in stock...that said, I wish Apple would take shipping times down for the good folks who have been waiting for several weeks

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  • BenRoethig
    Sep 6, 09:10 AM
    this 7300 GT...is this a mobile chip that we might possibly see in the mbp?

    Nope, desktop chip.

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  • wizard
    Nov 7, 02:24 AM
    Actually a super light notebook without an optical drive is exactly what I'm looking for! Remove that device and Apple should be able to provide a super thin machine with a relatively large & wide screen. Going a bit further they could put most of OS/X on Flash or EPROM of some sort with a small 1.8 inch drive for user data. It should be fairly easy to accomplish this under two pounds, though I would go heavier if the screen could be made 15" wide.

    I'm motivated by the One Laptop per Child program. Not that I like the program but some of the concepts embodied in the laptop are very compelling. First; the laptops are solid state so no heavy fragile optical drive t worry about. Second; the idea of pervasive use of networking and the related concepts really need to be explored in a main stream OS. MacOS/X is a good platform for systems reliant upon networking. Third; a rugged machine, something the MacBooks use to accel at.

    The reality is if you really need a Optical drive, that need can be easily taken care of with a USB device. When needed, it isn't something to carry around with your self constantly.

    It should be reasonable to get the thickness of the machine down to about 3/4". This without an optical drive and at least part of the OS stored to Flash. The biggest items you will end up with are the processor cooling hardware and a magnetic drive for frequently accessed or user data.

    Now I don't see Apple delivering this at this moment in time. It is pretty obvious that the current stock of MacBooks need a refresh. When they come though what will they be called, if they are significantly thinner they are no longer Books. Maybe the arrangement will be a folding tablet.


    Apple will never make a laptop that is that size because it would mean that they would have to take out the optical drive and make the computer ultimately worthless without a docking station. Apple will never make a computer that isn't fully capable from the start.

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  • iGary
    Aug 24, 05:15 PM
    I'm pretty surprised by coverage of these stories so far.

    It's basically

    Exploding DELL & APPLE batteries, manufactured by sony.

    It really should be

    SONY, who can't even build batteries worth a **** anymore let alone anything else, has screwed the pooch for Dell and Apple.

    Well Apple certainly got more sensational coverage over their recall. Hence the Apple haters in my life barraging me with BS. :rolleyes:

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  • NYY FaN
    Oct 15, 05:06 PM
    On the last page of Part 12 I posted a setup that is located in my home office (mainly used by my wife). Different room.

    I decided to update my own office (kind of) with a brand spanking new iMac which is replacing my late 2009 Macbook Pro.

    Old Specs Macbook Pro 17":
    2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
    4GB RAM
    500GB + 80GB SSD ( took it out before selling)
    Nvidia 9400M + 9600M

    New Specs iMac:
    2.93Ghz i7
    8GB RAM
    1TB Hard Drive + (still want my 80GB SSD inside this baby, but difficult to do so!)
    ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB

    So far, so good.

    The speakers are also still there, but these are not shown in the picture.

    This is an old/new comparison.

    Mind the quality, but my iPhone 4 broke (will be replaced) on me so I used an old iPhone first generation.

    I kept the iPad 64Gb Wifi.

    Feedback is always welcome. :D

    Just curious.. why would you put the iMac inside the window and block it entirely? Seems a bit odd

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  • ericdano
    Oct 15, 11:59 PM
    Steve is smooth, and he gets the point.

    There is nothing more to ruin the moment, whether it be with a pretty girl, or with someone you are having a friendly convesation with, than to start fumbling with MENUS. The spontanity is lost once 2 people need to remove their Zunes from their pockets, go through a few menus, and then send a song over wireless. THEN listen to it. ALONE.

    Wireless will come on iPod when its good and ready. It isnt right now.

    motulist: you are right on cue. You just described what will be the real Zune experience.

    Actually, the whole thing kind of reminds me of the whole internet thing where we had that Push technology. What was that stupid application that Windows users ran?


    Anyhow, Zune is like that. You have to push it to someone. The better idea would be to have people be able to "open up" their Zunes (or iPods), and people could look around on their Zune (or iPod) and see what people are listening to around them. And if they like it, then grab it and let them play it for X amount of times or days. More of a PULL technology.

    Still, just sharing earbuds is more social, but if you had broadcasting on an iPod or Zune, that would make more sense, at least to me....

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  • RawBert
    Apr 14, 12:01 PM
    I'll call BS on that.
    Apple does not design their own batteries. The casing perhaps, but not the core.
    They spec them to a vendor. Then vendor does the actual design work.

    Pretty cool video here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFj9vbYedwc&feature=player_embedded#at=13) showing the design and manufacturing of the 17" MacBook Pro battery.

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  • whenpaulsparks
    Oct 26, 06:11 PM
    well, let's see if it stays on long enough to apply the update.


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  • decksnap
    Sep 12, 05:27 PM
    WTF have they done?? I think I'm going to overwrite the new control buttons with the old ones.

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  • skunk
    Apr 13, 07:17 PM
    Skunk, all that you have presented above is one interpretation based on things we know about the history of the Canaanite people. This proposition posits that the history the Bible describes is not factually based, but a reinterpretation.What I have presented above are acknowledged facts and clear inferences which are drawn from the text of the Old Testament itself. Each one of those at the very least brings into question how the religious beliefs of the Hebrews as a whole differed from those of their polytheistic contemporaries, especially in the period before 580BCE. Abraham may have made a covenant, but it was not with Jehovah, it was with El. It says so in the bible. So much of the mythology, Noah/Utnapishtim, etc., is taken directly from other sources that it really beggars belief to treat the story of the Hebrew god(s) as anything other than a continuation of previous beliefs and story-cycles.

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  • georgi0
    Sep 22, 01:29 PM
    ok we can all say F walmart for this F walmart for that, but the fact is that most of the studios (the big ones that matter) wont sign anything with apple.

    Nov 12, 03:58 PM
    BTW - The people saying he did a second rate job or is a crappy developer, obviously are not familiar with iPhone development or the code that he created. The Three20 project was very good. I understand his frustration and am not surprised by his decision.

    Apr 15, 09:27 AM
    Wow, we went a whole hour without this old one popping up again. I feel embarrassed for you.

    I don't know, to me Final Cut Suite was always a steal. The 'revolution' started over 10 years ago. Unfortunately, broadcasters still require HDCAM/SR deliveries so rentals aren't necessarily a thing of the past yet. I can't wait for the day we can just deliver a quicktime file.

    It�s nearer than you think, at least here. We were allowed to deliver 7*30min episodes as ProRes files on a hard drive to the main broadcaster here (NRK1 HD, the BBC equivalent) in Norway in January.
    First they wanted HDCAM, but we argued that we would just lose a couple of generations this way. We had used quite a bit of Gopro and CAnon 5D footage and we didn�t want that to go through too many unnecessary convertions.
    They agreed

    Mar 14, 02:38 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5051/5524388909_ca20c8e0a2_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/arrington_aka_photography/5524388909/)
    Mere (http://www.flickr.com/photos/arrington_aka_photography/5524388909/) by A.Arrington (http://www.flickr.com/people/arrington_aka_photography/), on Flickr

    Mar 18, 02:27 PM
    Those are some funny ass comments. But like skip2 said, nothing has changed. Haters always bash every new Apple product.

    iPod FTW!

    Mar 29, 02:32 PM
    Got to Oakland Radio Shack 15 minutes after opening. They had just sold out and I was #1 on the waiting list. At least they said they would call me as soon as the model I wanted was back in stock and would hold it for me.