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Saturday, May 21, 2011

3d Glasses Images Online

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  • logandzwon
    Mar 30, 01:36 PM
    Yes, you know what an "app store" means if you know what an "app" means.

    Does an "app" mean an Apple program?

    It's doesn't matter what MS calls it. There's a class of programs everywhere called "applications". There's no other name for it.

    Applications are a strict subset of programs.

    So, here is an interesting argument, as app is short for Applications, and Applications are a strict subset of programs, doesn't the App Store technically sell Programs, not Apps? Thus, the term is no generic at all. "Program Store" would the generic term. It's the same as a club called "Liqueur Store" (which is TMed.)

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  • ccrandall77
    Sep 26, 10:48 AM
    Cingular is by far the worst cell carrier in terms of customer service and I will never go back to them (nor will they have me back, I suspect). If true, it's too bad Apple decided to go this route instead of just providing a selection of phone types like Palm with the Treo. With the Treo, you can get a Sprint, Verizon, Cingular or unlocked phone so everyone who wants one can have it.

    The worst part about this being for Cingular is that they will NEVER let you unlock the phone and who knows if Apple will do it for you (I HIGHLY doubt it). I tried and they gave me the run around about not unlocking the phone because it could allow malware from other phone networks to get on their phones. That's a load of BS.

    This really stinks since I'm tired of having a huge Treo, eventhough it's a great phone, and smaller phones just don't have the features. I was hoping that Apple's offering would be the perfect compromise. I guess instead of getting our underware in a bundle, we might as well sit back and wait until the iPhone is release... if it's ever released.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 17, 01:06 AM
    why would I want to pay someone $17 an hour to a job a monkey is almost qualified to do? Sounds like an opportunity to hire less people, or jack my prices up. A job is worth simply what a job is worth. Period. If I'm trying to offer services at competitive prices, and someone is willing to bag groceries for $3 an hour, then they should be ALLOWED to. Rather than me just choose to hire nobody and using automated checkouts.

    What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.

    Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.

    Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.

    Overall result: More buying power, lower unemployment, more substantial and efficient charity, more innovation.

    OR we can take away every incentive to be productive (France) and have a GDP smaller than the interest payments on the national debt (France in 2020)

    I'd say since the high point of post WWII, we as a society in the U.S. have done our best to eradicate The New Deal and move back to reaching for magnificant wealth while screwing each other over.?

    really? we've been getting LESS progressive since the new deal? I was under the impression that our government is GIGANTIC and tries to babysit us at every turn while simultaneously urinating on the constitution

    No kidding right?

    My buddy and I went boarding 2 days ago and he dislocated his finger (looked bad as it was all bent funny)

    Anyways, took him to the clinic and was charged 1300 bucks to put it back into place and he doesnt have health insurance

    Heaven forbid one needs surgery or broke a leg or anything more than dislocating a finger....would need a few million stashed away

    Or perhaps a steady job mingled in with some tort reform, or a private charity willing to foot the bill if he were unemployed.

    However, I don't know if boarding is the best option when you're unemployed

    The more paranoid might suggest that oil companies are collaborating with auto makers and the government to keep efficiency as low as they can get away with. Remember, the record for fuel economy was set in the mid 70s in a slightly modified Opel: something like 237 miles on a gallon (US) of gasoline. Highly idealized conditions no doubt, but my goodness, the average automobile today should be at least a third of the way there.

    US government regulations for increasing gas efficiency has resulted in car companies making vehicles lighter at rate beyond evolving the technology to maintain safety, which has resulted in an average of 10,000 avoidable deaths per year since the early 70's

    But hey, maybe that fraction of environmental impact we have that's causing that fraction of a global degree change might have been marginally altered. Maybe. And it's only cost us ~300,000 lives so far. Thank you government! Just tack that onto the millions you killed by restricting DDT use, and you can further brag about your death toll

    What is this supposed to show? That US corporations are more profitable? Is that a good thing? For whom?

    Stock owners in these companies. Which are made up of middle class citizens

    Ridiculous? Not quite, from the parent's perspective.

    In Canada we have 12 months maternity leave, which can be taken by either spouse, or split, 6 months/6 months.

    Yeah man, one of my biggest incentives to put my money on the line and open a small business is that I have the opportunity to pay someone to not work for a year.

    Or maybe in that transaction I'll get to use the government as a middle man via taxes, and I'll end up spending %30 more in order to maintain its inefficiency

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  • zwida
    Sep 10, 05:44 PM
    Then I'll be right back here complaining about how 8 cores isn't enough either.

    I'm with you there. Although I don't do video compression but Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign work, I'm sure Adobe will manage to deliver a version of CS3 that still feels sluggish under 8 cores.

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  • dvdhsu
    Nov 17, 06:27 PM


    To quote:
    "Good question raised by Guy English: Why is it OK for the new Star Wars: Trench Run iPhone game to include this image of an iPhone, when many other apps, like for example Instapaper, have been rejected for including original icon artwork that merely resembles an iPhone?"

    Boom. So what now apologists?


    Because the iPhone doesn't have a copyright.

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  • jamesi
    Oct 12, 06:55 PM
    im so tired about apple having partnerships with groups i dont like. to each his own but why does U2 have to keep pushing their own ipod, i thought the last one sucked. give me a band i actually like

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 4, 11:53 AM
    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    What would you do if someone was shooting at you?

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  • twlott
    Mar 29, 02:56 PM
    Microsoft partnered with Nokia out of desperation. Not because there products are going to be any good.

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  • appleguy
    Sep 4, 08:23 PM
    People have said that a media device that will bing the iPod to the home TV.
    but isnt this what the Stereo Connection Kit with Universal Dock and Remote.
    it was the cables to connect your video ipod up to your TV.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 11:28 AM
    Is this a true statement from the OP: "But with new Sandy Bridge processors from Intel sporting improved graphics performance"

    Yes, this generation of Intel IGPs is improved compared to the earlier generation of Intel IGPs.

    That doesn't put it on par with the nVidia 320M though. If Intel had only licensed nVidia to make chipsets, we'd have had something much better than even the 320M to put in the newer TB equipped Macbook Pros and these new Airs. Now we're stuck downgrading the graphics to upgrade the processor.

    I'm glad I bought my 320M equipped model, I'll keep it around for a while it seems.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 17, 04:29 PM
    Are they any good? I've never seen a phone with a good camera, 10MP phone sounds like 10MP of grainy nasty pictures to me.

    I agree. There's no way I would ever want a 10mp camera. I think 5 or 6 tops for me, and that might be pushing it for a normal camera. I like to send a lot of the pictures I take through phone mail, and it just seems a 10mp photo would take a long time to send due the large size of the file. A 1.5mp camera on my cell phone works good for me right now.

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 04:06 PM
    This isn't the content of music on iTunes isn't DRM protected, furthermore I still own the content (even the DRM) as I can do exactly what I want with it. I can back it up, move it between devices, and have absolutely no dependence on sustainable bandwidth, company's servers, and policy changes revolving around the use of the server.

    As for your netflix comment, there have been plenty of times that Netflix has removed content from their servers that was previously available, if I actually own the content I don't even have to worry about the company removing availability of item <x>.

    Streaming content is inferior to downloaded content, it depends on a reliable connection, it depends on your bandwidth not being capped or being regulated to a lower setting because you went over (it'd be pretty easy to stream videos and go over your limit especially in HD).

    With the recent iPhone privacy fiasco, APPLE would be the LAST company on earth that I would want to depend on.

    As a backup option I think its great, as a primary service that eliminates the concept of downloading and owning your content, its complete bull. I'm not paying money for content that essentially stays in someone else's computer that they could do what they want with it at ANY time. Forget it.

    speed, quality and reliability through internet connections is absolutely INFERIOR than when it is run from a hard drive (avg transfer for a hard drive in 2007 was 1030 MBits (128MB/sec) or flash memory (even the lowest class runs at 2MB/sec, which is more than most people can get in their internet connection).

    If it goes further to where computers start using cloud services just to run and store their computer it becomes a) a privacy issue, b) a security issue. People like their privacy and like to own stuff they pay for.
    who is to say you can't do the same with the cloud service? why can't you download ur music from the cloud to your computer?

    Why is it now OK to be a backup service? they are still going to have your data....why does it matter if it's your primary version or a backup?

    There is a reason why this has come about. if it was so stupid it wouldn't be happening. People can be really weird about "owning" things. I have friends who collect thousands of dvds. wow, to view 1-2 times. what a waste.

    I guess the music and documents i have in idisk i don't own either right?

    I was referring to netflix bc the content one may like is there. maybe not all of it, but with the apple option on the cloud you'd have that option to load what you want to listen to.....aka you would choose the playlist.

    If netflix had that option for movies. Why would you spend thousands of dollars buying dvds when you can have it at a subscription price in the cloud?

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  • Mal
    Apr 4, 12:29 PM
    Interesting how a security guard is allowed to have a gun. Interesting to see what happens to him.

    Why shouldn't he be allowed to carry a gun? If you're supposed to be guarding something and those you're guarding against are statistically likely to be carrying weapons, then you should definitely be carrying yourself, for your own personal protection if nothing else.

    Also, to everyone saying he should have just wounded the man: If I ever fire a weapon at someone (and I hope I never have to), I will only do so if I am willing to kill them. There is no such thing as "shoot to wound", because no one is a good enough shot at range with a handgun to insure they will only wound and not kill. You aim for the largest target, which is center of mass, and you only fire if you're willing to kill the person you're firing at. That doesn't mean you would prefer if they didn't die, because the loss of any life is a sad event, even scum like this, but you don't try to do that. Especially in the heat of the moment as you're being shot at.


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  • DaveK
    Sep 13, 11:17 PM
    I'm hoping for something a little more than a slicker LG Chocolate that syncs with iLife.

    Hs anyone seen the Synaptics Onyx? It's only a prototype, or is it?


    Now this seems like the iPhone to me. I want an easily cleanable, hard to scratch touch screen, impeccable voice recognition, an onscreen clickwheel, and great text to speech, ala Alex from the Leopard demo to read me my e-mail while I'm driving to work, and iChat. Not asking for much am I?

    I am also waiting for the day when Steve, while showing a new portable product, has the battery die on him. He plugs in the charger and makes the usual sheepish excuses about how this wasn't supposed to happen and stalls for about a minute to explain some of the other new features. He then picks up the unit and announces that while he was talking the unit has 80% of it's charge due to a new battery they are introducing today.

    It's the Toshiba "Super Charge Battery"

    Now if they can only make the batteries not ignite. Shoot, I seem to have misplaced my Flying Car keys.

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  • wnurse
    Sep 18, 01:55 PM
    Are they any good? I've never seen a phone with a good camera, 10MP phone sounds like 10MP of grainy nasty pictures to me.

    By definition, 10MP phone cannot be as grainy as a 3MP phone. You do realize when someone says 10MegaPixel phone what they mean right?.
    10 million pixels per square inch (before the tech police come out, this is a basic definition. I am aware an image does not have to be a square).

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  • cyclone84
    Sep 15, 11:52 PM
    Good god, calm down until this thing is actually released. What is the point of getting so hyped up over this RUMOR (which is all it is at this point)?

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  • Josias
    Sep 5, 01:46 PM
    Extreme! I really hope for hi-quality movies, and not just 640x480. A new line-up would be nice too. :D

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  • Wolfpup
    Jan 13, 01:11 PM
    Explain how to set UAC up correctly to eliminate that issue with online games?

    There's nothing to set up. You should increase the setting to maximum when you first install Windows 7, but other than that it has nothing to do with playing games online.

    Because the cumulative vulnerabilities of third party software such as Flash, Java, and etc included by default in Mac OS X inflate the count for Apple. Vulnerabilities are attributed to the vendor if included by default. Most of these third party softwares have worse security in Windows.

    Flash, Adobe, Java, etc. all have virtually identical issues under all three OSes. It's rare you see something that only affects one, unless it's a significantly different program.

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  • taxiapple
    Apr 4, 12:08 PM
    It is not like a mall rent a cop went up and shot the suspect in the head.

    Two of them were armed and 40 shots were exchanged.

    one bad guy is dead and two were captured.

    Apr 30, 08:06 PM
    not as cpu/gpu demanding

    Compared to what?

    Its MUCH more "cpu/gpu" demanding than say

    Apr 11, 04:31 AM
    Is anyone here educated enough to explain to me how to compile and run this thing?

    I can't find a way to install avahi. Tried installing it via fink - no luck.
    MacPorts requires xcode, but I don't really want to install xcode. takes up a lot of space.
    Even though I know some things I'd still prefer if someone would make a step-by-step how-to for me.

    Thank you in advance.

    Oct 12, 04:35 PM
    This will probably go over like a lead balloon, but there is something to be said for natural selection. NOW BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING, hear me out...

    AIDS is an awful thing, especially to the proportions it has affected the people of Africa. But there is also a reason AIDS has taken over there the way it is, and it's only partially to do with poverty. AIDS has exploded in that population, because it is a population that is extremely traditional, rudimentary, and in many ways archaic. There are many wonderful things about the African people, but there were also many wonderful things about the Dinosaurs, the Dodo bird, and numerous others.

    Please don't take this to mean I'm equating the people of Africa with wild animals. I'm not. But in many ways, the people of Africa are in the situation they are in because they have not evolved the same way as most of the world, and in that respect, they are paying a price. Yes, it is our responsibility as human beings to try and help people in need, and that is a wonderful thing. But at the end of the day, if we did nothing, there would still be a small percentage of African people who will survive this epidemic, and they will be more educated and elightened than the ones who do not.

    Much in the way that forest fires, although terrible in some respects, are essential to the rejuvenation of the population and ecosystem in that area, so too are epidemics and catastrophes. And this not a bash-on-Africa comment... the Black Plague was the same idea. Too many people, living in too close quarters, with too little regard for health or wellbeing. Millions died, but many survived, and the ones that did were smarter and wiser for it.

    The people of Africa are not necessarily as helpless as the may seem from the outside. They just have a different culture and mindset than Western people do. Right or wrong is not for us to decide, but adapting to nature is part of life on Earth... and sometimes that means that large numbers of people or animals die, needlessly or otherwise. Just my two cents.

    Dude... That has to be the most racist thing I have ever read! :eek:

    Evolved???? And comparing humans to natural selection of animals????

    Sep 14, 11:32 AM
    Maybe they are revealing the new iPew so that we can plug in while saying our iPenance. Apple is reaching out to the neoconservative right with their podcasts from God. New Market....We've got a new market here....;) :D :D

    "Father bless me for I have iSinned. I will say my iRosary while it plays all my podcasts from iGod." ;) :rolleyes:


    Haha, now you're going to have me thinking about this while I am in mass next Sunday. :p

    Sep 17, 12:52 AM
    When will the iPhone rumors end? Can't you people see it won't happen?